sdurw_sensor module

class sdurw_sensor.Camera(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.Sensor

The Camera class defines a generel interface to a camera. A great deal of the interface resembles the DCAM standard since DCAM allready defines a very wide interface.

typical usage: Camera c; // setup camera features modes and so on c.initialize(); c.start(); // acquire images c.stop();

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

aquires an image from the camera. This method is not blocking. Use isImageReady to poll for completion of acquire.


adds a CameraListener to this camera :type listener: CameraListener :param listener: [in] the CameraListener that is to be added :rtype: boolean :return: true if listener was added succesfully, false otherwise


returns the framerate that this camera is setup with :rtype: float :return: the framerate in frames per second


Get actual gain value. Note: If gain is not available then a dummy implementation

returning -1 is used and an error message is produced. :rtype: float :return: Gain value.


get width of the captured images :rtype: int :return: width


returns the last image acquired from the camera. This method is not blocking, if no image has been acquired yet an empty image is returned. The image returned can for some specific drivers be read only. :rtype: Image :return: last image captured from camera.


returns the camera model information (version, type, size, etc.) :rtype: string :return: camera model information


Get actual shutter value. Note: If shutter is not available then a dummy implementation will throw an error message. :rtype: float :return: shutter value in micro-seconds.


gets the shutter bounds. Note: If shutter is not available then a dummy implementation will throw an error message. :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: first value is the min bound and second value is the max bound


get width of the captured images :rtype: int :return: width


initializes the camera to the current settings (CaptureMode,ColorMode,etc.) :rtype: boolean :return: true if initialization is succesfully, false otherwise.


Check if gain is available. :rtype: boolean :return: True if zoom is available


tests whether a image has been acquired :rtype: boolean :return: true if an image has been acquired, false otherwise.


returns whether this camera is initialized or not. :rtype: boolean :return: true if intialized, false otherwise


Check if shutter is available. :rtype: boolean :return: True if shutter is available


returns whether this camera is started or not. :rtype: boolean :return: true if started, false otherwise


removes a CameraListener from this cameras listener list. :type listener: CameraListener :param listener: [in] the listener that is to be removed :rtype: boolean :return: true if listener was removed succesfully, false otherwise.


sets the framerate of this camera. If the framerate is not supported the closest supported framerate is choosen. :type framerate: float :param framerate: [in] the framerate

Set gain value. If the given value is not possible the nearest

value are choosen. Note: If gain is not available then a dummy implementation returning -1 is used and an error message is produced. :type Value: float :param Value: New gain value. :rtype: float :return: New nearest gain value.


Set shutter value. If the given value is not possible the nearest value are choosen. Note: If shutter is not available then a dummy implementation will throw an error message. :type Value: float :param Value: New shutter value.


starts this camera, if the camera has not been initialized the initialize function will be called. :rtype: boolean :return: true if camera was successfully started, false



stops this camera. When the camera is stopped it can be reinitialized using initialize()

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.CameraCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


Get actual gain value. Note: If gain is not available then a dummy implementation

returning -1 is used and an error message is produced. :rtype: float :return: Gain value.


returns the camera model information (version, type, size, etc.) :rtype: string :return: camera model information


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


Get actual shutter value. Note: If shutter is not available then a dummy implementation will throw an error message. :rtype: float :return: shutter value in micro-seconds.


gets the shutter bounds. Note: If shutter is not available then a dummy implementation will throw an error message. :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: first value is the min bound and second value is the max bound


Check if gain is available. :rtype: boolean :return: True if zoom is available


returns whether this camera is initialized or not. :rtype: boolean :return: true if intialized, false otherwise


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Check if shutter is available. :rtype: boolean :return: True if shutter is available


returns whether this camera is started or not. :rtype: boolean :return: true if started, false otherwise

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.CameraFirewire(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.Camera

The Camera class defines a generel interface to a camera. A great deal of the interface resembles the DCAM standard since DCAM allready defines a very wide interface.

typical usage: Camera c; // setup camera features modes and so on c.initialize(); c.start(); // acquire images c.stop();

F7MODE0 = 0
F7MODE1 = 1
F7MODE2 = 2
F7MODE3 = 3
F7MODE4 = 4
F7MODE5 = 5
F7MODE6 = 6
F7MODE7 = 7
GAIN = 2
HUE = 5
IRIS = 4
M1024x768 = 4
M1280x960 = 5
M1600x1200 = 6
M160x120 = 0
M320x240 = 1
M640x480 = 2
M800x600 = 3
MODE0 = 0
MODE1 = 1
MODE14 = 6
MODE15 = 7
MODE2 = 2
MODE3 = 3
MODE4 = 4
MODE5 = 5
MONO16 = 5
MONO16S = 7
MONO8 = 0
RAW16 = 10
RAW8 = 9
RGB16 = 6
RGB16S = 8
RGB24 = 11
RGB8 = 4
YUV411 = 1
YUV422 = 2
YUV444 = 3
ZOOM = 1
__init__(*args, **kwargs)

returns the CaptureMode of this camera :rtype: int :return: the camera capturemode


returns the capture policy of this camera. :rtype: int :return: capture policy of the camera


returns the CaptureMode of this camera :rtype: int :return: the camera capturemode


returns the errorcode of the latest error. If no error has occured then SUCCES is returned. :rtype: int :return: the error code


returns the value of the specified camera setting. If the camera is not initialized or the setting is unsupported -1 is returned. :type setting: int :param setting: [in] the CameraFeature :rtype: float :return: value of the setting if setting is supported and camera is

initilized, else -1 is returned.


tests whether this camera is in an error state. :rtype: boolean :return: true if camera is in error state, false otherwise


returns whether the specified camera option is supported by the camera. :type option: int :param option: [in] the specific CameraOption :rtype: boolean :return: true if the option is available, false otherwise.


sets the CaptureMode of this camera. :type mode: int :param mode: [in] the wanted capture mode :rtype: boolean :return: true if CaptureMode was set successfully, false otherwise


sets the capture policy of this camera :type policy: int :param policy: [in] the capture policy :rtype: boolean :return: true if capture policy was set succesfully, false otherwise


sets the CaptureMode of this camera. :type mode: int :param mode: [in] the wanted capture mode :rtype: boolean :return: true if CaptureMode was set successfully, false otherwise

setFeature(setting, value)

sets the value of the specified camera setting. If the camera is not initialized or the setting is unsupported false is returned. :type setting: int :param setting: [in] the CameraFeature :type value: float :param value: [in] the value of the feature :rtype: boolean :return: true if the setting was succesfully changed, false otherwise.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.CameraFirewireCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


Get actual gain value. Note: If gain is not available then a dummy implementation

returning -1 is used and an error message is produced. :rtype: float :return: Gain value.


returns the camera model information (version, type, size, etc.) :rtype: string :return: camera model information


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


Get actual shutter value. Note: If shutter is not available then a dummy implementation will throw an error message. :rtype: float :return: shutter value in micro-seconds.


gets the shutter bounds. Note: If shutter is not available then a dummy implementation will throw an error message. :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: first value is the min bound and second value is the max bound


Check if gain is available. :rtype: boolean :return: True if zoom is available


returns whether this camera is initialized or not. :rtype: boolean :return: true if intialized, false otherwise


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Check if shutter is available. :rtype: boolean :return: True if shutter is available


returns whether this camera is started or not. :rtype: boolean :return: true if started, false otherwise

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.CameraFirewirePtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


aquires an image from the camera. This method is not blocking. Use isImageReady to poll for completion of acquire.


adds a CameraListener to this camera :type listener: CameraListener :param listener: [in] the CameraListener that is to be added :rtype: boolean :return: true if listener was added succesfully, false otherwise


The pointer stored in the object.


returns the CaptureMode of this camera :rtype: int :return: the camera capturemode


returns the capture policy of this camera. :rtype: int :return: capture policy of the camera


returns the CaptureMode of this camera :rtype: int :return: the camera capturemode


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the errorcode of the latest error. If no error has occured then SUCCES is returned. :rtype: int :return: the error code


returns the value of the specified camera setting. If the camera is not initialized or the setting is unsupported -1 is returned. :type setting: int :param setting: [in] the CameraFeature :rtype: float :return: value of the setting if setting is supported and camera is

initilized, else -1 is returned.


returns the framerate that this camera is setup with :rtype: float :return: the framerate in frames per second


Get actual gain value. Note: If gain is not available then a dummy implementation

returning -1 is used and an error message is produced. :rtype: float :return: Gain value.


get width of the captured images :rtype: int :return: width


returns the last image acquired from the camera. This method is not blocking, if no image has been acquired yet an empty image is returned. The image returned can for some specific drivers be read only. :rtype: Image :return: last image captured from camera.


returns the camera model information (version, type, size, etc.) :rtype: string :return: camera model information


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


Get actual shutter value. Note: If shutter is not available then a dummy implementation will throw an error message. :rtype: float :return: shutter value in micro-seconds.


gets the shutter bounds. Note: If shutter is not available then a dummy implementation will throw an error message. :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: first value is the min bound and second value is the max bound


get width of the captured images :rtype: int :return: width


initializes the camera to the current settings (CaptureMode,ColorMode,etc.) :rtype: boolean :return: true if initialization is succesfully, false otherwise.


tests whether this camera is in an error state. :rtype: boolean :return: true if camera is in error state, false otherwise


returns whether the specified camera option is supported by the camera. :type option: int :param option: [in] the specific CameraOption :rtype: boolean :return: true if the option is available, false otherwise.


