sdurw_math module

class sdurw_math.EAA(*args)

Bases: sdurw_math.Rotation3DVector

A class for representing an equivalent angle-axis rotation

This class defines an equivalent-axis-angle orientation vector also known as an \(\thetak\) vector or “axis+angle” vector

The equivalent-axis-angle vector is the product of a unit vector \(\hat{\mathbf{k}}\) and an angle of rotation around that axis \(\theta\)

Notes: given two EAA vectors \(\theta_1\mathbf{\hat{k}}_1\) and \(\theta_2\mathbf{\hat{k}}_2\) it is generally not possible to subtract or add these vectors, except for the special case when \(\mathbf{\hat{k}}_1 == \mathbf{\hat{k}}_2\) this is why this class does not have any subtraction or addition operators


Overload 1:

Extracts Equivalent axis-angle vector from Rotation matrix


R (rw::math::Rotation3D< double >) – [in] A 3x3 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{R}\)

\(\theta = arccos(\frac{1}{2}(Trace(\mathbf{R})-1)=arccos(\frac{r_{11}+r_{22}+r_{33}-1}{2})\)

\(\thetak=log(\mathbf{R})=\frac{\theta}{2 sin \theta}(\mathbf{R}-\mathbf{R}^T) =\frac{\theta}{2 sin \theta}\left[\begin{array}{c}r_{32}-r_{23}\\r_{13}-r_{31}\\r_{21}-r_{12}\end{array}\right]\)

\(\thetak=\left[\begin{array}{c}0\\0\\0\end{array}\right]\) if \(\theta = 0\)

\(\thetak=\pi\left[\begin{array}{c}\sqrt{(R(0,0)+1.0)/2.0}\\\sqrt{(R(1,1)+1.0)/2.0}\\\sqrt{(R(2,2)+1.0)/2.0}\end{array}\right]\) if \(\theta = \pi\)

Overload 2:

Constructs an EAA vector initialized to \(\{0,0,0\}\)

Overload 3:

Constructs an initialized EAA vector :type axis: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param axis: [in] \(\mathbf{\hat{k}}\) :type angle: float :param angle: [in] \(\theta\)

Overload 4:

Constructs an initialized EAA vector \(\thetak =\left[\begin{array}{c} \theta k_x\\ \theta k_y\\ \theta k_z\end{array}\right]\) :type thetakx: float :param thetakx: [in] \(\theta k_x\) :type thetaky: float :param thetaky: [in] \(\theta k_y\) :type thetakz: float :param thetakz: [in] \(\theta k_z\)

Overload 5:

Constructs an EAA vector that will rotate v1 into v2. Where v1 and v2 are normalized and described in the same reference frame. :type v1: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v1: [in] normalized vector :type v2: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v2: [in] normalized vector

Overload 6:

Constructs an initialized EAA vector

The angle of the EAA are \(\|eaa\|\) and the axis is \(\frac{eaa}{\|eaa\|}\) :type eaa: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param eaa: [in] Values to initialize the EAA

Overload 7:

Copy Constructor :type eaa: rw::math::EAA< double > :param eaa: [in] Values to initialize the EAA


Extracts the angle of rotation \(\theta\) :rtype: float :return: \(\theta\)


get as eigen vector :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< double,3,1 > :return: Eigenvector


Extracts the axis of rotation vector \(\mathbf{\hat{\mathbf{k}}}\) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: \(\mathbf{\hat{\mathbf{k}}}\)


Overload 1:

copy operator :type rhs: rw::math::EAA< double > :param rhs: [in] the EAA to be copied :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: reference to this EAA

Overload 2:

assign vector to EAA :type rhs: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param rhs: [in] the vector to asign :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: reference to this EAA

Overload 3:

copy operator :type rhs: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :param rhs: [in] the Rotation3D to be copied :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: reference to this EAA


Overload 1:

Calculates the cross product and returns the result :type v: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v: [in] a Vector3D :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: the resulting 3D vector

Overload 2:

Calculates the cross product and returns the result :type eaa: rw::math::EAA< double > :param eaa: [in] a EAA :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: the resulting 3D vector


Overload 1:

Calculates the dot product and returns the result :type v: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v: [in] a Vector3D :rtype: float :return: the resulting scalar

Overload 2:

Calculates the cross product and returns the result :type eaa: rw::math::EAA< double > :param eaa: [in] a EAA :rtype: float :return: the resulting 3D vector


Overload 1:

element wise addition :type rhs: rw::math::EAA< double > :param rhs: [in] the EAA to be added :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: the sum of the two EAA’s

Overload 2:

Scalar addition.


Overload 1:

element wise devision ( this / rhs ) :type rhs: rw::math::EAA< double > :param rhs: [in] the EAA to be devided with :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: the result of division

Overload 2:

scalar devision :type rhs: float :param rhs: [in] the scalar to devide with :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: the resulting EAA

Overload 3:

element wise devision ( this / rhs ) :type rhs: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param rhs: [in] the Vector to be devided with :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: the result of division


Overload 1:

element wise multiplication :type rhs: rw::math::EAA< double > :param rhs: [in] the EAA to be multiplyed with :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: the result of division

Overload 2:

scalar multiplication :type rhs: float :param rhs: [in] the scalar to multiply with :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: the product

Overload 3:

element wise multiplication :type rhs: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param rhs: [in] the Vector to be multiplyed with :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: the result of division


Overload 1:

element wise subtraction :type rhs: rw::math::EAA< double > :param rhs: [in] the EAA to be subtracted :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: the difference between the two EAA’s

Overload 2:

Scalar subtraction.


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


scale the angle, keeping the axis the same :type scale: float :param scale: [in] how much the angle should change :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: a new EAA with the scaled angle


change the angle of the EAA :type angle: float :param angle: [in] the new angle :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: this object


Get the size of the EAA. :rtype: int :return: the size (always 3).

property thisown

The membership flag


\(\mathbf{R} = e^{[\mathbf{\hat{k}}],\theta}=\mathbf{I}^{3x3}+[\mathbf{\hat{k}}]sin\theta+[{\mathbf{\hat{k}}}]^2(1-cos\theta) = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} k_xk_xv\theta + c\theta & k_xk_yv\theta - k_zs\theta & k_xk_zv\theta + k_ys\theta \\ k_xk_yv\theta + k_zs\theta & k_yk_yv\theta + c\theta & k_yk_zv\theta - k_xs\theta\\ k_xk_zv\theta - k_ys\theta & k_yk_zv\theta + k_xs\theta & k_zk_zv\theta + c\theta \end{array} \right]\)

where: - \(c\theta = cos \theta\) - \(s\theta = sin \theta\) - \(v\theta = 1-cos \theta\)


get the underling Vector :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: the vector

class sdurw_math.EAAf(*args)

Bases: sdurw_math.Rotation3DVectorf

A class for representing an equivalent angle-axis rotation

This class defines an equivalent-axis-angle orientation vector also known as an \(\thetak\) vector or “axis+angle” vector

The equivalent-axis-angle vector is the product of a unit vector \(\hat{\mathbf{k}}\) and an angle of rotation around that axis \(\theta\)

Notes: given two EAA vectors \(\theta_1\mathbf{\hat{k}}_1\) and \(\theta_2\mathbf{\hat{k}}_2\) it is generally not possible to subtract or add these vectors, except for the special case when \(\mathbf{\hat{k}}_1 == \mathbf{\hat{k}}_2\) this is why this class does not have any subtraction or addition operators


Overload 1:

Extracts Equivalent axis-angle vector from Rotation matrix


R (rw::math::Rotation3D< float >) – [in] A 3x3 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{R}\)

\(\theta = arccos(\frac{1}{2}(Trace(\mathbf{R})-1)=arccos(\frac{r_{11}+r_{22}+r_{33}-1}{2})\)

\(\thetak=log(\mathbf{R})=\frac{\theta}{2 sin \theta}(\mathbf{R}-\mathbf{R}^T) =\frac{\theta}{2 sin \theta}\left[\begin{array}{c}r_{32}-r_{23}\\r_{13}-r_{31}\\r_{21}-r_{12}\end{array}\right]\)

\(\thetak=\left[\begin{array}{c}0\\0\\0\end{array}\right]\) if \(\theta = 0\)

\(\thetak=\pi\left[\begin{array}{c}\sqrt{(R(0,0)+1.0)/2.0}\\\sqrt{(R(1,1)+1.0)/2.0}\\\sqrt{(R(2,2)+1.0)/2.0}\end{array}\right]\) if \(\theta = \pi\)

Overload 2:

Constructs an EAA vector initialized to \(\{0,0,0\}\)

Overload 3:

Constructs an initialized EAA vector :type axis: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param axis: [in] \(\mathbf{\hat{k}}\) :type angle: float :param angle: [in] \(\theta\)

Overload 4:

Constructs an initialized EAA vector \(\thetak =\left[\begin{array}{c} \theta k_x\\ \theta k_y\\ \theta k_z\end{array}\right]\) :type thetakx: float :param thetakx: [in] \(\theta k_x\) :type thetaky: float :param thetaky: [in] \(\theta k_y\) :type thetakz: float :param thetakz: [in] \(\theta k_z\)

Overload 5:

Constructs an EAA vector that will rotate v1 into v2. Where v1 and v2 are normalized and described in the same reference frame. :type v1: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v1: [in] normalized vector :type v2: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v2: [in] normalized vector

Overload 6:

Constructs an initialized EAA vector

The angle of the EAA are \(\|eaa\|\) and the axis is \(\frac{eaa}{\|eaa\|}\) :type eaa: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param eaa: [in] Values to initialize the EAA

Overload 7:

Copy Constructor :type eaa: rw::math::EAA< float > :param eaa: [in] Values to initialize the EAA


Extracts the angle of rotation \(\theta\) :rtype: float :return: \(\theta\)


get as eigen vector :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< float,3,1 > :return: Eigenvector


Extracts the axis of rotation vector \(\mathbf{\hat{\mathbf{k}}}\) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: \(\mathbf{\hat{\mathbf{k}}}\)


Overload 1:

copy operator :type rhs: rw::math::EAA< float > :param rhs: [in] the EAA to be copied :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: reference to this EAA

Overload 2:

assign vector to EAA :type rhs: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param rhs: [in] the vector to asign :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: reference to this EAA

Overload 3:

copy operator :type rhs: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :param rhs: [in] the Rotation3D to be copied :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: reference to this EAA


Overload 1:

Calculates the cross product and returns the result :type v: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v: [in] a Vector3D :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: the resulting 3D vector

Overload 2:

Calculates the cross product and returns the result :type eaa: rw::math::EAA< float > :param eaa: [in] a EAA :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: the resulting 3D vector


Overload 1:

Calculates the dot product and returns the result :type v: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v: [in] a Vector3D :rtype: float :return: the resulting scalar

Overload 2:

Calculates the cross product and returns the result :type eaa: rw::math::EAA< float > :param eaa: [in] a EAA :rtype: float :return: the resulting 3D vector


Overload 1:

element wise addition :type rhs: rw::math::EAA< float > :param rhs: [in] the EAA to be added :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: the sum of the two EAA’s

Overload 2:

Scalar addition.


