RobWorkProject  24.12.4-
rwlibs Namespace Reference

Extension libraries for RobWork. More...


 Various algorithms.
 Assembly strategies and task & result formats for assembly operations.
 Dynamic library loading.
 Custom geometry implementations.
 A Lua interface to RobWork.
 Implementation of the Wolfram Symbolic Transfer Protocol (WSTP) to allow communication with Mathematica.
 OpenGL drawing of workcells and geometries.
 A collection of OS specific include configurations.
 A collection of pathoptimization algorihms.
 Path planners.
 Proximity strategies.
 Simulation of cameras and other I/O units.
 Simulation of beam models and other soft bodies.
 Define helper functions and all the classes that are being wrapped by SWIG. The wrapped classes are defined as typedefs of other classes in RobWork.

Detailed Description

Extension libraries for RobWork.

Classes in this group can have specific dependencies on external libraries.