Check if gain is available. :rtype: boolean :return: True if zoom is available


tests whether a image has been acquired :rtype: boolean :return: true if an image has been acquired, false otherwise.


returns whether this camera is initialized or not. :rtype: boolean :return: true if intialized, false otherwise


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Check if shutter is available. :rtype: boolean :return: True if shutter is available


returns whether this camera is started or not. :rtype: boolean :return: true if started, false otherwise


removes a CameraListener from this cameras listener list. :type listener: CameraListener :param listener: [in] the listener that is to be removed :rtype: boolean :return: true if listener was removed succesfully, false otherwise.


sets the CaptureMode of this camera. :type mode: int :param mode: [in] the wanted capture mode :rtype: boolean :return: true if CaptureMode was set successfully, false otherwise


sets the capture policy of this camera :type policy: int :param policy: [in] the capture policy :rtype: boolean :return: true if capture policy was set succesfully, false otherwise


sets the CaptureMode of this camera. :type mode: int :param mode: [in] the wanted capture mode :rtype: boolean :return: true if CaptureMode was set successfully, false otherwise

setFeature(setting, value)

sets the value of the specified camera setting. If the camera is not initialized or the setting is unsupported false is returned. :type setting: int :param setting: [in] the CameraFeature :type value: float :param value: [in] the value of the feature :rtype: boolean :return: true if the setting was succesfully changed, false otherwise.


sets the framerate of this camera. If the framerate is not supported the closest supported framerate is choosen. :type framerate: float :param framerate: [in] the framerate

Set gain value. If the given value is not possible the nearest

value are choosen. Note: If gain is not available then a dummy implementation returning -1 is used and an error message is produced. :type Value: float :param Value: New gain value. :rtype: float :return: New nearest gain value.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


smodel (rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::SensorModel >) –


Set shutter value. If the given value is not possible the nearest value are choosen. Note: If shutter is not available then a dummy implementation will throw an error message. :type Value: float :param Value: New shutter value.


starts this camera, if the camera has not been initialized the initialize function will be called. :rtype: boolean :return: true if camera was successfully started, false



stops this camera. When the camera is stopped it can be reinitialized using initialize()

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.CameraListener(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

interface used for listening for camera events

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

called when the camera wish to signal a change.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.CameraListenerCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.CameraListenerPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


called when the camera wish to signal a change.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.CameraModel(*args)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.SensorModel

The CameraModel class defines a generel pinhole camera model where camera parameters and state values are stored.


constructor :type projection: ProjectionMatrix :param projection: [in] pinhole projection model :type name: string :param name: [in] name of camera :type frame: rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame > :param frame: [in] frame that camera is attached/referenced to :type modelInfo: string, optional :param modelInfo: [in] text description of the camera


get far clipping plane :rtype: float :return: distance to far clipping plane in meters.


get horisontal field of view. :rtype: float :return: field of view in degrees


get Vertical field of view. :rtype: float :return: field of view in degrees


returns the image if it has been saved in the State. Else null is returned. :type state: State :param state: [in] the state in which the image is taken. :rtype: Ptr :return: last image captured from camera.


get near clipping plane :rtype: float :return: distance to near clipping plane in meters.


get the camera projection matrix

setImage(img, state)

set the image in the state :type img: Ptr :param img: [in] image to set in state :type state: State :param state: [in/out] the state in which to set the image.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.CameraModelCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


get far clipping plane :rtype: float :return: distance to far clipping plane in meters.


get horisontal field of view. :rtype: float :return: field of view in degrees


get Vertical field of view. :rtype: float :return: field of view in degrees


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


get near clipping plane :rtype: float :return: distance to near clipping plane in meters.


get the camera projection matrix


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.CameraModelPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


frame (rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame >) – The frame, which can be NULL


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


get far clipping plane :rtype: float :return: distance to far clipping plane in meters.


get horisontal field of view. :rtype: float :return: field of view in degrees


get Vertical field of view. :rtype: float :return: field of view in degrees


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


returns the image if it has been saved in the State. Else null is returned. :type state: State :param state: [in] the state in which the image is taken. :rtype: Ptr :return: last image captured from camera.


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


get near clipping plane :rtype: float :return: distance to near clipping plane in meters.


get the camera projection matrix


gets the propertymap of this sensor


Get the state structure. :rtype: Ptr :return: the state structure.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


Check if object has registered its state. :rtype: boolean :return: true if registered, false otherwise.


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Overload 1:

initialize this stateless data to a specific state :type state: State :param state: [in] the state in which to register the data.

Notes: the data will be registered in the state structure of the state and any copies or other instances of the state will therefore also contain the added states.

Overload 2:

register this stateless object in a statestructure.


sets the description of this sensor :type description: string :param description: [in] description of this sensor

setImage(img, state)

set the image in the state :type img: Ptr :param img: [in] image to set in state :type state: State :param state: [in/out] the state in which to set the image.


sets the name of this sensor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of this sensor

property thisown

The membership flag


unregisters all state data of this stateless object

class sdurw_sensor.CameraPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


aquires an image from the camera. This method is not blocking. Use isImageReady to poll for completion of acquire.


adds a CameraListener to this camera :type listener: CameraListener :param listener: [in] the CameraListener that is to be added :rtype: boolean :return: true if listener was added succesfully, false otherwise


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the framerate that this camera is setup with :rtype: float :return: the framerate in frames per second


Get actual gain value. Note: If gain is not available then a dummy implementation

returning -1 is used and an error message is produced. :rtype: float :return: Gain value.


get width of the captured images :rtype: int :return: width


returns the last image acquired from the camera. This method is not blocking, if no image has been acquired yet an empty image is returned. The image returned can for some specific drivers be read only. :rtype: Image :return: last image captured from camera.


returns the camera model information (version, type, size, etc.) :rtype: string :return: camera model information


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


Get actual shutter value. Note: If shutter is not available then a dummy implementation will throw an error message. :rtype: float :return: shutter value in micro-seconds.


gets the shutter bounds. Note: If shutter is not available then a dummy implementation will throw an error message. :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: first value is the min bound and second value is the max bound


get width of the captured images :rtype: int :return: width


initializes the camera to the current settings (CaptureMode,ColorMode,etc.) :rtype: boolean :return: true if initialization is succesfully, false otherwise.