Overload 1:

element wise devision ( this / rhs ) :type rhs: rw::math::EAA< float > :param rhs: [in] the EAA to be devided with :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: the result of division

Overload 2:

scalar devision :type rhs: float :param rhs: [in] the scalar to devide with :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: the resulting EAA

Overload 3:

element wise devision ( this / rhs ) :type rhs: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param rhs: [in] the Vector to be devided with :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: the result of division


Overload 1:

element wise multiplication :type rhs: rw::math::EAA< float > :param rhs: [in] the EAA to be multiplyed with :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: the result of division

Overload 2:

scalar multiplication :type rhs: float :param rhs: [in] the scalar to multiply with :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: the product

Overload 3:

element wise multiplication :type rhs: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param rhs: [in] the Vector to be multiplyed with :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: the result of division


Overload 1:

element wise subtraction :type rhs: rw::math::EAA< float > :param rhs: [in] the EAA to be subtracted :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: the difference between the two EAA’s

Overload 2:

Scalar subtraction.


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


scale the angle, keeping the axis the same :type scale: float :param scale: [in] how much the angle should change :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: a new EAA with the scaled angle


change the angle of the EAA :type angle: float :param angle: [in] the new angle :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: this object


Get the size of the EAA. :rtype: int :return: the size (always 3).

property thisown

The membership flag


\(\mathbf{R} = e^{[\mathbf{\hat{k}}],\theta}=\mathbf{I}^{3x3}+[\mathbf{\hat{k}}]sin\theta+[{\mathbf{\hat{k}}}]^2(1-cos\theta) = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} k_xk_xv\theta + c\theta & k_xk_yv\theta - k_zs\theta & k_xk_zv\theta + k_ys\theta \\ k_xk_yv\theta + k_zs\theta & k_yk_yv\theta + c\theta & k_yk_zv\theta - k_xs\theta\\ k_xk_zv\theta - k_ys\theta & k_yk_zv\theta + k_xs\theta & k_zk_zv\theta + c\theta \end{array} \right]\)

where: - \(c\theta = cos \theta\) - \(s\theta = sin \theta\) - \(v\theta = 1-cos \theta\)


get the underling Vector :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: the vector

class sdurw_math.EigenDecomposition(vectors, values)

Bases: object

Type representing a set of eigen values and eigen vectors.

__init__(vectors, values)

Construct new decomposition. :type vectors: Eigen::Matrix< double,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic > :param vectors: [in] the eigen vectors as columns in a matrix. :type values: Eigen::Matrix< double,Eigen::Dynamic,1 > :param values: [in] the corresponding eigen values.


returns the i’th eigenvalue :rtype: float :return: the eigenvalue.


return all eigenvalues :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< double,Eigen::Dynamic,1 > :return: the eigen values.


returns the i’th eigenvector :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< double,Eigen::Dynamic,1 > :return: the eigen vector.


returns all eigenvectors as columns in a matrix :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< double,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic > :return: reference to the matrix.


sorts the eigen vectors according to their eigen value. The vector with smallest eigen value has index 0

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.EigenDecomposition_f(vectors, values)

Bases: object

Type representing a set of eigen values and eigen vectors.

__init__(vectors, values)

Construct new decomposition. :type vectors: Eigen::Matrix< float,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic > :param vectors: [in] the eigen vectors as columns in a matrix. :type values: Eigen::Matrix< float,Eigen::Dynamic,1 > :param values: [in] the corresponding eigen values.


returns the i’th eigenvalue :rtype: float :return: the eigenvalue.


return all eigenvalues :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< float,Eigen::Dynamic,1 > :return: the eigen values.


returns the i’th eigenvector :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< float,Eigen::Dynamic,1 > :return: the eigen vector.


returns all eigenvectors as columns in a matrix :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< float,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic > :return: reference to the matrix.


sorts the eigen vectors according to their eigen value. The vector with smallest eigen value has index 0

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.EigenQuaterniond

Bases: object

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.EigenQuaternionf

Bases: object

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.EuclideanMetricQ

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricQ

Euclidean distance metric for vector types.

The distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(p_i - q_i)^2}\)

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.EuclideanMetricVector2D

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricVector2D

Euclidean distance metric for vector types.

The distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(p_i - q_i)^2}\)

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.EuclideanMetricVector3D

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricVector3D

Euclidean distance metric for vector types.

The distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(p_i - q_i)^2}\)

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.InertiaMatrixd(*args)

Bases: object

A 3x3 inertia matrix


Overload 1:

Constructs an initialized 3x3 rotation matrix

  • r11 (float) – \(r_{11}\)

  • r12 (float) – \(r_{12}\)

  • r13 (float) – \(r_{13}\)

  • r21 (float) – \(r_{21}\)

  • r22 (float) – \(r_{22}\)

  • r23 (float) – \(r_{23}\)

  • r31 (float) – \(r_{31}\)

  • r32 (float) – \(r_{32}\)

  • r33 (float) – \(r_{33}\)

\(\mathbf{R} = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} \\ r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} \\ r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} \end{array} \right]\)

Overload 2:

Constructs an initialized 3x3 rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} =\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{k}} \end{array}\right]\)

  • i (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}}\)

  • j (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}}\)

  • k (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{k}}\)

Overload 3:

constructor - where only the diagonal is set :type i: float, optional :param i: [in] m(0,0) :type j: float, optional :param j: [in] m(1,1) :type k: float, optional :param k: [in] m(2,2)

Overload 4:

constructor - where only the diagonal is set :type i: float, optional :param i: [in] m(0,0) :type j: float, optional :param j: [in] m(1,1) :param k: [in] m(2,2)

Overload 5:

constructor - where only the diagonal is set :type i: float, optional :param i: [in] m(0,0) :param j: [in] m(1,1) :param k: [in] m(2,2)

Overload 6:

constructor - where only the diagonal is set :param i: [in] m(0,0) :param j: [in] m(1,1) :param k: [in] m(2,2)

Overload 7:

Construct an internal matrix from a Eigen::MatrixBase It is the responsibility of the user that 3x3 matrix is indeed an inertia matrix.


Returns reference to the internal 3x3 matrix


get The diagonal of the Matrix :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: Vector3D< T >

static makeCuboidInertia(mass, x, y, z)

calculates the inertia of a cuboid where the reference frame is in the center of the cuboid with :type mass: float :param mass: :type x: float :param x: :type y: float :param y: :type z: float :param z: :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< double > :return:

static makeHollowSphereInertia(mass, radi)

Make inertia matrix for a hollow sphere. :type mass: float :param mass: [in] mass of hollow sphere. :type radi: float :param radi: [in] radius of sphere. :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< double > :return: the inertia matrix.

static makeSolidSphereInertia(mass, radi)

Make inertia matrix for a solid sphere. :type mass: float :param mass: [in] mass of solid sphere. :type radi: float :param radi: [in] radius of sphere. :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< double > :return: the inertia matrix.

property thisown

The membership flag

sdurw_math.InertiaMatrixd_makeCuboidInertia(mass, x, y, z)

calculates the inertia of a cuboid where the reference frame is in the center of the cuboid with :type mass: float :param mass: :type x: float :param x: :type y: float :param y: :type z: float :param z: :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< double > :return:

sdurw_math.InertiaMatrixd_makeHollowSphereInertia(mass, radi)

Make inertia matrix for a hollow sphere. :type mass: float :param mass: [in] mass of hollow sphere. :type radi: float :param radi: [in] radius of sphere. :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< double > :return: the inertia matrix.

sdurw_math.InertiaMatrixd_makeSolidSphereInertia(mass, radi)

Make inertia matrix for a solid sphere. :type mass: float :param mass: [in] mass of solid sphere. :type radi: float :param radi: [in] radius of sphere. :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< double > :return: the inertia matrix.

class sdurw_math.InertiaMatrixf(*args)

Bases: object

A 3x3 inertia matrix


Overload 1:

Constructs an initialized 3x3 rotation matrix

  • r11 (float) – \(r_{11}\)

  • r12 (float) – \(r_{12}\)

  • r13 (float) – \(r_{13}\)

  • r21 (float) – \(r_{21}\)

  • r22 (float) – \(r_{22}\)

  • r23 (float) – \(r_{23}\)

  • r31 (float) – \(r_{31}\)

  • r32 (float) – \(r_{32}\)

  • r33 (float) – \(r_{33}\)

\(\mathbf{R} = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} \\ r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} \\ r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} \end{array} \right]\)

Overload 2:

Constructs an initialized 3x3 rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} =\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{k}} \end{array}\right]\)

  • i (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}}\)

  • j (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}}\)

  • k (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{k}}\)

Overload 3:

constructor - where only the diagonal is set :type i: float, optional :param i: [in] m(0,0) :type j: float, optional :param j: [in] m(1,1) :type k: float, optional :param k: [in] m(2,2)

Overload 4:

constructor - where only the diagonal is set :type i: float, optional :param i: [in] m(0,0) :type j: float, optional :param j: [in] m(1,1) :param k: [in] m(2,2)

Overload 5:

constructor - where only the diagonal is set :type i: float, optional :param i: [in] m(0,0) :param j: [in] m(1,1) :param k: [in] m(2,2)

Overload 6:

constructor - where only the diagonal is set :param i: [in] m(0,0) :param j: [in] m(1,1) :param k: [in] m(2,2)

Overload 7:

Construct an internal matrix from a Eigen::MatrixBase It is the responsibility of the user that 3x3 matrix is indeed an inertia matrix.


Returns reference to the internal 3x3 matrix


get The diagonal of the Matrix :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: Vector3D< T >

static makeCuboidInertia(mass, x, y, z)

calculates the inertia of a cuboid where the reference frame is in the center of the cuboid with :type mass: float :param mass: :type x: float :param x: :type y: float :param y: :type z: float :param z: :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< float > :return:

static makeHollowSphereInertia(mass, radi)

Make inertia matrix for a hollow sphere. :type mass: float :param mass: [in] mass of hollow sphere. :type radi: float :param radi: [in] radius of sphere. :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< float > :return: the inertia matrix.

static makeSolidSphereInertia(mass, radi)

Make inertia matrix for a solid sphere. :type mass: float :param mass: [in] mass of solid sphere. :type radi: float :param radi: [in] radius of sphere. :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< float > :return: the inertia matrix.

property thisown

The membership flag

sdurw_math.InertiaMatrixf_makeCuboidInertia(mass, x, y, z)

calculates the inertia of a cuboid where the reference frame is in the center of the cuboid with :type mass: float :param mass: :type x: float :param x: :type y: float :param y: :type z: float :param z: :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< float > :return:

sdurw_math.InertiaMatrixf_makeHollowSphereInertia(mass, radi)

Make inertia matrix for a hollow sphere. :type mass: float :param mass: [in] mass of hollow sphere. :type radi: float :param radi: [in] radius of sphere. :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< float > :return: the inertia matrix.

sdurw_math.InertiaMatrixf_makeSolidSphereInertia(mass, radi)

Make inertia matrix for a solid sphere. :type mass: float :param mass: [in] mass of solid sphere. :type radi: float :param radi: [in] radius of sphere. :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< float > :return: the inertia matrix.

class sdurw_math.InfinityMetricQ

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricQ

Infinity norm distance metric for vector types.

InfinityMetric is a metric of the Euclidean n-Plane. The distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(max_i |p_i - q_i|\)

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.InfinityMetricVector2D

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricVector2D

Infinity norm distance metric for vector types.

InfinityMetric is a metric of the Euclidean n-Plane. The distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(max_i |p_i - q_i|\)

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.InfinityMetricVector3D

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricVector3D

Infinity norm distance metric for vector types.

InfinityMetric is a metric of the Euclidean n-Plane. The distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(max_i |p_i - q_i|\)

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.Jacobian(*args)

Bases: object

A Jacobian class. A jacobian with m rows and n columns.

An ordinary robot jacobian defined over the joints 0 to n with configuration q is expressed as a \(6\times n\) matrix:

\[\robabx{0}{n}{\bf{J}}(\bf{q}) = [ \robabx{0}{1}{\bf{J}}(\bf{q}), \robabx{1}{2}{\bf{J}}(\bf{q}),..., \robabx{n-1}{n}{\bf{J}}(\bf{q}) ]\]

Overload 1:

Creates an empty \(m\times n\) (uninitialized) Jacobian matrix

  • m (int) – [in] number of rows

  • n (int) – [in] number of columns

Overload 2:

Default constructor

Overload 3:

Creates an empty \(6\times n\) (uninitialized) Jacobian matrix


n (int) – [in] number of columns

Overload 4:

Creates the velocity transform jacobian \(\robabcdx{a}{b}{a}{b}{\bf{J_v}}\) for transforming both the reference frame and the velocity reference point from one frame b to another frame a


aTb (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] \(\robabx{a}{b}{\bf{T}}\)



\[\begin{split}\robabcdx{a}{b}{a}{b}{\bf{J_v}} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} & S(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{d}})\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} \\ \mathbf{0}^{3x3} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} \end{array} \right]\end{split}\]

Change the frame of reference from b to frame a and reference point from frame a to frame b: \(\robabx{a}{b}{\bf{J}} = \robabcdx{a}{b}{a}{b}{\bf{J}_v} \cdot \robabx{b}{a}{\bf{J}}\)

Overload 5:

Creates the velocity transform jacobian \(\robabcdx{a}{b}{i}{i}{\bf{J_v}}\) for transforming a velocity screw from one frame of reference b to another frame a


aRb (rw::math::Rotation3D< double >) – [in] \(\robabx{a}{b}{\bf{R}}\)



\[\begin{split}\robabcdx{a}{b}{i}{i}{\bf{J_v}} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} & \mathbf{0}^{3x3} \\ \mathbf{0}^{3x3} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} \end{array} \right]\end{split}\]

Change the frame of reference from b to frame a : \(\robabx{a}{c}{\bf{J}} = \robabcdx{a}{b}{c}{c}{\bf{J}_v} \cdot \robabx{b}{c}{\bf{J}}\)

Overload 6:

Creates the velocity transform jacobian \(\robabcdx{i}{i}{b}{a}{\bf{J}_v}\) for transforming the reference point of a velocity screw from one frame b to another frame a


aPb (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [in] \(\robabx{a}{b}{\bf{P}}\)



\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{split} \robabcdx{i}{i}{b}{a}{\bf{J}_v} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \bf{I}^{3x3} & S(\robabx{a}{b}{\bf{P}}) \\ \bf{0}^{3x3} & \bf{I}^{3x3} \end{array} \right]\end{split}\\transforming the reference point of a Jacobian from\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

frame c to frame d : \(\robabx{a}{d}{\mathbf{J}} = \robabcdx{a}{a}{c}{d}{\mathbf{J_v}} \cdot\robabx{a}{c}{\mathbf{J}}\)

addPosition(part, row, col)

add position jacobian to a specific row and column in this jacobian :type part: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param part: :type row: int :param row: :type col: int :param col:

addRotation(part, row, col)

add rotation jacobian to a specific row and column in this jacobian :type part: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param part: :type row: int :param row: :type col: int :param col:


Accessor for the internal Eigen matrix state.

elem(row, col)

Get an element of the jacobian. :type row: int :param row: [in] the row. :type col: int :param col: [in] the column. :rtype: float :return: reference to the element.


The number of rows.


The number of columns.

property thisown

The membership flag

static zero(size1, size2)

Construct zero initialized Jacobian. :type size1: int :param size1: [in] number of rows. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] number of columns. :rtype: Jacobian :return: zero-initialized jacobian.

sdurw_math.Jacobian_zero(size1, size2)

Construct zero initialized Jacobian. :type size1: int :param size1: [in] number of rows. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] number of columns. :rtype: Jacobian :return: zero-initialized jacobian.

class sdurw_math.Line2D(*args)

Bases: object

Describes a line segment in 2D.


Two lines are parallel and coinciding


Two lines intersects at one point


Two lines are parallel


Overload 1:


Overload 2:

Creates a line between that intersect the two points p1 and p2. :type p1: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :param p1: [in] point :type p2: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :param p2: [in] point

Overload 3:

Creates a line between that intersect the two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). :type x1: float :param x1: [in] x coordinate of point 1 :type y1: float :param y1: [in] y coordinate of point 1 :type x2: float :param x2: [in] x coordinate of point 2 :type y2: float :param y2: [in] y coordinate of point 2


Overload 1:

calculates the angle between this line and line :type line: Line2D :param line: [in] a line :rtype: float :return: the angle from this line to line

Overload 2:

calculates the angle between the projection of this line onto yz-plane and the x-axis :rtype: float :return: the angle


calculates the shortest distance between point v and the infinite line. :type v: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :param v: [in] Point to which to calculate distance


calculates the unit normal of the line

getIntersect(line, res)

calculates the intersection between two lines. A intersection point is only saved in res if the two lines are not parallel or coincident. The intersection test does not take the segments into acount. :type line: Line2D :param line: [in] the line two test against :type res: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :param res: [out] the point of intersection :rtype: int :return: the intersection type


gets the length of thi line segment. :rtype: float :return: line segment length


first point on the line


second point on the line

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.Line2DPolar(*args)

Bases: object

Describes a line in 2D in polar coordinates.


Overload 1:


rho * (cos(theta), sin(theta)) is the point on the line nearest to origo.

  • rho (float, optional) – [in] distance to the point on line which is closest to origo

  • theta (float, optional) – [in] angle from x-axis up to the line that connects the origo and the point on the line that is closest to origo.

Overload 2:


  • pnt (rw::math::Vector2D< double >) – [in] is any point on the line

  • theta (float) – [in] angle in radians from x-axis up to the line that connects the origo and the point on the line that is closest to origo.

Overload 3:

constructor - The line moving through the segment from ‘start’ to ‘end’. :type start: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :param start: [in] point on line :type end: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :param end: [in] point on line

Overload 4:

constructor - The line moving through the line segment. :type line: Line2D :param line: [in] the line described as a segment


get normal of line


The L_2 distance from ‘pnt’ to the line.


the shortest distance from origo the line :rtype: float :return:


angle in radians from x-axis up to the line that connects the origo and the point on the line that is closest to origo. :rtype: float :return:

static linePoint(line)

A supporting point on the line (equal to rho * normal).

static lineToLocal(pose, line)

line given relative to the coordinate frame of pose. :type pose: rw::math::Pose2D< double > :param pose: [in] the pose. :type line: Line2DPolar :param line: [in] the line. :rtype: Line2DPolar :return: a Line2DPolar.

static normalProjectionVector(line, pnt)

The vector for the projection of pnt onto the normal of line. :type line: Line2DPolar :param line: [in] a line. :type pnt: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :param pnt: [in] a point. :rtype: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :return: the projection vector.

static projectionPoint(line, pnt)

The point for the projection of ‘pnt’ onto ‘line’.

property thisown

The membership flag


A supporting point on the line (equal to rho * normal).

sdurw_math.Line2DPolar_lineToLocal(pose, line)

line given relative to the coordinate frame of pose. :type pose: rw::math::Pose2D< double > :param pose: [in] the pose. :type line: Line2DPolar :param line: [in] the line. :rtype: Line2DPolar :return: a Line2DPolar.

sdurw_math.Line2DPolar_normalProjectionVector(line, pnt)

The vector for the projection of pnt onto the normal of line. :type line: Line2DPolar :param line: [in] a line. :type pnt: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :param pnt: [in] a point. :rtype: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :return: the projection vector.

sdurw_math.Line2DPolar_projectionPoint(line, pnt)

The point for the projection of ‘pnt’ onto ‘line’.

class sdurw_math.LinearAlgebra

Bases: object

Collection of Linear Algebra functions

static checkPenroseConditions(A, X, prec)

Checks the penrose conditions :type A: Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 > :param A: [in] a matrix :type X: Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 > :param X: [in] a pseudoinverse of A :type prec: float :param prec: [in] the tolerance

Return type



true if the pseudoinverse X of A fullfills the penrose conditions, false otherwise

Checks the penrose conditions:

\(AXA = A\)

\(XAX = X\)

\((AX)^T = AX\)

\((XA)^T = XA\)

static eigenDecomposition(Am1)

Eigen decomposition of a matrix. :type Am1: Eigen::Matrix< double,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic > :param Am1: [in] the matrix. :rtype: std::pair< rw::math::LinearAlgebra::EigenMatrix< std::complex< double > >::type,rw::math::LinearAlgebra::EigenVector< std::complex< double > >::type > :return: the decomposition as a pair with eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

static eigenDecompositionSymmetric(Am1)

Decomposition for a symmetric matrix. :type Am1: Eigen::Matrix< double,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic > :param Am1: [in] a symmetric matrix. :rtype: std::pair< rw::math::LinearAlgebra::EigenMatrix< double >::type,rw::math::LinearAlgebra::EigenVector< double >::type > :return: the decomposition as a pair with eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

static isSO(var)
static pseudoInverse(am, precision=1e-06)

Calculates the moore-penrose (pseudo) inverse of a matrix \(\mathbf{M}^+\)

  • am (Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 >) – [in] the matrix \(\mathbf{M}\) to be inverted

  • precision (float, optional) – [in] the precision to use, values below this treshold are considered singular

Return type

Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 >


the pseudo-inverse \(\mathbf{M}^+\) of \(\mathbf{M}\)

\(\mathbf{M}^+=\mathbf{V}\mathbf{\Sigma} ^+\mathbf{U}^T\) where \(\mathbf{V}\), \(\mathbf{\Sigma}\) and \(\mathbf{U}\) are optained using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

static svd(M, U, sigma, V)

Performs a singular value decomposition (SVD)

The SVD computes the decomposition \(\mathbf{M}=\mathbf{U}*\mathbf{DiagonalMatrix(\sigma)}*\mathbf{V}^T\) .