Check if gain is available. :rtype: boolean :return: True if zoom is available


tests whether a image has been acquired :rtype: boolean :return: true if an image has been acquired, false otherwise.


returns whether this camera is initialized or not. :rtype: boolean :return: true if intialized, false otherwise


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Check if shutter is available. :rtype: boolean :return: True if shutter is available


returns whether this camera is started or not. :rtype: boolean :return: true if started, false otherwise


removes a CameraListener from this cameras listener list. :type listener: CameraListener :param listener: [in] the listener that is to be removed :rtype: boolean :return: true if listener was removed succesfully, false otherwise.


sets the framerate of this camera. If the framerate is not supported the closest supported framerate is choosen. :type framerate: float :param framerate: [in] the framerate

Set gain value. If the given value is not possible the nearest

value are choosen. Note: If gain is not available then a dummy implementation returning -1 is used and an error message is produced. :type Value: float :param Value: New gain value. :rtype: float :return: New nearest gain value.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


smodel (rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::SensorModel >) –


Set shutter value. If the given value is not possible the nearest value are choosen. Note: If shutter is not available then a dummy implementation will throw an error message. :type Value: float :param Value: New shutter value.


starts this camera, if the camera has not been initialized the initialize function will be called. :rtype: boolean :return: true if camera was successfully started, false



stops this camera. When the camera is stopped it can be reinitialized using initialize()

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Contact2D

Bases: object

data structure for describing a contact in 2D

property avgCurvature

double moving average of the curvature

property curvature

surface curvature

property mu

coulomb friction coefficient

property n

Surface contact normal

property p

Contact position

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Contact2DCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.

property avgCurvature

double moving average of the curvature

property curvature

surface curvature


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property mu

coulomb friction coefficient

property n

Surface contact normal

property p

Contact position

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Contact2DPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.

property avgCurvature

double moving average of the curvature

property curvature

surface curvature


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property mu

coulomb friction coefficient

property n

Surface contact normal

property p

Contact position

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Contact3D(*args)

Bases: object

data structure for describing a contact in 3D

Overload 1:


Overload 2:

constructor :type tp: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param tp: [in] point contact :type tn: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param tn: [in] contact normal :type normalf: float :param normalf: [in] normal force in the contact

Overload 3:

constructor :type tp: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param tp: [in] point contact :type tn: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param tn: [in] contact normal :type tf: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param tf: [in] force in the contact

property curvature

surface curvature

property f

the actual force

property mu

coulomb friction coefficient

property n

Surface contact normal

property normalForce

normal force

property p

Contact position

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Contact3DCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.

property curvature

surface curvature


The pointer stored in the object.

property f

the actual force


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property mu

coulomb friction coefficient

property n

Surface contact normal

property normalForce

normal force

property p

Contact position

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Contact3DPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.

property curvature

surface curvature


The pointer stored in the object.

property f

the actual force


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property mu

coulomb friction coefficient

property n

Surface contact normal

property normalForce

normal force

property p

Contact position

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.FTSensor(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.Sensor

Interface of a N-axis Force Torque sensor

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

acquires force data from the tactile cells


gets the force in N that is acting on the origin. The force is described in relation to the origin. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: force acting on origin.


gets the maximum force in Newton that this sensor can measure on any of its axis. :rtype: float :return: max force in Newton.


gets the maximum torque in Newton Meter (N m)that this sensor can measure on any of its axis. :rtype: float :return: max torque in Newton Meter(N m).


gets the torgue in Nm that is acting on the origin. The torque is described in relation to the origin. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: torque acting on origin.


the transform from the sensor frame to the point of origin. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: transform from sensor frame to point of origin.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.FTSensorCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.FTSensorModel(*args)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.SensorModel

N-axis Force Torque sensor model


Constructor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of FT sensor :type frame: rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame > :param frame: [in] the frame to which this sensor is attached :type desc: string, optional :param desc: [in] optional description of sensor


gets the force in N that is acting on the origin. The force is described in relation to the origin. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: force acting on origin.


gets the maximum force in Newton that this sensor can measure on any of its axis. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: max force in Newton.


gets the maximum torque in Newton Meter (N m)that this sensor can measure on any of its axis. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: max torque in Newton Meter(N m).


get maximum wrench (force and torque) characteristics :rtype: rw::math::Wrench6D< double > :return:


gets the torgue in Nm that is acting on the origin. The torque is described in relation to the origin. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: torque acting on origin.


the transform from the sensor frame to the point of origin. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: transform from sensor frame to point of origin.


gets the force in N that is acting on the origin. The force is described in relation to the origin. :rtype: rw::math::Wrench6D< double > :return: force acting on origin.

setForce(force, state)

set the force that is acting on the origin of this FTsensor


set the maximum wrench of this FTSensor :type max: rw::math::Wrench6D< double > :param max: [in] maximum allowed wrench

setTorque(force, state)

set the torque that is acting on the origin of this FTsensor


set the transform between frame and origin. The origin of the sensor is the frame where sensor data is described. :type t3d: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :param t3d: [in] transformation from frame to origin

setWrench(wrench, state)

set the wrench that is acting on the origin of this FTsensor

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.FTSensorModelCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


gets the force in N that is acting on the origin. The force is described in relation to the origin. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: force acting on origin.


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


gets the maximum force in Newton that this sensor can measure on any of its axis. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: max force in Newton.


gets the maximum torque in Newton Meter (N m)that this sensor can measure on any of its axis. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: max torque in Newton Meter(N m).


get maximum wrench (force and torque) characteristics :rtype: rw::math::Wrench6D< double > :return:


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the torgue in Nm that is acting on the origin. The torque is described in relation to the origin. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: torque acting on origin.


the transform from the sensor frame to the point of origin. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: transform from sensor frame to point of origin.


gets the force in N that is acting on the origin. The force is described in relation to the origin. :rtype: rw::math::Wrench6D< double > :return: force acting on origin.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.FTSensorModelPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


frame (rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame >) – The frame, which can be NULL


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


gets the force in N that is acting on the origin. The force is described in relation to the origin. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: force acting on origin.


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


gets the maximum force in Newton that this sensor can measure on any of its axis. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: max force in Newton.


gets the maximum torque in Newton Meter (N m)that this sensor can measure on any of its axis. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: max torque in Newton Meter(N m).


get maximum wrench (force and torque) characteristics :rtype: rw::math::Wrench6D< double > :return:


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


Get the state structure. :rtype: Ptr :return: the state structure.


gets the torgue in Nm that is acting on the origin. The torque is described in relation to the origin. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: torque acting on origin.


the transform from the sensor frame to the point of origin. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: transform from sensor frame to point of origin.


gets the force in N that is acting on the origin. The force is described in relation to the origin. :rtype: rw::math::Wrench6D< double > :return: force acting on origin.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


Check if object has registered its state. :rtype: boolean :return: true if registered, false otherwise.


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Overload 1:

initialize this stateless data to a specific state :type state: State :param state: [in] the state in which to register the data.

Notes: the data will be registered in the state structure of the state and any copies or other instances of the state will therefore also contain the added states.

Overload 2:

register this stateless object in a statestructure.


sets the description of this sensor :type description: string :param description: [in] description of this sensor

setForce(force, state)

set the force that is acting on the origin of this FTsensor


set the maximum wrench of this FTSensor :type max: rw::math::Wrench6D< double > :param max: [in] maximum allowed wrench


sets the name of this sensor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of this sensor

setTorque(force, state)

set the torque that is acting on the origin of this FTsensor


set the transform between frame and origin. The origin of the sensor is the frame where sensor data is described. :type t3d: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :param t3d: [in] transformation from frame to origin

setWrench(wrench, state)

set the wrench that is acting on the origin of this FTsensor

property thisown

The membership flag


unregisters all state data of this stateless object

class sdurw_sensor.FTSensorPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


acquires force data from the tactile cells


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


gets the force in N that is acting on the origin. The force is described in relation to the origin. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: force acting on origin.


gets the maximum force in Newton that this sensor can measure on any of its axis. :rtype: float :return: max force in Newton.


gets the maximum torque in Newton Meter (N m)that this sensor can measure on any of its axis. :rtype: float :return: max torque in Newton Meter(N m).


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


gets the torgue in Nm that is acting on the origin. The torque is described in relation to the origin. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: torque acting on origin.


the transform from the sensor frame to the point of origin. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: transform from sensor frame to point of origin.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


smodel (rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::SensorModel >) –

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Image(*args)

Bases: object

The image class is a simple wrapper around a char data array. This Image wrapper contain information of width, height and encoding.

The image class is somewhat inspired by the IplImage of opencv.

The coordinate system has its origin located at the top-left position, where from X increases to the left and Y-increases downwards.

setting pixel values in an efficient manner has been enabled using some template joggling. It requires that the user know what type of image he/she is working with.