  • M (Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 >) – [in] the matrix to decomposite

  • U (Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 >) – [out] Result matrix \(\mathbf{U}\)

  • sigma (Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,1 >) – [out] The \(\mathbf{sigma}\) vector with diagonal elements

  • V (Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 >) – [out] Result matrix \(\mathbf{V}\)

property thisown

The membership flag

sdurw_math.LinearAlgebra_checkPenroseConditions(A, X, prec)

Checks the penrose conditions :type A: Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 > :param A: [in] a matrix :type X: Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 > :param X: [in] a pseudoinverse of A :type prec: float :param prec: [in] the tolerance

Return type



true if the pseudoinverse X of A fullfills the penrose conditions, false otherwise

Checks the penrose conditions:

\(AXA = A\)

\(XAX = X\)

\((AX)^T = AX\)

\((XA)^T = XA\)


Eigen decomposition of a matrix. :type Am1: Eigen::Matrix< double,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic > :param Am1: [in] the matrix. :rtype: std::pair< rw::math::LinearAlgebra::EigenMatrix< std::complex< double > >::type,rw::math::LinearAlgebra::EigenVector< std::complex< double > >::type > :return: the decomposition as a pair with eigenvectors and eigenvalues.


Decomposition for a symmetric matrix. :type Am1: Eigen::Matrix< double,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic > :param Am1: [in] a symmetric matrix. :rtype: std::pair< rw::math::LinearAlgebra::EigenMatrix< double >::type,rw::math::LinearAlgebra::EigenVector< double >::type > :return: the decomposition as a pair with eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

sdurw_math.LinearAlgebra_pseudoInverse(am, precision=1e-06)

Calculates the moore-penrose (pseudo) inverse of a matrix \(\mathbf{M}^+\)

  • am (Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 >) – [in] the matrix \(\mathbf{M}\) to be inverted

  • precision (float, optional) – [in] the precision to use, values below this treshold are considered singular

Return type

Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 >


the pseudo-inverse \(\mathbf{M}^+\) of \(\mathbf{M}\)

\(\mathbf{M}^+=\mathbf{V}\mathbf{\Sigma} ^+\mathbf{U}^T\) where \(\mathbf{V}\), \(\mathbf{\Sigma}\) and \(\mathbf{U}\) are optained using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

sdurw_math.LinearAlgebra_svd(M, U, sigma, V)

Performs a singular value decomposition (SVD)

The SVD computes the decomposition \(\mathbf{M}=\mathbf{U}*\mathbf{DiagonalMatrix(\sigma)}*\mathbf{V}^T\) .

  • M (Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 >) – [in] the matrix to decomposite

  • U (Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 >) – [out] Result matrix \(\mathbf{U}\)

  • sigma (Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,1 >) – [out] The \(\mathbf{sigma}\) vector with diagonal elements

  • V (Eigen::Matrix< double,-1,-1 >) – [out] Result matrix \(\mathbf{V}\)

class sdurw_math.ManhattanMetricVector2D

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricVector2D

Manhattan distance metric for vector types.

The ManhattanMetric, also known as the taxicab metric or the 1-norm, is a metric on the Euclidean n-Plane. The Manhattan distance between two points

\(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} |p_i - q_i|\)

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.ManhattanMetricVector3D

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricVector3D

Manhattan distance metric for vector types.

The ManhattanMetric, also known as the taxicab metric or the 1-norm, is a metric on the Euclidean n-Plane. The Manhattan distance between two points

\(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} |p_i - q_i|\)

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.ManhattenMatricQ

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricQ

Manhattan distance metric for vector types.

The ManhattanMetric, also known as the taxicab metric or the 1-norm, is a metric on the Euclidean n-Plane. The Manhattan distance between two points

\(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} |p_i - q_i|\)

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.Math(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Utility functions for the rw::math module.

static NaN()

Get a value for NaN.

Use to make sure code is independent of specific compile specific implementations

Return type



a double representation of NaN.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
static abs(v)

Returns vector with the absolute values

Given a vector \(v=[v_1,v_2,\ldots,v_n]\) then Abs(v) is defined as \(Abs(v)=[abs(v_1),abs(v_i),\ldots,abs(v_n)]\)


v (Q) – [in] the vector \(v\)

Return type



the vector \(Abs(v)\)

static ceilLog2(n)

Exact implementation of ceil(log_2(n)) for n > 0.

static clamp(*args)

Overload 1:

clamp val to either min or max

  • val (float) – [in] the value that is to be clamped

  • min (float) – [in] the minimum allowed value

  • max (float) – [in] the maximum allowed value

Return type



the clamped value of val

Overload 2:

Clamps values of q with min and max

  • q (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [in] Values to clamp

  • min (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [min] The minimum value

  • max (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [min] The maximum value

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< double >


The clamped values

static clampQ(*args)

Overload 1:

Clamps values of q with min and max

  • q (Q) – [in] Values to clamp

  • min (Q) – [min] The minimum value

  • max (Q) – [min] The maximum value

Return type



The clamped values

Overload 2:

Clamps values of q with bounds.first and bounds.second

  • q (Q) – [in] Values to clamp

  • bounds (std::pair< rw::math::Q,rw::math::Q >) – [min] The pair containing minimum and maximum values as first and second element

Return type



The clamped values

static eaaToQuaternion(*args)

Overload 1:

Equivalent angle axis to quaternion conversion.


eaa (rw::math::EAA< double >) – [in] the EAA object that is to be converted

Return type

rw::math::Quaternion< double >


a Quaternion object that represents the converted EAA

Overload 2:

Equivalent angle axis to quaternion conversion.


eaa (rw::math::EAA< float >) – [in] the EAA object that is to be converted

Return type

rw::math::Quaternion< float >


a Quaternion object that represents the converted EAA

static factorial(n)

Factorial The method does not implement any safe guards for negative numbers of overflow of numbers.

static fromStdVectorToMat(*args)

Overload 1:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< double > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: reference to tmp

Overload 2:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< double > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :return: reference to tmp

Overload 3:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< double > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :return: reference to tmp

Overload 4:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< double > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :return: reference to tmp

static fromStdVectorToMat_f(*args)

Overload 1:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< float > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: reference to tmp

Overload 2:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< float > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :return: reference to tmp

Overload 3:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< float > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :return: reference to tmp

Overload 4:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< float > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :return: reference to tmp

static isNaN(d)

Implements an isNaN function

Use to make sure code is independent of specific compile specific implementations

static max(v)

Returns the largest element of v

If the vector has zero length, the method returns 0


v (Q) – [in] the vector v

Return type



the largest element

static min(v)

Returns the smallest element of v

If the vector has zero length, the method returns 0


v (Q) – [in] the vector v

Return type



the smallest element

static quaternionToEAA(*args)

Overload 1:

Quaternion to equivalent angle axis conversion.


quat (rw::math::Quaternion< double >) – [in] the Quaternion object that is to be converted.

Return type

rw::math::EAA< double >


a EAA object that represents the converted quaternion

Overload 2:

Quaternion to equivalent angle axis conversion.


quat (rw::math::Quaternion< float >) – [in] the Quaternion object that is to be converted.

Return type

rw::math::EAA< float >


a EAA object that represents the converted quaternion

static ran(*args)

Overload 1:

A random double in the range [0, 1[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

Overload 2:

A random double in the range [from, to[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

static ranDir(dim, length=1)

Returns a random direction in dim dimensions using the standard normal distribution.

The length of the vector is given by length;

  • dim (int) – [in] Number of dimensions

  • length (float, optional) – [in] Length of return vector. Default is 1;

Return type



Random direction

Warning: Please see the warning for Math::ranNormalDist

static ranI(_from, to)

A random integer in the range [from, to[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

static ranNormalDist(mean, sigma)

Returns a random sample around mean with standard deviation sigma using the normal distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random Warning: The number sequence generated can vary in different Boost versions (there is a known change in Boost 1.56.0).

  • mean (float) – [in] Means value

  • sigma (float) – [in] Standard deviation

Return type



Random sample

static ranQ(*args)

Overload 1:

Returns a random Q between with values in the range [from, to[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

  • from (Q) – [in] The lower bound

  • to (Q) – [in] The upper bound

Return type



Random Q

Overload 2:

Returns a random Q between with values in the range [bounds.first, bounds.second[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random


bounds (std::pair< rw::math::Q,rw::math::Q >) – [in] The lower and upper bounds

Return type



Random Q

static ranQuaternion()

Returns a uniformly distributed random orientation.

Return type

rw::math::Quaternion< double >


Random orientation represented as a Quaternion

static ranQuaternion_f()

Returns a uniformly distributed random orientation.

Return type

rw::math::Quaternion< float >


Random orientation represented as a Quaternion

static ranRotation3D()

Returns a uniformly distributed random orientation.

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< double >


Random orientation represented as a Rotation3D

static ranRotation3D_f()

Returns a uniformly distributed random orientation.

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< float >


Random orientation represented as a Rotation3D

static ranTransform3D(translationLength=1)

Returns random Transform3D based on ranDir (using the standard normal distribution) and ranRotation3D (using a uniform distribution).


translationLength (float, optional) – [in]

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< double >


Random Transform3D

static ranTransform3D_f(translationLength=1)

Returns random Transform3D based on ranDir (using the standard normal distribution) and ranRotation3D (using a uniform distribution).


translationLength (float, optional) – [in]

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< float >


Random Transform3D

static ranWeightedDir(dim, weights, length=1)

Returns a weighted random direction in dim dimensions using the standard normal distribution.