BGR = 3

3-channel color image (Standard OpenCV)

BGRA = 4

4-channel color image with alpha channel

BayerBG = 5
Depth16S = 3


Depth16U = 2


Depth32F = 5


Depth32S = 4


Depth8S = 1


Depth8U = 0


GRAY = 0

Grayscale image 1-channel

HLS = 8
Lab = 7
Luv = 6
RGB = 1

3-channel color image (Standard opengl)

RGBA = 2

4-channel color image with alpha channel

User = 9

Overload 1:

default constructor

Overload 2:

constructor :type width: int :param width: [in] width of the image :type height: int :param height: [in] height of the image :type encoding: int :param encoding: [in] the colorCode of this Image :type depth: int :param depth: [in] the pixel depth in bits per channel

Overload 3:

constructor :type imgData: string :param imgData: [in] char pointer that points to an array of chars with

length width*height*(bitsPerPixel/8)

  • width (int) – [in] width of the image

  • height (int) – [in] height of the image

  • encoding (int) – [in] the colorCode of this Image

  • depth (int) – [in] the pixel depth in bits per channel

copyFlip(horizontal, vertical)

copies this image and flips it around horizontal or vertical axis or both. :rtype: Ptr :return: new image.


returns the number of bits per pixel. This is the number of bits used per pixel per channel. :rtype: int :return: number of bits per pixel


returns color encoding/type of this image :rtype: int :return: ColorCode of this image


returns the size of the char data array :rtype: int :return: size of char data array


returns the height of this image :rtype: int :return: image height


returns a char pointer to the image data :rtype: string :return: char pointer to the image data


returns the dimensions (width and height) of this image :rtype: std::pair< unsigned int,unsigned int > :return: a pair of integers where first is the width and second

is the height


The number of channels that this image has. :rtype: int :return: nr of channels


Overload 1:

generic but inefficient access to pixel information. The float value is between [0;1] which means non float images are scaled according to their pixel depth (bits per pixel). :type x: int :param x: [in] x coordinate :type y: int :param y: [in] y coordinate :rtype: Pixel4f :return: up to 4 pixels (depends on nr of channels) in a float format

Overload 2:

generic but inefficient access to pixel information. The float value is between [0;1] which means non float images are scaled according to their pixel depth (bits per pixel). :type x: int :param x: [in] x coordinate :type y: int :param y: [in] y coordinate :type dst: Pixel4f :param dst: [out] up to 4 pixels (depends on nr of channels) in a float format

Overload 3:

generic access to pixel information, however user must take care of the pixel depth himself. If image is a Depth8U then the maximum value is 254. Also float images are scaled accordingly. :type x: int :param x: [in] x coordinate :type y: int :param y: [in] y coordinate :type dst: Pixel4i :param dst: [out] up to 4 pixels (depends on nr of channels) in a float format


bits per pixel encoded as a PixelDepth type. :rtype: int :return: the pixel depth

getPixelValue(x, y, channel)

generic but inefficient access to a specific channel of a pixel. :type x: int :param x: [in] :type y: int :param y: [in] :type channel: int :param channel: documentation missing ! :rtype: float :return: the pixel value.

getPixelValuef(x, y, channel)
getPixelValuei(x, y, channel)
getPixelf(x, y)
getPixeli(x, y)

generic access to pixel information, however user must take care of the pixel depth himself. If image is a Depth8U then the maximum value is 254. Also float images are scaled accordingly. :type x: int :param x: [in] x coordinate :type y: int :param y: [in] y coordinate :rtype: Pixel4i :return: up to 4 pixels (depends on nr of channels) as ints


returns the width of this image :rtype: int :return: image width


the size of an aligned image row in bytes. This may not be the same as the width if extra bytes are padded to each row for alignment purposes. :rtype: int :return: size of aligned image row

resize(width, height)

resizes the current image. :type width: int :param width: [in] width in pixels :type height: int :param height: [in] height in pixels


saves this image to a file in the PGM (grayscale) format :type fileName: string :param fileName: [in] the name of the file that is to be created

Return type



true if save was succesfull, false otherwise


saves this image to a file in the ascii PGM (grayscale) format :type fileName: string :param fileName: [in] the name of the file that is to be created :rtype: boolean :return: true if save was succesfull, false otherwise


saves this image to a file in the PPM (color) format :type fileName: string :param fileName: [in] the name of the file that is to be created :rtype: boolean :return: true if save was succesfull, false otherwise


sets the data array of this image. Make sure to change the height and width accordingly.

setPixel(x, y, value)
property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.ImageCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.

copyFlip(horizontal, vertical)

copies this image and flips it around horizontal or vertical axis or both. :rtype: Ptr :return: new image.


The pointer stored in the object.


returns the number of bits per pixel. This is the number of bits used per pixel per channel. :rtype: int :return: number of bits per pixel


returns color encoding/type of this image :rtype: int :return: ColorCode of this image


returns the size of the char data array :rtype: int :return: size of char data array


Member access operator.


returns the height of this image :rtype: int :return: image height


The number of channels that this image has. :rtype: int :return: nr of channels


Overload 1:

generic but inefficient access to pixel information. The float value is between [0;1] which means non float images are scaled according to their pixel depth (bits per pixel). :type x: int :param x: [in] x coordinate :type y: int :param y: [in] y coordinate :rtype: Pixel4f :return: up to 4 pixels (depends on nr of channels) in a float format

Overload 2:

generic but inefficient access to pixel information. The float value is between [0;1] which means non float images are scaled according to their pixel depth (bits per pixel). :type x: int :param x: [in] x coordinate :type y: int :param y: [in] y coordinate :type dst: Pixel4f :param dst: [out] up to 4 pixels (depends on nr of channels) in a float format

Overload 3:

generic access to pixel information, however user must take care of the pixel depth himself. If image is a Depth8U then the maximum value is 254. Also float images are scaled accordingly. :type x: int :param x: [in] x coordinate :type y: int :param y: [in] y coordinate :type dst: Pixel4i :param dst: [out] up to 4 pixels (depends on nr of channels) in a float format


bits per pixel encoded as a PixelDepth type. :rtype: int :return: the pixel depth

getPixelValue(x, y, channel)

generic but inefficient access to a specific channel of a pixel. :type x: int :param x: [in] :type y: int :param y: [in] :type channel: int :param channel: documentation missing ! :rtype: float :return: the pixel value.

getPixelValuef(x, y, channel)
getPixelValuei(x, y, channel)
getPixelf(x, y)
getPixeli(x, y)

generic access to pixel information, however user must take care of the pixel depth himself. If image is a Depth8U then the maximum value is 254. Also float images are scaled accordingly. :type x: int :param x: [in] x coordinate :type y: int :param y: [in] y coordinate :rtype: Pixel4i :return: up to 4 pixels (depends on nr of channels) as ints


returns the width of this image :rtype: int :return: image width


the size of an aligned image row in bytes. This may not be the same as the width if extra bytes are padded to each row for alignment purposes. :rtype: int :return: size of aligned image row


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


saves this image to a file in the PGM (grayscale) format :type fileName: string :param fileName: [in] the name of the file that is to be created

Return type



true if save was succesfull, false otherwise


saves this image to a file in the ascii PGM (grayscale) format :type fileName: string :param fileName: [in] the name of the file that is to be created :rtype: boolean :return: true if save was succesfull, false otherwise


saves this image to a file in the PPM (color) format :type fileName: string :param fileName: [in] the name of the file that is to be created :rtype: boolean :return: true if save was succesfull, false otherwise

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.ImagePtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.

copyFlip(horizontal, vertical)

copies this image and flips it around horizontal or vertical axis or both. :rtype: Ptr :return: new image.


The pointer stored in the object.


returns the number of bits per pixel. This is the number of bits used per pixel per channel. :rtype: int :return: number of bits per pixel


returns color encoding/type of this image :rtype: int :return: ColorCode of this image


returns the size of the char data array :rtype: int :return: size of char data array


Member access operator.


returns the height of this image :rtype: int :return: image height


returns a char pointer to the image data :rtype: string :return: char pointer to the image data


returns the dimensions (width and height) of this image :rtype: std::pair< unsigned int,unsigned int > :return: a pair of integers where first is the width and second

is the height


The number of channels that this image has. :rtype: int :return: nr of channels


Overload 1:

generic but inefficient access to pixel information. The float value is between [0;1] which means non float images are scaled according to their pixel depth (bits per pixel). :type x: int :param x: [in] x coordinate :type y: int :param y: [in] y coordinate :rtype: Pixel4f :return: up to 4 pixels (depends on nr of channels) in a float format

Overload 2:

generic but inefficient access to pixel information. The float value is between [0;1] which means non float images are scaled according to their pixel depth (bits per pixel). :type x: int :param x: [in] x coordinate :type y: int :param y: [in] y coordinate :type dst: Pixel4f :param dst: [out] up to 4 pixels (depends on nr of channels) in a float format

Overload 3:

generic access to pixel information, however user must take care of the pixel depth himself. If image is a Depth8U then the maximum value is 254. Also float images are scaled accordingly. :type x: int :param x: [in] x coordinate :type y: int :param y: [in] y coordinate :type dst: Pixel4i :param dst: [out] up to 4 pixels (depends on nr of channels) in a float format


bits per pixel encoded as a PixelDepth type. :rtype: int :return: the pixel depth

getPixelValue(x, y, channel)

generic but inefficient access to a specific channel of a pixel. :type x: int :param x: [in] :type y: int :param y: [in] :type channel: int :param channel: documentation missing ! :rtype: float :return: the pixel value.

getPixelValuef(x, y, channel)
getPixelValuei(x, y, channel)
getPixelf(x, y)
getPixeli(x, y)

generic access to pixel information, however user must take care of the pixel depth himself. If image is a Depth8U then the maximum value is 254. Also float images are scaled accordingly. :type x: int :param x: [in] x coordinate :type y: int :param y: [in] y coordinate :rtype: Pixel4i :return: up to 4 pixels (depends on nr of channels) as ints


returns the width of this image :rtype: int :return: image width


the size of an aligned image row in bytes. This may not be the same as the width if extra bytes are padded to each row for alignment purposes. :rtype: int :return: size of aligned image row


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

resize(width, height)

resizes the current image. :type width: int :param width: [in] width in pixels :type height: int :param height: [in] height in pixels


saves this image to a file in the PGM (grayscale) format :type fileName: string :param fileName: [in] the name of the file that is to be created

Return type



true if save was succesfull, false otherwise


saves this image to a file in the ascii PGM (grayscale) format :type fileName: string :param fileName: [in] the name of the file that is to be created :rtype: boolean :return: true if save was succesfull, false otherwise


saves this image to a file in the PPM (color) format :type fileName: string :param fileName: [in] the name of the file that is to be created :rtype: boolean :return: true if save was succesfull, false otherwise


sets the data array of this image. Make sure to change the height and width accordingly.

setPixel(x, y, value)
property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.ImageUtil(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

a collection of simple image utility functions

static RGB2GRAY(src, dst)

converts an image of RGB type into an image of GRAY type.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
static flipX(img)

flips the image around the x-axis (horizontal) :type img: Image :param img:

static flipY(img)

flips the image around the y-axis (vertical) :type img: Image :param img:

static makeDepthImage(*args)

Overload 1:

Conditional comment: :param img: End of conditional comment.

convert pointcloud to a depth image. Colors are scaled to min and ax distance of points. :type cloud: PointCloud :param cloud: [in] cloud to convert to image :rtype: rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::Image > :return: image showing the pointcloud as a depth image

Overload 2:

convert pointcloud to a depth image. Colors are scaled to min and max distance specified by user :type cloud: PointCloud :param cloud: [in] cloud to convert to image :type min: float :param min: [in] the minimum distance corresponding to black :type max: float :param max: [in] the maximum distance corresponding to white :rtype: rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::Image > :return: image showing the pointcloud as a depth image

static reset(img, color=0)

sets the value of all channels of an image to color.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.ImageUtilCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.ImageUtilPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.

RGB2GRAY(src, dst)

converts an image of RGB type into an image of GRAY type.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


flips the image around the x-axis (horizontal) :type img: Image :param img:


flips the image around the y-axis (vertical) :type img: Image :param img:


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Overload 1:

Conditional comment: :param img: End of conditional comment.

convert pointcloud to a depth image. Colors are scaled to min and ax distance of points. :type cloud: PointCloud :param cloud: [in] cloud to convert to image :rtype: rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::Image > :return: image showing the pointcloud as a depth image

Overload 2:

convert pointcloud to a depth image. Colors are scaled to min and max distance specified by user :type cloud: PointCloud :param cloud: [in] cloud to convert to image :type min: float :param min: [in] the minimum distance corresponding to black :type max: float :param max: [in] the maximum distance corresponding to white :rtype: rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::Image > :return: image showing the pointcloud as a depth image

reset(img, color=0)

sets the value of all channels of an image to color.

property thisown

The membership flag

sdurw_sensor.ImageUtil_RGB2GRAY(src, dst)

converts an image of RGB type into an image of GRAY type.


flips the image around the x-axis (horizontal) :type img: Image :param img:


flips the image around the y-axis (vertical) :type img: Image :param img:


Overload 1:

Conditional comment: :param img: End of conditional comment.

convert pointcloud to a depth image. Colors are scaled to min and ax distance of points. :type cloud: PointCloud :param cloud: [in] cloud to convert to image :rtype: rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::Image > :return: image showing the pointcloud as a depth image

Overload 2:

convert pointcloud to a depth image. Colors are scaled to min and max distance specified by user :type cloud: PointCloud :param cloud: [in] cloud to convert to image :type min: float :param min: [in] the minimum distance corresponding to black :type max: float :param max: [in] the maximum distance corresponding to white :rtype: rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::Image > :return: image showing the pointcloud as a depth image

sdurw_sensor.ImageUtil_reset(img, color=0)

sets the value of all channels of an image to color.

class sdurw_sensor.Pixel4f(v0, v1, v2, v3)

Bases: object

__init__(v0, v1, v2, v3)
property ch

up to four channels

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Pixel4i(v0, v1, v2, v3)

Bases: object

__init__(v0, v1, v2, v3)
property ch

up to four channels

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.RGBDCameraModel(name, frame, modelInfo)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.SensorModel

__init__(name, frame, modelInfo)

constructor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of sensor :type frame: rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame > :param frame: documentation missing ! :type modelInfo: string :param modelInfo: [in] info string

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.RGBDCameraModelCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.RGBDCameraModelPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


frame (rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame >) – The frame, which can be NULL


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


Get the state structure. :rtype: Ptr :return: the state structure.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


Check if object has registered its state. :rtype: boolean :return: true if registered, false otherwise.


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Overload 1:

initialize this stateless data to a specific state :type state: State :param state: [in] the state in which to register the data.

Notes: the data will be registered in the state structure of the state and any copies or other instances of the state will therefore also contain the added states.

Overload 2:

register this stateless object in a statestructure.


sets the description of this sensor :type description: string :param description: [in] description of this sensor


sets the name of this sensor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of this sensor

property thisown

The membership flag


unregisters all state data of this stateless object

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.Sensor

this interface describe a generic range scanning class.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Acquires data


Closes the connection to the scanner


returns the framerate that this camera is setup with :rtype: float :return: the framerate in frames per second


Returns the min and max range of this Scanner :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: min and max range


Returns whether the scanner has been opened

Return type



true if scanner is opened


tests whether an image has been acquired :rtype: boolean :return: true if an image has been acquired, false otherwise.


Opens connection to the scanner

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner1D(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.Scanner

a one dimensional range scanner.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner1DCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner1DPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


Acquires data


Closes the connection to the scanner


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the framerate that this camera is setup with :rtype: float :return: the framerate in frames per second


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


Returns the min and max range of this Scanner :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: min and max range


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


Returns whether the scanner has been opened

Return type



true if scanner is opened


tests whether an image has been acquired :rtype: boolean :return: true if an image has been acquired, false otherwise.


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Opens connection to the scanner


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


smodel (rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::SensorModel >) –

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner25D(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.Scanner

an interface describing a 3D scanner sensor. The scanner takes pictures in the oposite direction of the z-axis of the frame that it is attached to. The x-y plane forms the image plane such that the xy-origin is located in the bottom left corner of the image.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

gets the last acquired image :rtype: PointCloud :return: the image that was last acquired.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner25DCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner25DModel(name, width, height, frame)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.SensorModel

Model of a 25D (2D with depth information) scanner. The images are essentially point clouds.

__init__(name, width, height, frame)

constructor :type frame: rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame > :param frame: [in] the frame that the scanner is attached to :type name: string :param name: [in] name of scanner sensor :type width: int :param width: :type height: int :param height:


height of images taken with 25 sensor


get the min and maximum depth of this scanner in meters


get handle to point cloud data in state. :type state: State :param state: [in] the state with point cloud data


width of images taken with 25 sensor


Overload 1: set the min and maximum depth of this scanner in meters

Overload 2: set the min and maximum depth of this scanner in meters

setScan(data, state)

set point cloud data in state :type data: PointCloud :param data: [in] point cloud data to set :type state: State :param state: [in] state in which to set the point cloud

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner25DModelCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


height of images taken with 25 sensor


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


get the min and maximum depth of this scanner in meters


width of images taken with 25 sensor


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner25DModelPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


frame (rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame >) – The frame, which can be NULL


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


height of images taken with 25 sensor


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


get the min and maximum depth of this scanner in meters


get handle to point cloud data in state. :type state: State :param state: [in] the state with point cloud data


Get the state structure. :rtype: Ptr :return: the state structure.


width of images taken with 25 sensor


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


Check if object has registered its state. :rtype: boolean :return: true if registered, false otherwise.