The length of the vector is given by length;

  • dim (int) – [in] Number of dimensions

  • weights (Q) – [in] Weights to use

  • length (float, optional) – [in] Length of return vector when weights are applied as weighted Euclidean metric. Default is 1;

Return type



Random weigthed direction

Warning: Please see the warning for Math::ranNormalDist

static round(d)

Rounds off to nearest integer

With some compilers round can be found in math.h. This however does not appear to be ansi C/C++ standard


d (float) – [in] number to round

Return type



d rounded to nearest integer.

static seed(*args)

Overload 1:

Seeds the random number generator.

Notes: Uses boost::random

Overload 2:

Seeds the random number generator with current time of day

Notes: Uses boost::random

static sign(*args)

Overload 1:

Returns the sign of s

If s < 0 it return 0. If s >= 0 then 1 is returned.


s (float) – [in] The value for which to return the sign

Return type



The sign

Overload 2:

Returns the sign of each element

For each element either -1 or 1 is returned depending on the sign. If q(i) equals 0 the method returns 1


q (Q) – [in] Vector for which to get the signs

Return type



Vector of sign values

static skew(*args)

Overload 1:

Constructs a 3x3 skew-symmetric matrix \(S\in so(3)\) :type s: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param s: [in] the \(s_x\), \(s_y\) and \(s_z\) of the matrix :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< double,3,3 > :return: The 3x3 skew-symmetric matrix \(S\)

\(S =\left [\begin {array}{ccc} 0 & -s_z & s_y\\ s_z & 0 & -s_x\\-s_y & s_x & 0\end {array}\right ]\)

Overload 2:

Constructs a 3x3 skew-symmetric matrix \(S\in so(3)\) :type s: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param s: [in] the \(s_x\), \(s_y\) and \(s_z\) of the matrix :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< float,3,3 > :return: The 3x3 skew-symmetric matrix \(S\)

\(S =\left [\begin {array}{ccc} 0 & -s_z & s_y\\ s_z & 0 & -s_x\\-s_y & s_x & 0\end {array}\right ]\)

static sqr(q)

The squares of the elements of q.

static sqrt(q)

The square roots of the elements of q.

property thisown

The membership flag

static toStdVector(*args)
static zyxToRotation3D(*args)

Overload 1:

this function converts a EAA object to a Quaternion

  • roll (float) – [in] rotation around z

  • pitch (float) – [in] rotation around y

  • yaw (float) – [in] rotation around x

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< double >


a Quaternion object that represents the converted EAA

Overload 2:

this function converts a EAA object to a Quaternion

  • roll (float) – [in] rotation around z

  • pitch (float) – [in] rotation around y

  • yaw (float) – [in] rotation around x

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< float >


a Quaternion object that represents the converted EAA


Get a value for NaN.

Use to make sure code is independent of specific compile specific implementations

Return type



a double representation of NaN.


Returns vector with the absolute values

Given a vector \(v=[v_1,v_2,\ldots,v_n]\) then Abs(v) is defined as \(Abs(v)=[abs(v_1),abs(v_i),\ldots,abs(v_n)]\)


v (Q) – [in] the vector \(v\)

Return type



the vector \(Abs(v)\)


Exact implementation of ceil(log_2(n)) for n > 0.


Overload 1:

clamp val to either min or max

  • val (float) – [in] the value that is to be clamped

  • min (float) – [in] the minimum allowed value

  • max (float) – [in] the maximum allowed value

Return type



the clamped value of val

Overload 2:

Clamps values of q with min and max

  • q (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [in] Values to clamp

  • min (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [min] The minimum value

  • max (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [min] The maximum value

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< double >


The clamped values


Overload 1:

Clamps values of q with min and max

  • q (Q) – [in] Values to clamp

  • min (Q) – [min] The minimum value

  • max (Q) – [min] The maximum value

Return type



The clamped values

Overload 2:

Clamps values of q with bounds.first and bounds.second

  • q (Q) – [in] Values to clamp

  • bounds (std::pair< rw::math::Q,rw::math::Q >) – [min] The pair containing minimum and maximum values as first and second element

Return type



The clamped values


Overload 1:

Equivalent angle axis to quaternion conversion.


eaa (rw::math::EAA< double >) – [in] the EAA object that is to be converted

Return type

rw::math::Quaternion< double >


a Quaternion object that represents the converted EAA

Overload 2:

Equivalent angle axis to quaternion conversion.


eaa (rw::math::EAA< float >) – [in] the EAA object that is to be converted

Return type

rw::math::Quaternion< float >


a Quaternion object that represents the converted EAA


Factorial The method does not implement any safe guards for negative numbers of overflow of numbers.


Overload 1:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< double > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: reference to tmp

Overload 2:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< double > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :return: reference to tmp

Overload 3:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< double > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :return: reference to tmp

Overload 4:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< double > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :return: reference to tmp


Overload 1:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< float > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: reference to tmp

Overload 2:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< float > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :return: reference to tmp

Overload 3:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< float > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :return: reference to tmp

Overload 4:

convert a vector of doubles to a matrix math type. The math type should implement the operator (i,j) in order to use this function. :type data: std::vector< float > :param data: [in] the input :type tmp: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :param tmp: [out] the output :type size1: int :param size1: [in] the size of the first dimension of the matrix. :type size2: int :param size2: [in] the size of the second dimension of the matrix. :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :return: reference to tmp


Implements an isNaN function

Use to make sure code is independent of specific compile specific implementations


Returns the largest element of v

If the vector has zero length, the method returns 0


v (Q) – [in] the vector v

Return type



the largest element


Returns the smallest element of v

If the vector has zero length, the method returns 0


v (Q) – [in] the vector v

Return type



the smallest element


Overload 1:

Quaternion to equivalent angle axis conversion.


quat (rw::math::Quaternion< double >) – [in] the Quaternion object that is to be converted.

Return type

rw::math::EAA< double >


a EAA object that represents the converted quaternion

Overload 2:

Quaternion to equivalent angle axis conversion.


quat (rw::math::Quaternion< float >) – [in] the Quaternion object that is to be converted.

Return type

rw::math::EAA< float >


a EAA object that represents the converted quaternion


Overload 1:

A random double in the range [0, 1[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

Overload 2:

A random double in the range [from, to[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

sdurw_math.Math_ranDir(dim, length=1)

Returns a random direction in dim dimensions using the standard normal distribution.

The length of the vector is given by length;

  • dim (int) – [in] Number of dimensions

  • length (float, optional) – [in] Length of return vector. Default is 1;

Return type



Random direction

Warning: Please see the warning for Math::ranNormalDist

sdurw_math.Math_ranI(_from, to)

A random integer in the range [from, to[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

sdurw_math.Math_ranNormalDist(mean, sigma)

Returns a random sample around mean with standard deviation sigma using the normal distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random Warning: The number sequence generated can vary in different Boost versions (there is a known change in Boost 1.56.0).

  • mean (float) – [in] Means value

  • sigma (float) – [in] Standard deviation

Return type



Random sample


Overload 1:

Returns a random Q between with values in the range [from, to[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

  • from (Q) – [in] The lower bound

  • to (Q) – [in] The upper bound

Return type



Random Q

Overload 2:

Returns a random Q between with values in the range [bounds.first, bounds.second[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random


bounds (std::pair< rw::math::Q,rw::math::Q >) – [in] The lower and upper bounds

Return type



Random Q


Returns a uniformly distributed random orientation.

Return type

rw::math::Quaternion< double >


Random orientation represented as a Quaternion


Returns a uniformly distributed random orientation.

Return type

rw::math::Quaternion< float >


Random orientation represented as a Quaternion


Returns a uniformly distributed random orientation.

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< double >


Random orientation represented as a Rotation3D


Returns a uniformly distributed random orientation.

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< float >


Random orientation represented as a Rotation3D


Returns random Transform3D based on ranDir (using the standard normal distribution) and ranRotation3D (using a uniform distribution).


translationLength (float, optional) – [in]

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< double >


Random Transform3D


Returns random Transform3D based on ranDir (using the standard normal distribution) and ranRotation3D (using a uniform distribution).


translationLength (float, optional) – [in]

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< float >


Random Transform3D

sdurw_math.Math_ranWeightedDir(dim, weights, length=1)

Returns a weighted random direction in dim dimensions using the standard normal distribution.

The length of the vector is given by length;

  • dim (int) – [in] Number of dimensions

  • weights (Q) – [in] Weights to use

  • length (float, optional) – [in] Length of return vector when weights are applied as weighted Euclidean metric. Default is 1;

Return type



Random weigthed direction

Warning: Please see the warning for Math::ranNormalDist


Rounds off to nearest integer

With some compilers round can be found in math.h. This however does not appear to be ansi C/C++ standard


d (float) – [in] number to round

Return type



d rounded to nearest integer.


Overload 1:

Seeds the random number generator.

Notes: Uses boost::random

Overload 2:

Seeds the random number generator with current time of day

Notes: Uses boost::random


Overload 1:

Returns the sign of s

If s < 0 it return 0. If s >= 0 then 1 is returned.


s (float) – [in] The value for which to return the sign

Return type



The sign

Overload 2:

Returns the sign of each element

For each element either -1 or 1 is returned depending on the sign. If q(i) equals 0 the method returns 1


q (Q) – [in] Vector for which to get the signs

Return type



Vector of sign values


Overload 1:

Constructs a 3x3 skew-symmetric matrix \(S\in so(3)\) :type s: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param s: [in] the \(s_x\), \(s_y\) and \(s_z\) of the matrix :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< double,3,3 > :return: The 3x3 skew-symmetric matrix \(S\)

\(S =\left [\begin {array}{ccc} 0 & -s_z & s_y\\ s_z & 0 & -s_x\\-s_y & s_x & 0\end {array}\right ]\)

Overload 2:

Constructs a 3x3 skew-symmetric matrix \(S\in so(3)\) :type s: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param s: [in] the \(s_x\), \(s_y\) and \(s_z\) of the matrix :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< float,3,3 > :return: The 3x3 skew-symmetric matrix \(S\)

\(S =\left [\begin {array}{ccc} 0 & -s_z & s_y\\ s_z & 0 & -s_x\\-s_y & s_x & 0\end {array}\right ]\)


The squares of the elements of q.


The square roots of the elements of q.


Overload 1:

this function converts a EAA object to a Quaternion

  • roll (float) – [in] rotation around z

  • pitch (float) – [in] rotation around y

  • yaw (float) – [in] rotation around x

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< double >


a Quaternion object that represents the converted EAA

Overload 2:

this function converts a EAA object to a Quaternion

  • roll (float) – [in] rotation around z

  • pitch (float) – [in] rotation around y

  • yaw (float) – [in] rotation around x

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< float >


a Quaternion object that represents the converted EAA

class sdurw_math.MetricFactory(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Metric constructor functions.