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Overload 1:

initialize this stateless data to a specific state :type state: State :param state: [in] the state in which to register the data.

Notes: the data will be registered in the state structure of the state and any copies or other instances of the state will therefore also contain the added states.

Overload 2:

register this stateless object in a statestructure.


sets the description of this sensor :type description: string :param description: [in] description of this sensor


sets the name of this sensor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of this sensor


Overload 1: set the min and maximum depth of this scanner in meters

Overload 2: set the min and maximum depth of this scanner in meters

setScan(data, state)

set point cloud data in state :type data: PointCloud :param data: [in] point cloud data to set :type state: State :param state: [in] state in which to set the point cloud

property thisown

The membership flag


unregisters all state data of this stateless object

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner25DPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


Acquires data


Closes the connection to the scanner


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the framerate that this camera is setup with :rtype: float :return: the framerate in frames per second


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


Returns the min and max range of this Scanner :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: min and max range


gets the last acquired image :rtype: PointCloud :return: the image that was last acquired.


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


Returns whether the scanner has been opened

Return type



true if scanner is opened


tests whether an image has been acquired :rtype: boolean :return: true if an image has been acquired, false otherwise.


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Opens connection to the scanner


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


smodel (rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::SensorModel >) –

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner2D(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.Scanner

The Scanner2D sensor encapsulate the basic interface of a 2 dimensional range scanning device such as SICK or Hokyuo laser range scanners.

The interface supports any range scanner that measures distance in

an arc around the origin of the sensor.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Returns the angular range of the scanner.

Return type



Angular range in radians


Returns the number of scan points


gets the last acquired scan as a depth image of height 1.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner2DCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Returns the angular range of the scanner.

Return type



Angular range in radians


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


Returns the number of scan points


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the last acquired scan as a depth image of height 1.


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner2DModel(name, angularRangeInRad, maxDataPoints, frame)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.SensorModel

The Scanner2DModel encapsulate the basic model of a 2 dimensional range scanning device such as SICK or Hokyuo laser range scanners.

The model supports any range scanner that measures distance in

an arc around the origin of the sensor. The scanner scans in the z-x plane with z-axis being the 0 angle measurement.

TODO: enable the selection of internal format, either pointcloud (large) or range-array (compact).

__init__(name, angularRangeInRad, maxDataPoints, frame)

constructor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of scanner sensor :type angularRangeInRad: float :param angularRangeInRad: [in] angular range in rad, with middle scan

point pointin along z-axis

  • maxDataPoints (int) – [in] the number of scan points

  • frame (rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame >) – [in] the sensor frame


Returns the min and max angular range of the scanner, where the angles represent the beginning and end of scanning in the z-x plane. Hence, angles represent rotation of z-axis around the y-axis. Normally range would be something like -170 to 170 degree for a Hokyo or Sick scanner

Return type

std::pair< double,double >


Angular range in radians


get the min an max range in meters that is scannable by the 2D scanner :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: range in meters


Returns the number of scan points


get handle to point cloud data in state. :type state: State :param state: [in] the state with point cloud data


Overload 1:

set distance range :type range: std::pair< double,double > :param range:

Overload 2:

set distance range :type min: float :param min: documentation missing ! :type max: float :param max: documentation missing !

setScan(data, state)

set point cloud data in state :type data: PointCloud :param data: [in] point cloud data to set :type state: State :param state: [in] state in which to set the point cloud

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner2DModelCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Returns the min and max angular range of the scanner, where the angles represent the beginning and end of scanning in the z-x plane. Hence, angles represent rotation of z-axis around the y-axis. Normally range would be something like -170 to 170 degree for a Hokyo or Sick scanner

Return type

std::pair< double,double >


Angular range in radians


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


get the min an max range in meters that is scannable by the 2D scanner :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: range in meters


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


Returns the number of scan points


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner2DModelPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


frame (rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame >) – The frame, which can be NULL


The pointer stored in the object.


Returns the min and max angular range of the scanner, where the angles represent the beginning and end of scanning in the z-x plane. Hence, angles represent rotation of z-axis around the y-axis. Normally range would be something like -170 to 170 degree for a Hokyo or Sick scanner

Return type

std::pair< double,double >


Angular range in radians


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


get the min an max range in meters that is scannable by the 2D scanner :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: range in meters


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


Returns the number of scan points


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


get handle to point cloud data in state. :type state: State :param state: [in] the state with point cloud data


Get the state structure. :rtype: Ptr :return: the state structure.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


Check if object has registered its state. :rtype: boolean :return: true if registered, false otherwise.


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Overload 1:

initialize this stateless data to a specific state :type state: State :param state: [in] the state in which to register the data.

Notes: the data will be registered in the state structure of the state and any copies or other instances of the state will therefore also contain the added states.

Overload 2:

register this stateless object in a statestructure.


sets the description of this sensor :type description: string :param description: [in] description of this sensor


Overload 1:

set distance range :type range: std::pair< double,double > :param range:

Overload 2:

set distance range :type min: float :param min: documentation missing ! :type max: float :param max: documentation missing !


sets the name of this sensor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of this sensor

setScan(data, state)

set point cloud data in state :type data: PointCloud :param data: [in] point cloud data to set :type state: State :param state: [in] state in which to set the point cloud

property thisown

The membership flag


unregisters all state data of this stateless object

class sdurw_sensor.Scanner2DPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


Acquires data


Closes the connection to the scanner


The pointer stored in the object.


Returns the angular range of the scanner.

Return type



Angular range in radians


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the framerate that this camera is setup with :rtype: float :return: the framerate in frames per second


Returns the number of scan points


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


Returns the min and max range of this Scanner :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: min and max range


gets the last acquired scan as a depth image of height 1.


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


Returns whether the scanner has been opened

Return type



true if scanner is opened


tests whether an image has been acquired :rtype: boolean :return: true if an image has been acquired, false otherwise.


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Opens connection to the scanner


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


smodel (rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::SensorModel >) –

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.ScannerCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.ScannerPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


Acquires data


Closes the connection to the scanner


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the framerate that this camera is setup with :rtype: float :return: the framerate in frames per second


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


Returns the min and max range of this Scanner :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: min and max range


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


Returns whether the scanner has been opened

Return type



true if scanner is opened


tests whether an image has been acquired :rtype: boolean :return: true if an image has been acquired, false otherwise.


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Opens connection to the scanner


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


smodel (rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::SensorModel >) –

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.Sensor(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

a generel hardware sensor interface. The sensor should interface to a statefull instance of either a real world sensor or a simulated sensor. The sensor interface acts as a realistic handle to controlling some specific instance of a sensor.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


smodel (rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::SensorModel >) –

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.SensorCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.SensorModel(*args)

Bases: sdurw_kinematics.Stateless

a general sensormodel interface. The sensormodel describe the model of a sensor and define the data that are part of the State. Much like Device, which describe the kinematic model of a robot. A sensormodel should have a name id and be associated, referenced to some frame in the workcell.


Overload 1:

constructor :type name: string :param name: [in] the name of this sensor :type frame: rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame > :param frame: [in] the frame that the sensor is referenced to

Overload 2:

constructor :type name: string :param name: [in] the name of this sensor :type frame: rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame > :param frame: [in] the frame that the sensor is referenced to :type description: string :param description: [in] description of the sensor


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


frame (rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame >) – The frame, which can be NULL


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


sets the description of this sensor :type description: string :param description: [in] description of this sensor


sets the name of this sensor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of this sensor

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.SensorModelCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.SensorModelPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


frame (rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame >) – The frame, which can be NULL


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


Get the state structure. :rtype: Ptr :return: the state structure.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


Check if object has registered its state. :rtype: boolean :return: true if registered, false otherwise.


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Overload 1:

initialize this stateless data to a specific state :type state: State :param state: [in] the state in which to register the data.

Notes: the data will be registered in the state structure of the state and any copies or other instances of the state will therefore also contain the added states.

Overload 2:

register this stateless object in a statestructure.


sets the description of this sensor :type description: string :param description: [in] description of this sensor


sets the name of this sensor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of this sensor

property thisown

The membership flag


unregisters all state data of this stateless object

class sdurw_sensor.SensorPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


smodel (rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::SensorModel >) –

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.StereoCameraModel(*args)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.SensorModel

The Camera class defines a general interface to a stereo camera. A stereo camera consists of two cameras with the same intrinsic parameters, but with different extrinsic parameters.

Since ideal cameras are assumed, the intrinsics are given as a horizontal/vertical pixel resolution as well as a horizontal field of view (FOV).

The extrinsic parameters are given simply as two transformation matrices, which give the pose of the cameras relative some external frame.

static SaveCalibration(*args)

utility function for saving a stereo calibration to a file

  • filename (string) – [in] file to save to

  • fov (float) – [in] field of view (FOV) [rad]

  • wx (float) – [in] horizontal pixels

  • wy (float) – [in] vertical pixels

  • TL (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] transformation of left camera frame

  • TR (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] transformation of right camera frame

  • direction (int, optional) – [in] the direction of the specified FOV

  • format (int, optional) – [in] calibration file format to use

Return type



true if the file was successfully saved, false otherwise

static WriteCalibration(*args)

utility function for writing a camera calibration to a stream

  • os (std::ostream) – the stream to write to

  • fov (float) – field of view (FOV) [rad]

  • wx (float) – horizontal pixels

  • wy (float) – vertical pixels

  • T (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] transformation of the camera frame

  • dist (std::vector< double >, optional) – [in] distortion parameters

  • direction (int, optional) – [in] the direction of the specified FOV

  • format (int, optional) – [in] calibration file format to use


constructor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of sensor :type fov: float :param fov: [in] horizontal field of view :type width: float :param width: [in] width of image :type height: float :param height: [in] height of image :type TL: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :param TL: [in] transform from sensor frame to left camera frame :type TR: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :param TR: [in] transform from sensor frame to right camera frame :type frame: rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame > :param frame: [in] sensor frame :type modelInfo: string, optional :param modelInfo: [in] info string


get left image


get right image

setLeftImage(img, state)

set left image

setRightImage(img, state)

set right image

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.StereoCameraModelCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.StereoCameraModelPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


utility function for saving a stereo calibration to a file

  • filename (string) – [in] file to save to

  • fov (float) – [in] field of view (FOV) [rad]

  • wx (float) – [in] horizontal pixels

  • wy (float) – [in] vertical pixels

  • TL (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] transformation of left camera frame

  • TR (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] transformation of right camera frame

  • direction (int, optional) – [in] the direction of the specified FOV

  • format (int, optional) – [in] calibration file format to use

Return type



true if the file was successfully saved, false otherwise


utility function for writing a camera calibration to a stream

  • os (std::ostream) – the stream to write to

  • fov (float) – field of view (FOV) [rad]

  • wx (float) – horizontal pixels

  • wy (float) – vertical pixels

  • T (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] transformation of the camera frame

  • dist (std::vector< double >, optional) – [in] distortion parameters

  • direction (int, optional) – [in] the direction of the specified FOV

  • format (int, optional) – [in] calibration file format to use


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


frame (rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame >) – The frame, which can be NULL


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


get left image


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


gets the propertymap of this sensor


get right image


Get the state structure. :rtype: Ptr :return: the state structure.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


Check if object has registered its state. :rtype: boolean :return: true if registered, false otherwise.


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Overload 1:

initialize this stateless data to a specific state :type state: State :param state: [in] the state in which to register the data.

Notes: the data will be registered in the state structure of the state and any copies or other instances of the state will therefore also contain the added states.

Overload 2:

register this stateless object in a statestructure.


sets the description of this sensor :type description: string :param description: [in] description of this sensor

setLeftImage(img, state)

set left image


sets the name of this sensor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of this sensor

setRightImage(img, state)

set right image

property thisown

The membership flag


unregisters all state data of this stateless object


utility function for saving a stereo calibration to a file

  • filename (string) – [in] file to save to

  • fov (float) – [in] field of view (FOV) [rad]

  • wx (float) – [in] horizontal pixels

  • wy (float) – [in] vertical pixels

  • TL (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] transformation of left camera frame

  • TR (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] transformation of right camera frame

  • direction (int, optional) – [in] the direction of the specified FOV

  • format (int, optional) – [in] calibration file format to use

Return type



true if the file was successfully saved, false otherwise


utility function for writing a camera calibration to a stream

  • os (std::ostream) – the stream to write to

  • fov (float) – field of view (FOV) [rad]

  • wx (float) – horizontal pixels

  • wy (float) – vertical pixels

  • T (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] transformation of the camera frame

  • dist (std::vector< double >, optional) – [in] distortion parameters

  • direction (int, optional) – [in] the direction of the specified FOV

  • format (int, optional) – [in] calibration file format to use

class sdurw_sensor.TactileArray(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.Sensor

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

acquires force data from the tactile cells


a matrix with position of each tactile cell center. The coordinates are described relative to the TactileArray transform (see getTransform()) :rtype: VertexMatrix :return: a matrix describing the center of each tactile cell.


a matrix of normals that are described relative to each tactile cell center. :rtype: VertexMatrix :return:


get the minimum and maximum pressure capability of any tactile cell in the TactileArray :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return:


returns the pressure on each texel of the TactileArray in the unit N/m^2. :rtype: rw::sensor::TactileArrayModel::ValueMatrix :return: matrix of texel pressure values

getTexelSize(x, y)

gets the size of an individual tactile cell with coordinates (x,y) :type x: int :param x: :type y: int :param y: :rtype: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :return: the dimensions of the tactile cell in meters


a transformation from the sensor frame to the geometric data of the tactile array. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return:


gets the 3d geometry of this tactilearray. The vertexes are expressed realtive to the transform. :rtype: VertexMatrix :return:

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.TactileArrayCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


a matrix with position of each tactile cell center. The coordinates are described relative to the TactileArray transform (see getTransform()) :rtype: VertexMatrix :return: a matrix describing the center of each tactile cell.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


a matrix of normals that are described relative to each tactile cell center. :rtype: VertexMatrix :return:


get the minimum and maximum pressure capability of any tactile cell in the TactileArray :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return:


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


returns the pressure on each texel of the TactileArray in the unit N/m^2. :rtype: rw::sensor::TactileArrayModel::ValueMatrix :return: matrix of texel pressure values

getTexelSize(x, y)

gets the size of an individual tactile cell with coordinates (x,y) :type x: int :param x: :type y: int :param y: :rtype: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :return: the dimensions of the tactile cell in meters


a transformation from the sensor frame to the geometric data of the tactile array. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return:


gets the 3d geometry of this tactilearray. The vertexes are expressed realtive to the transform. :rtype: VertexMatrix :return:


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.TactileArrayModel(name, sensorframe, fThmap, heightMap, cell_width, cell_height)

Bases: sdurw_sensor.SensorModel

the TactileArrayModel describes tactile sensor consisting of arrays of tactile cells that can be placed on a defined shape. The shape is described with a matrix of 3d vertices. Such that tactil (0,0) maps to the quad defined by the four vertices {(0,0),(0,1),(1,1),(1,0)}. Notice that the normal is defined by sequence of the vertices and that the normal defines the direction of tactile sensing.