The constructor functions are parameterized by a type of vector. Valid vector types include:

  • Q

  • Vector2D<double>

  • Vector3D<double>

  • std::vector<double>

  • Eigen::VectorXd

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
static makeEuclideanQ()

Euclidean configuration metric.

See class EuclideanMetric for details.

static makeInfinityQ()

Infinity configuration metric.

See class InfinityMetric for details.

static makeManhattanQ()

Manhattan configuration metric.

See class ManhattanMetric for details.

static makeRotation3DMetric()

Metric computing distance between two rotations.

The metric is defined as the angle of the rw::math::EAA of the rotation.

static makeTransform3DMetric(linWeight, angWeight)

Metric computing distance between two transformations

The metric is defined as a weighted sum of the positional distance and the angle of the rw::math::EAA of the rotation.

  • linWeight (float) – [in] Positional weight.

  • angWeight (float) – [in] Angular weight.

static makeWeightedEuclideanQ(weights)

Weighted Euclidean configuration metric.

See class WeightedEuclideanMetric for details.


weights (Q) – [in] Weights for the metric.

Return type

rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Q >::Ptr


Weighted Euclidean metric.

static makeWeightedInfinityQ(weights)

Weighted infinity configuration metric.

See class WeightedInfinity for details.


weights (Q) – [in] Weights for the metric.

Return type

rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Q >::Ptr


Weighted infinity metric.

static makeWeightedManhattanQ(weights)

WeightedManhattan configuration metric.

See class WeightedManhattanMetric for details.

property thisown

The membership flag


Euclidean configuration metric.

See class EuclideanMetric for details.


Infinity configuration metric.

See class InfinityMetric for details.


Manhattan configuration metric.

See class ManhattanMetric for details.


Metric computing distance between two rotations.

The metric is defined as the angle of the rw::math::EAA of the rotation.

sdurw_math.MetricFactory_makeTransform3DMetric(linWeight, angWeight)

Metric computing distance between two transformations

The metric is defined as a weighted sum of the positional distance and the angle of the rw::math::EAA of the rotation.

  • linWeight (float) – [in] Positional weight.

  • angWeight (float) – [in] Angular weight.


Weighted Euclidean configuration metric.

See class WeightedEuclideanMetric for details.


weights (Q) – [in] Weights for the metric.

Return type

rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Q >::Ptr


Weighted Euclidean metric.


Weighted infinity configuration metric.

See class WeightedInfinity for details.


weights (Q) – [in] Weights for the metric.

Return type

rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Q >::Ptr


Weighted infinity metric.


WeightedManhattan configuration metric.

See class WeightedManhattanMetric for details.

class sdurw_math.MetricQ(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Template interface for metrics on type T.

A metric is a function that defines a scalar distance between elements.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Q >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Q >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricQCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Q >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Q >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricQPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Q >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Q >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricRotation3D(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Template interface for metrics on type T.

A metric is a function that defines a scalar distance between elements.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Rotation3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Rotation3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricRotation3DCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Rotation3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Rotation3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricRotation3DPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Rotation3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Rotation3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricRotation3D_f(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Template interface for metrics on type T.

A metric is a function that defines a scalar distance between elements.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Rotation3D< float > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Rotation3D< float > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricTransform3D(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Template interface for metrics on type T.

A metric is a function that defines a scalar distance between elements.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Transform3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Transform3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricTransform3DCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Transform3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Transform3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricTransform3DPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Transform3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Transform3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricTransform3D_f(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Template interface for metrics on type T.

A metric is a function that defines a scalar distance between elements.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Transform3D< float > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Transform3D< float > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricUtil

Bases: object

Various metrics and other distance measures.

static dist2(*args)

Overload 1:

The 2-norm of the difference between two configurations.

Overload 2:

The 2-norm of the difference between two configurations.

static norm1(*args)

Overload 1:

The 1-norm of a configuration.

Overload 2:

The 1-norm of a configuration.

Overload 3:

The 1-norm of a configuration.

Overload 4:

The 1-norm of a configuration.

Overload 5:

The 1-norm of a configuration.

static norm2(*args)

Overload 1:

The 2-norm of a configuration.

Overload 2:

The 2-norm of a configuration.

Overload 3:

The 2-norm of a configuration.

Overload 4:

The 2-norm of a configuration.

Overload 5:

The 2-norm of a configuration.

static normInf(*args)

Overload 1:

The infinity-norm of a configuration.

Overload 2:

The infinity-norm of a configuration.

Overload 3:

The infinity-norm of a configuration.

Overload 4:

The infinity-norm of a configuration.

Overload 5:

The infinity-norm of a configuration.

property thisown

The membership flag


Overload 1:

The 2-norm of the difference between two configurations.

Overload 2:

The 2-norm of the difference between two configurations.


Overload 1:

The 1-norm of a configuration.

Overload 2:

The 1-norm of a configuration.

Overload 3:

The 1-norm of a configuration.

Overload 4:

The 1-norm of a configuration.

Overload 5:

The 1-norm of a configuration.


Overload 1:

The 2-norm of a configuration.

Overload 2:

The 2-norm of a configuration.

Overload 3:

The 2-norm of a configuration.

Overload 4:

The 2-norm of a configuration.

Overload 5:

The 2-norm of a configuration.


Overload 1:

The infinity-norm of a configuration.

Overload 2:

The infinity-norm of a configuration.

Overload 3:

The infinity-norm of a configuration.

Overload 4:

The infinity-norm of a configuration.

Overload 5:

The infinity-norm of a configuration.

class sdurw_math.MetricVector2D(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Template interface for metrics on type T.

A metric is a function that defines a scalar distance between elements.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector2D< double > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector2D< double > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricVector2DCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector2D< double > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector2D< double > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricVector2DPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector2D< double > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector2D< double > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricVector3D(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Template interface for metrics on type T.

A metric is a function that defines a scalar distance between elements.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricVector3DCPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.MetricVector3DPtr(*args)

Bases: object

Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.


Overload 1:

Default constructor yielding a NULL-pointer.

Overload 2:

Do not take ownership of ptr.

ptr can be null.

The constructor is implicit on purpose.


The pointer stored in the object.


Overload 1:

The distance from the zero element to q

Overload 2:

The distance from element a to b.

  • a (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] first element

  • b (rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector3D< double > >::value_type) – [in] second element

Return type



the distance


Member access operator.


checks if the pointer is null :rtype: boolean :return: Returns true if the pointer is null


check if this Ptr has shared ownership or none ownership :rtype: boolean :return: true if Ptr has shared ownership, false if it has no ownership.


The dimension of elements on which this metric operates.

The returns -1 if the elements don’t have a measure of dimension or if the metric works for elements of all dimensions.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PairConstQ(*args)

Bases: object

property first
property second
property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PairQ(*args)

Bases: object

property first
property second
property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PerspectiveTransform2D(*args)

Bases: object

The PerspectiveTransform2D is a perspective transform in 2D.

The homographic transform can be used to map one arbitrary 2D quadrilateral into another.


Overload 1:


Overload 2:



Returns reference to the 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}\in SO(3)\) that represents this rotation

Return type

Eigen::Matrix< double,3,3 >


\(\mathbf{M}\in SO(3)\)

calc3dVec(hT, v)

transform a 2d point into a 3d point with this perspective transform :type hT: rw::math::PerspectiveTransform2D< double > :param hT: :type v: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :param v: :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return:

static calcTransform(pts1, pts2)

calculates a PerspectiveTransform2D that maps points from point set pts1 to point set pts2 :type pts1: std::vector< rw::math::Vector2D< double > > :param pts1: [in] point set one :type pts2: std::vector< rw::math::Vector2D< double > > :param pts2: [in] point set two


Returns the inverse of the PerspectiveTransform

property thisown

The membership flag

sdurw_math.PerspectiveTransform2D_calcTransform(pts1, pts2)

calculates a PerspectiveTransform2D that maps points from point set pts1 to point set pts2 :type pts1: std::vector< rw::math::Vector2D< double > > :param pts1: [in] point set one :type pts2: std::vector< rw::math::Vector2D< double > > :param pts2: [in] point set two

class sdurw_math.PerspectiveTransform2Df(*args)

Bases: object

The PerspectiveTransform2D is a perspective transform in 2D.

The homographic transform can be used to map one arbitrary 2D quadrilateral into another.


Overload 1:


Overload 2:



Returns reference to the 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}\in SO(3)\) that represents this rotation

Return type

Eigen::Matrix< float,3,3 >


\(\mathbf{M}\in SO(3)\)

calc3dVec(hT, v)

transform a 2d point into a 3d point with this perspective transform :type hT: rw::math::PerspectiveTransform2D< float > :param hT: :type v: rw::math::Vector2D< float > :param v: :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return:

static calcTransform(pts1, pts2)

calculates a PerspectiveTransform2D that maps points from point set pts1 to point set pts2 :type pts1: std::vector< rw::math::Vector2D< float > > :param pts1: [in] point set one :type pts2: std::vector< rw::math::Vector2D< float > > :param pts2: [in] point set two


Returns the inverse of the PerspectiveTransform

property thisown

The membership flag

sdurw_math.PerspectiveTransform2Df_calcTransform(pts1, pts2)

calculates a PerspectiveTransform2D that maps points from point set pts1 to point set pts2 :type pts1: std::vector< rw::math::Vector2D< float > > :param pts1: [in] point set one :type pts2: std::vector< rw::math::Vector2D< float > > :param pts2: [in] point set two

class sdurw_math.PolynomialNDEigenMatrix3dDouble(*args)

Bases: object

Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix).

Representation of a polynomial of the following form:

\(f(x) = C_n x^n + C_(n-1) x^(n-1) + C_2 x^2 + C_1 x + C_0\)

The polynomial is represented as a list of coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order term, \({c_0,c_1,...,c_n}\).


Overload 1:

Create polynomial with uninitialized coefficients. :type order: int :param order: [in] the order of the polynomial.

Overload 2:

Create polynomial from vector. :type coefficients: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< double,3,3 > > :param coefficients: [in] the coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order


Overload 3:

Create polynomial from other polynomial. :type p: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< double,3,3 >,double > :param p: [in] the polynomial to copy.


Perform deflation of polynomial. :type x: float :param x: [in] a root of the polynomial. :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< double,3,3 >,double > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: There is no check that the given root is in fact a root of the polynomial.


Get the derivative polynomial. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] gives the n’th derivative (default is n=1). :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< double,3,3 >,double > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: To evaluate derivatives use the evaluate derivative method which is more precise.