__init__(name, sensorframe, fThmap, heightMap, cell_width, cell_height)

constructor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of sensor :type sensorframe: rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame > :param sensorframe: [in] the frame to which the sensor is attached :type fThmap: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :param fThmap: [in] transformation from sensor frame to the heightmap definition :type heightMap: rw::sensor::TactileArrayModel::ValueMatrix :param heightMap: [in] a height map defining the height of each corner in the tactile


  • cell_width (float) – [in] width of cell

  • cell_height (float) – [in] height of cell


a matrix with position of each tactile cell center. The coordinates are described relative to the TactileArray transform (see getTransform()) :rtype: VertexMatrix :return: a matrix describing the center of each tactile cell.


get height of tactile array


a matrix of normals that are described relative to each tactile cell center. :rtype: VertexMatrix :return:


get the minimum and maximum pressure capability of any tactile cell in the TactileArray :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: min and max pressure in Pa


returns the pressure on each texel of the TactileArray in the unit Pa (N/m^2). :type state: State :param state: [in] state to get the values from :rtype: rw::sensor::TactileArrayModel::ValueMatrix :return: matrix of texel pressure values

getTexelSize(x, y)

gets the size of an individual tactile cell with coordinates (x,y) :type x: int :param x: :type y: int :param y: :rtype: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :return: the dimensions of the tactile cell in meters


a transformation from the sensor frame to the geometric data of the tactile array. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return:


gets the 3d geometry of this tactilearray. The vertexes are expressed realtive to the transform. :rtype: VertexMatrix :return:


get width of tactile array

setTexelData(data, state)

set the pressure on each texel of the TactileArray in the unit Pa (N/m^2). :type data: rw::sensor::TactileArrayModel::ValueMatrix :param data: [in] pressure values :type state: State :param state: [in] state to set the values in

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.TactileArrayModelCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


a matrix with position of each tactile cell center. The coordinates are described relative to the TactileArray transform (see getTransform()) :rtype: VertexMatrix :return: a matrix describing the center of each tactile cell.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


get height of tactile array


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


a matrix of normals that are described relative to each tactile cell center. :rtype: VertexMatrix :return:


get the minimum and maximum pressure capability of any tactile cell in the TactileArray :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: min and max pressure in Pa


returns the pressure on each texel of the TactileArray in the unit Pa (N/m^2). :type state: State :param state: [in] state to get the values from :rtype: rw::sensor::TactileArrayModel::ValueMatrix :return: matrix of texel pressure values

getTexelSize(x, y)

gets the size of an individual tactile cell with coordinates (x,y) :type x: int :param x: :type y: int :param y: :rtype: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :return: the dimensions of the tactile cell in meters


a transformation from the sensor frame to the geometric data of the tactile array. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return:


gets the 3d geometry of this tactilearray. The vertexes are expressed realtive to the transform. :rtype: VertexMatrix :return:


get width of tactile array


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

setTexelData(data, state)

set the pressure on each texel of the TactileArray in the unit Pa (N/m^2). :type data: rw::sensor::TactileArrayModel::ValueMatrix :param data: [in] pressure values :type state: State :param state: [in] state to set the values in

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.TactileArrayModelPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


frame (rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame >) – The frame, which can be NULL


The pointer stored in the object.


a matrix with position of each tactile cell center. The coordinates are described relative to the TactileArray transform (see getTransform()) :rtype: VertexMatrix :return: a matrix describing the center of each tactile cell.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


get height of tactile array


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


a matrix of normals that are described relative to each tactile cell center. :rtype: VertexMatrix :return:


get the minimum and maximum pressure capability of any tactile cell in the TactileArray :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return: min and max pressure in Pa


gets the propertymap of this sensor


Get the state structure. :rtype: Ptr :return: the state structure.


returns the pressure on each texel of the TactileArray in the unit Pa (N/m^2). :type state: State :param state: [in] state to get the values from :rtype: rw::sensor::TactileArrayModel::ValueMatrix :return: matrix of texel pressure values

getTexelSize(x, y)

gets the size of an individual tactile cell with coordinates (x,y) :type x: int :param x: :type y: int :param y: :rtype: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :return: the dimensions of the tactile cell in meters


a transformation from the sensor frame to the geometric data of the tactile array. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return:


gets the 3d geometry of this tactilearray. The vertexes are expressed realtive to the transform. :rtype: VertexMatrix :return:


get width of tactile array


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


Check if object has registered its state. :rtype: boolean :return: true if registered, false otherwise.


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Overload 1:

initialize this stateless data to a specific state :type state: State :param state: [in] the state in which to register the data.

Notes: the data will be registered in the state structure of the state and any copies or other instances of the state will therefore also contain the added states.

Overload 2:

register this stateless object in a statestructure.


sets the description of this sensor :type description: string :param description: [in] description of this sensor


sets the name of this sensor :type name: string :param name: [in] name of this sensor

setTexelData(data, state)

set the pressure on each texel of the TactileArray in the unit Pa (N/m^2). :type data: rw::sensor::TactileArrayModel::ValueMatrix :param data: [in] pressure values :type state: State :param state: [in] state to set the values in

property thisown

The membership flag


unregisters all state data of this stateless object

class sdurw_sensor.TactileArrayPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


acquires force data from the tactile cells


The pointer stored in the object.


a matrix with position of each tactile cell center. The coordinates are described relative to the TactileArray transform (see getTransform()) :rtype: VertexMatrix :return: a matrix describing the center of each tactile cell.


Member access operator.


returns a description of this sensor :rtype: string :return: reference to this sensors description


returns the name of this sensor :rtype: string :return: name of sensor


a matrix of normals that are described relative to each tactile cell center. :rtype: VertexMatrix :return:


get the minimum and maximum pressure capability of any tactile cell in the TactileArray :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return:


gets the propertymap of this sensor


The frame to which the sensor is attached.

The frame can be NULL.


returns the pressure on each texel of the TactileArray in the unit N/m^2. :rtype: rw::sensor::TactileArrayModel::ValueMatrix :return: matrix of texel pressure values

getTexelSize(x, y)

gets the size of an individual tactile cell with coordinates (x,y) :type x: int :param x: :type y: int :param y: :rtype: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :return: the dimensions of the tactile cell in meters


a transformation from the sensor frame to the geometric data of the tactile array. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return:


gets the 3d geometry of this tactilearray. The vertexes are expressed realtive to the transform. :rtype: VertexMatrix :return:


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


Sets the frame to which the sensor should be attached


smodel (rw::core::Ptr< rw::sensor::SensorModel >) –

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.TactileArrayUtil

Bases: object

Utillity class for general computations on a tactile array

static estimateContacts(arraySensor, state, minContactForce)

Estimate the contacts on the tactile array sensor. :type arraySensor: TactileArrayModel :param arraySensor: [in] the array sensor that describe the tactile array :type state: State :param state: [in] the current state of the system :type minContactForce: float :param minContactForce: [in] A threshold value that determines when a force is a contact

force and not just noise.

Return type

std::vector< rw::sensor::Contact3D >


All estimated contacts

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.TactileArrayUtilCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.TactileArrayUtilPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.

estimateContacts(arraySensor, state, minContactForce)

Estimate the contacts on the tactile array sensor. :type arraySensor: TactileArrayModel :param arraySensor: [in] the array sensor that describe the tactile array :type state: State :param state: [in] the current state of the system :type minContactForce: float :param minContactForce: [in] A threshold value that determines when a force is a contact

force and not just noise.

Return type

std::vector< rw::sensor::Contact3D >


All estimated contacts


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.

property thisown

The membership flag

sdurw_sensor.TactileArrayUtil_estimateContacts(arraySensor, state, minContactForce)

Estimate the contacts on the tactile array sensor. :type arraySensor: TactileArrayModel :param arraySensor: [in] the array sensor that describe the tactile array :type state: State :param state: [in] the current state of the system :type minContactForce: float :param minContactForce: [in] A threshold value that determines when a force is a contact

force and not just noise.

Return type

std::vector< rw::sensor::Contact3D >


All estimated contacts

class sdurw_sensor.TactileVertexMatrix

Bases: object

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_sensor.VectorContact3D(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_sensor.VectorSensorModelPtr(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.


Overload 1:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 2:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 3:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 4:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 5:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 6:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 7:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 8:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 9:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 10:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 11:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 12:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 13:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 14:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 15:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 16:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 17:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 18:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 19:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 20:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 21:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 22:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 23:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 24:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 25:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 26:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 27:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 28:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 29:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 30:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 31:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 32:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 33:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 34:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 35:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 36:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 37:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 38:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 39:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 40:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 41:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 42:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 43:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 44:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 45:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 46:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 47:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 48:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 49:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 50:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 51:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 52:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 53:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 54:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 55:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 56:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 57:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 58:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 59:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 60:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 61:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 62:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 63:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 64:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 65:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 66:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 67:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 68:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 69:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 70:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 71:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 72:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 73:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 74:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 75:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 76:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 77:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 78:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 79:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 80:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 81:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 82:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 83:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 84:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 85:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 86:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 87:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 88:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 89:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 90:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 91:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 92:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 93:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 94:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 95:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 96:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 97:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 98:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 99:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 100:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 101:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 102:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 103:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 104:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 105:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 106:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 107:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 108:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 109:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 110:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 111:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 112:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 113:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 114:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 115:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 116:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 117:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 118:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 119:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 120:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 121:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 122:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 123:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 124:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 125:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 126:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 127:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 128:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 129:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 130:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.