Evaluate the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< double,3,3 > :return: the value \(f(x)\).

evaluateDerivatives(x, n=1)

Evaluate the first n derivatives of the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] the number of derivatives to find (default is the first derivative only) :rtype: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< double,3,3 > > :return: a vector of values \({f(x),\dot{f}(x),\ddot{f}(x),\cdots}\).


Overload 1:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). :type value: Eigen::Matrix< double,3,3 > :param value: [in] initialize new coefficients to this value.

Overload 2:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int, optional :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.

Overload 3:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.


Get the order of the polynomial (the highest power). :rtype: int :return: the order.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PolynomialNDEigenMatrix3fFloat(*args)

Bases: object

Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix).

Representation of a polynomial of the following form:

\(f(x) = C_n x^n + C_(n-1) x^(n-1) + C_2 x^2 + C_1 x + C_0\)

The polynomial is represented as a list of coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order term, \({c_0,c_1,...,c_n}\).


Overload 1:

Create polynomial with uninitialized coefficients. :type order: int :param order: [in] the order of the polynomial.

Overload 2:

Create polynomial from vector. :type coefficients: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< float,3,3 > > :param coefficients: [in] the coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order


Overload 3:

Create polynomial from other polynomial. :type p: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< float,3,3 >,float > :param p: [in] the polynomial to copy.


Perform deflation of polynomial. :type x: float :param x: [in] a root of the polynomial. :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< float,3,3 >,float > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: There is no check that the given root is in fact a root of the polynomial.


Get the derivative polynomial. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] gives the n’th derivative (default is n=1). :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< float,3,3 >,float > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: To evaluate derivatives use the evaluate derivative method which is more precise.


Evaluate the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< float,3,3 > :return: the value \(f(x)\).

evaluateDerivatives(x, n=1)

Evaluate the first n derivatives of the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] the number of derivatives to find (default is the first derivative only) :rtype: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< float,3,3 > > :return: a vector of values \({f(x),\dot{f}(x),\ddot{f}(x),\cdots}\).


Overload 1:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). :type value: Eigen::Matrix< float,3,3 > :param value: [in] initialize new coefficients to this value.

Overload 2:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int, optional :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.

Overload 3:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.


Get the order of the polynomial (the highest power). :rtype: int :return: the order.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PolynomialNDEigenMatrix3ifComplexDouble(*args)

Bases: object

Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix).

Representation of a polynomial of the following form:

\(f(x) = C_n x^n + C_(n-1) x^(n-1) + C_2 x^2 + C_1 x + C_0\)

The polynomial is represented as a list of coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order term, \({c_0,c_1,...,c_n}\).


Overload 1:

Create polynomial with uninitialized coefficients. :type order: int :param order: [in] the order of the polynomial.

Overload 2:

Create polynomial from vector. :type coefficients: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< float >,3,3 > > :param coefficients: [in] the coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order


Overload 3:

Create polynomial from other polynomial. :type p: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< float >,3,3 >,std::complex< float > > :param p: [in] the polynomial to copy.


Perform deflation of polynomial. :type x: std::complex< float > :param x: [in] a root of the polynomial. :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< float >,3,3 >,std::complex< float > > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: There is no check that the given root is in fact a root of the polynomial.


Get the derivative polynomial. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] gives the n’th derivative (default is n=1). :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< float >,3,3 >,std::complex< float > > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: To evaluate derivatives use the evaluate derivative method which is more precise.


Evaluate the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: std::complex< float > :param x: [in] the input parameter. :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< float >,3,3 > :return: the value \(f(x)\).

evaluateDerivatives(x, n=1)

Evaluate the first n derivatives of the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: std::complex< float > :param x: [in] the input parameter. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] the number of derivatives to find (default is the first derivative only) :rtype: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< float >,3,3 > > :return: a vector of values \({f(x),\dot{f}(x),\ddot{f}(x),\cdots}\).


Overload 1:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). :type value: Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< float >,3,3 > :param value: [in] initialize new coefficients to this value.

Overload 2:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int, optional :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.

Overload 3:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.


Get the order of the polynomial (the highest power). :rtype: int :return: the order.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PolynomialNDEigenRowVector3dDouble(*args)

Bases: object

Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix).

Representation of a polynomial of the following form:

\(f(x) = C_n x^n + C_(n-1) x^(n-1) + C_2 x^2 + C_1 x + C_0\)

The polynomial is represented as a list of coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order term, \({c_0,c_1,...,c_n}\).


Overload 1:

Create polynomial with uninitialized coefficients. :type order: int :param order: [in] the order of the polynomial.

Overload 2:

Create polynomial from vector. :type coefficients: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< double,1,3 > > :param coefficients: [in] the coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order


Overload 3:

Create polynomial from other polynomial. :type p: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< double,1,3 >,double > :param p: [in] the polynomial to copy.


Perform deflation of polynomial. :type x: float :param x: [in] a root of the polynomial. :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< double,1,3 >,double > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: There is no check that the given root is in fact a root of the polynomial.


Get the derivative polynomial. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] gives the n’th derivative (default is n=1). :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< double,1,3 >,double > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: To evaluate derivatives use the evaluate derivative method which is more precise.


Evaluate the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< double,1,3 > :return: the value \(f(x)\).

evaluateDerivatives(x, n=1)

Evaluate the first n derivatives of the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] the number of derivatives to find (default is the first derivative only) :rtype: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< double,1,3 > > :return: a vector of values \({f(x),\dot{f}(x),\ddot{f}(x),\cdots}\).


Overload 1:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). :type value: Eigen::Matrix< double,1,3 > :param value: [in] initialize new coefficients to this value.

Overload 2:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int, optional :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.

Overload 3:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.


Get the order of the polynomial (the highest power). :rtype: int :return: the order.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PolynomialNDEigenRowVector3fFloat(*args)

Bases: object

Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix).

Representation of a polynomial of the following form:

\(f(x) = C_n x^n + C_(n-1) x^(n-1) + C_2 x^2 + C_1 x + C_0\)

The polynomial is represented as a list of coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order term, \({c_0,c_1,...,c_n}\).


Overload 1:

Create polynomial with uninitialized coefficients. :type order: int :param order: [in] the order of the polynomial.

Overload 2:

Create polynomial from vector. :type coefficients: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< float,1,3 > > :param coefficients: [in] the coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order


Overload 3:

Create polynomial from other polynomial. :type p: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< float,1,3 >,float > :param p: [in] the polynomial to copy.


Perform deflation of polynomial. :type x: float :param x: [in] a root of the polynomial. :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< float,1,3 >,float > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: There is no check that the given root is in fact a root of the polynomial.


Get the derivative polynomial. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] gives the n’th derivative (default is n=1). :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< float,1,3 >,float > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: To evaluate derivatives use the evaluate derivative method which is more precise.


Evaluate the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< float,1,3 > :return: the value \(f(x)\).

evaluateDerivatives(x, n=1)

Evaluate the first n derivatives of the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] the number of derivatives to find (default is the first derivative only) :rtype: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< float,1,3 > > :return: a vector of values \({f(x),\dot{f}(x),\ddot{f}(x),\cdots}\).


Overload 1:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). :type value: Eigen::Matrix< float,1,3 > :param value: [in] initialize new coefficients to this value.

Overload 2:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int, optional :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.

Overload 3:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.


Get the order of the polynomial (the highest power). :rtype: int :return: the order.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PolynomialNDEigenRowVector3idComplexDouble(*args)

Bases: object

Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix).

Representation of a polynomial of the following form:

\(f(x) = C_n x^n + C_(n-1) x^(n-1) + C_2 x^2 + C_1 x + C_0\)

The polynomial is represented as a list of coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order term, \({c_0,c_1,...,c_n}\).


Overload 1:

Create polynomial with uninitialized coefficients. :type order: int :param order: [in] the order of the polynomial.

Overload 2:

Create polynomial from vector. :type coefficients: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,1,3 > > :param coefficients: [in] the coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order


Overload 3:

Create polynomial from other polynomial. :type p: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,1,3 >,std::complex< double > > :param p: [in] the polynomial to copy.


Perform deflation of polynomial. :type x: std::complex< double > :param x: [in] a root of the polynomial. :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,1,3 >,std::complex< double > > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: There is no check that the given root is in fact a root of the polynomial.


Get the derivative polynomial. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] gives the n’th derivative (default is n=1). :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,1,3 >,std::complex< double > > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: To evaluate derivatives use the evaluate derivative method which is more precise.


Evaluate the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: std::complex< double > :param x: [in] the input parameter. :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,1,3 > :return: the value \(f(x)\).

evaluateDerivatives(x, n=1)

Evaluate the first n derivatives of the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: std::complex< double > :param x: [in] the input parameter. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] the number of derivatives to find (default is the first derivative only) :rtype: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,1,3 > > :return: a vector of values \({f(x),\dot{f}(x),\ddot{f}(x),\cdots}\).


Overload 1:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). :type value: Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,1,3 > :param value: [in] initialize new coefficients to this value.

Overload 2:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int, optional :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.

Overload 3:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.


Get the order of the polynomial (the highest power). :rtype: int :return: the order.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PolynomialNDEigenVector3dDouble(*args)

Bases: object

Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix).

Representation of a polynomial of the following form:

\(f(x) = C_n x^n + C_(n-1) x^(n-1) + C_2 x^2 + C_1 x + C_0\)

The polynomial is represented as a list of coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order term, \({c_0,c_1,...,c_n}\).


Overload 1:

Create polynomial with uninitialized coefficients. :type order: int :param order: [in] the order of the polynomial.

Overload 2:

Create polynomial from vector. :type coefficients: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< double,3,1 > > :param coefficients: [in] the coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order


Overload 3:

Create polynomial from other polynomial. :type p: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< double,3,1 >,double > :param p: [in] the polynomial to copy.


Perform deflation of polynomial. :type x: float :param x: [in] a root of the polynomial. :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< double,3,1 >,double > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: There is no check that the given root is in fact a root of the polynomial.


Get the derivative polynomial. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] gives the n’th derivative (default is n=1). :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< double,3,1 >,double > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: To evaluate derivatives use the evaluate derivative method which is more precise.


Evaluate the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< double,3,1 > :return: the value \(f(x)\).

evaluateDerivatives(x, n=1)

Evaluate the first n derivatives of the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] the number of derivatives to find (default is the first derivative only) :rtype: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< double,3,1 > > :return: a vector of values \({f(x),\dot{f}(x),\ddot{f}(x),\cdots}\).


Overload 1:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). :type value: Eigen::Matrix< double,3,1 > :param value: [in] initialize new coefficients to this value.

Overload 2:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int, optional :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.

Overload 3:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.


Get the order of the polynomial (the highest power). :rtype: int :return: the order.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PolynomialNDEigenVector3fFloat(*args)

Bases: object

Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix).

Representation of a polynomial of the following form:

\(f(x) = C_n x^n + C_(n-1) x^(n-1) + C_2 x^2 + C_1 x + C_0\)

The polynomial is represented as a list of coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order term, \({c_0,c_1,...,c_n}\).


Overload 1:

Create polynomial with uninitialized coefficients. :type order: int :param order: [in] the order of the polynomial.

Overload 2:

Create polynomial from vector. :type coefficients: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< float,3,1 > > :param coefficients: [in] the coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order


Overload 3:

Create polynomial from other polynomial. :type p: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< float,3,1 >,float > :param p: [in] the polynomial to copy.


Perform deflation of polynomial. :type x: float :param x: [in] a root of the polynomial. :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< float,3,1 >,float > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: There is no check that the given root is in fact a root of the polynomial.


Get the derivative polynomial. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] gives the n’th derivative (default is n=1). :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< float,3,1 >,float > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: To evaluate derivatives use the evaluate derivative method which is more precise.


Evaluate the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< float,3,1 > :return: the value \(f(x)\).

evaluateDerivatives(x, n=1)

Evaluate the first n derivatives of the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] the number of derivatives to find (default is the first derivative only) :rtype: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< float,3,1 > > :return: a vector of values \({f(x),\dot{f}(x),\ddot{f}(x),\cdots}\).


Overload 1:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). :type value: Eigen::Matrix< float,3,1 > :param value: [in] initialize new coefficients to this value.

Overload 2:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int, optional :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.

Overload 3:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.


Get the order of the polynomial (the highest power). :rtype: int :return: the order.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PolynomialNDEigenVector3idComplexDouble(*args)

Bases: object

Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix).

Representation of a polynomial of the following form:

\(f(x) = C_n x^n + C_(n-1) x^(n-1) + C_2 x^2 + C_1 x + C_0\)

The polynomial is represented as a list of coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order term, \({c_0,c_1,...,c_n}\).


Overload 1:

Create polynomial with uninitialized coefficients. :type order: int :param order: [in] the order of the polynomial.

Overload 2:

Create polynomial from vector. :type coefficients: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,3,1 > > :param coefficients: [in] the coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order


Overload 3:

Create polynomial from other polynomial. :type p: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,3,1 >,std::complex< double > > :param p: [in] the polynomial to copy.


Perform deflation of polynomial. :type x: std::complex< double > :param x: [in] a root of the polynomial. :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,3,1 >,std::complex< double > > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: There is no check that the given root is in fact a root of the polynomial.


Get the derivative polynomial. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] gives the n’th derivative (default is n=1). :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,3,1 >,std::complex< double > > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: To evaluate derivatives use the evaluate derivative method which is more precise.


Evaluate the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: std::complex< double > :param x: [in] the input parameter. :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,3,1 > :return: the value \(f(x)\).

evaluateDerivatives(x, n=1)

Evaluate the first n derivatives of the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: std::complex< double > :param x: [in] the input parameter. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] the number of derivatives to find (default is the first derivative only) :rtype: std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,3,1 > > :return: a vector of values \({f(x),\dot{f}(x),\ddot{f}(x),\cdots}\).


Overload 1:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). :type value: Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >,3,1 > :param value: [in] initialize new coefficients to this value.

Overload 2:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int, optional :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.

Overload 3:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.


Get the order of the polynomial (the highest power). :rtype: int :return: the order.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PolynomialNDdDouble(*args)

Bases: object

Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix).

Representation of a polynomial of the following form:

\(f(x) = C_n x^n + C_(n-1) x^(n-1) + C_2 x^2 + C_1 x + C_0\)

The polynomial is represented as a list of coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order term, \({c_0,c_1,...,c_n}\).


Overload 1:

Create polynomial with uninitialized coefficients. :type order: int :param order: [in] the order of the polynomial.

Overload 2:

Create polynomial from vector. :type coefficients: std::vector< double > :param coefficients: [in] the coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order


Overload 3:

Create polynomial from other polynomial. :type p: rw::math::PolynomialND< double,double > :param p: [in] the polynomial to copy.


Perform deflation of polynomial. :type x: float :param x: [in] a root of the polynomial. :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< double,double > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: There is no check that the given root is in fact a root of the polynomial.


Get the derivative polynomial. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] gives the n’th derivative (default is n=1). :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< double,double > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: To evaluate derivatives use the evaluate derivative method which is more precise.


Evaluate the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :rtype: float :return: the value \(f(x)\).

evaluateDerivatives(x, n=1)

Evaluate the first n derivatives of the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] the number of derivatives to find (default is the first derivative only) :rtype: std::vector< double > :return: a vector of values \({f(x),\dot{f}(x),\ddot{f}(x),\cdots}\).


Overload 1:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). :type value: float :param value: [in] initialize new coefficients to this value.

Overload 2:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int, optional :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.

Overload 3:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.


Get the order of the polynomial (the highest power). :rtype: int :return: the order.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PolynomialNDfFloat(*args)

Bases: object

Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix).

Representation of a polynomial of the following form:

\(f(x) = C_n x^n + C_(n-1) x^(n-1) + C_2 x^2 + C_1 x + C_0\)

The polynomial is represented as a list of coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order term, \({c_0,c_1,...,c_n}\).


Overload 1:

Create polynomial with uninitialized coefficients. :type order: int :param order: [in] the order of the polynomial.

Overload 2:

Create polynomial from vector. :type coefficients: std::vector< float > :param coefficients: [in] the coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order


Overload 3:

Create polynomial from other polynomial. :type p: rw::math::PolynomialND< float,float > :param p: [in] the polynomial to copy.


Perform deflation of polynomial. :type x: float :param x: [in] a root of the polynomial. :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< float,float > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: There is no check that the given root is in fact a root of the polynomial.


Get the derivative polynomial. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] gives the n’th derivative (default is n=1). :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< float,float > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: To evaluate derivatives use the evaluate derivative method which is more precise.


Evaluate the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :rtype: float :return: the value \(f(x)\).

evaluateDerivatives(x, n=1)

Evaluate the first n derivatives of the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: float :param x: [in] the input parameter. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] the number of derivatives to find (default is the first derivative only) :rtype: std::vector< float > :return: a vector of values \({f(x),\dot{f}(x),\ddot{f}(x),\cdots}\).


Overload 1:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). :type value: float :param value: [in] initialize new coefficients to this value.

Overload 2:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int, optional :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.

Overload 3:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.


Get the order of the polynomial (the highest power). :rtype: int :return: the order.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PolynomialNDidComplexDouble(*args)

Bases: object

Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix).

Representation of a polynomial of the following form:

\(f(x) = C_n x^n + C_(n-1) x^(n-1) + C_2 x^2 + C_1 x + C_0\)

The polynomial is represented as a list of coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order term, \({c_0,c_1,...,c_n}\).


Overload 1:

Create polynomial with uninitialized coefficients. :type order: int :param order: [in] the order of the polynomial.

Overload 2:

Create polynomial from vector. :type coefficients: std::vector< std::complex< double > > :param coefficients: [in] the coefficients ordered from lowest-order term to highest-order


Overload 3:

Create polynomial from other polynomial. :type p: rw::math::PolynomialND< std::complex< double >,std::complex< double > > :param p: [in] the polynomial to copy.


Perform deflation of polynomial. :type x: std::complex< double > :param x: [in] a root of the polynomial. :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< std::complex< double >,std::complex< double > > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: There is no check that the given root is in fact a root of the polynomial.


Get the derivative polynomial. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] gives the n’th derivative (default is n=1). :rtype: rw::math::PolynomialND< std::complex< double >,std::complex< double > > :return: a new polynomial of same order minus one. Notes: To evaluate derivatives use the evaluate derivative method which is more precise.


Evaluate the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: std::complex< double > :param x: [in] the input parameter. :rtype: std::complex< double > :return: the value \(f(x)\).

evaluateDerivatives(x, n=1)

Evaluate the first n derivatives of the polynomial using Horner’s Method. :type x: std::complex< double > :param x: [in] the input parameter. :type n: int, optional :param n: [in] the number of derivatives to find (default is the first derivative only) :rtype: std::vector< std::complex< double > > :return: a vector of values \({f(x),\dot{f}(x),\ddot{f}(x),\cdots}\).


Overload 1:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). :type value: std::complex< double > :param value: [in] initialize new coefficients to this value.

Overload 2:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :type increase: int, optional :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.

Overload 3:

Increase the order of this polynomial. :param increase: [in] how much to increase the order (default is 1). See also: increaseOrder(std::size_t,const Coef&) for a version that initializes the new coefficients to a certain value.


Get the order of the polynomial (the highest power). :rtype: int :return: the order.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.PolynomialSolver(*args)

Bases: object

Find solutions for roots of real and complex polynomial equations.

The solutions are found analytically if the polynomial is of maximum order 3. For polynomials of order 4 and higher, Laguerre’s Method is used to find roots until the polynomial can be deflated to order 3. The remaining roots will then be found analytically.

Some Polynomials are particularly easy to solve. A polynomial of the form \(a x^n + b = 0\) will be solved by taking the n’th roots of \(-\frac{b}{a}\) directly, giving n distinct roots in the complex plane.

To illustrate the procedure, consider the equation: \(10^{-15} x^8 - 10^{-15} x^7 + x^7 + 2 x^6 - x^4 - 2x^3 + 10^{-15} x= 0\)

The solver will use the following procedure (here with the precision \(\epsilon =10^{-14}\)):

  1. Remove terms that are small compared to \(\epsilon\): \(x^7 + 2 x^6 - x^4 - 2x^3 =0\)

2. Find zero roots and reduce the order: There is a triple root in x = 0 and the remaining polynomial becomes: \(x^4 + 2 x^3 - x - 2 = 0\).

  1. Use Laguerre to find a root of \(x^4 + 2 x^3 - x - 2 = 0\)

Depending on the initial guess for Laguerre, different roots might be found first. The algorithm will proceed differently depending on the found root:

1. If root x=-2 is found, remaining polynomial after deflation is \(x^3 -1 = 0\). The roots are found directly as the cubic root of 1, which is three distinct roots in the complex plane (one is on the real axis).

2. If root x=1 is found, remaining polynomial after deflation is \(x^3 + 3 x^2 +3 x + 2 =0\). The roots are found analytically, giving one real root x=-2 and two complex conjugate roots \(x = -0.5 \pm \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} i\).

3. If other roots than x=1 or x=-2 is found (a complex root), remaining polynomial is a third order polynomial with complex coefficients. This polynomial is solved analytically to give remaining two real roots, and one remaining complex root.

Notice that cases 2+3 requires analytical solution of the third order polynomial equation. For higher order polynomials Laguerre would need to be used to find the next root. In this case it is particularly lucky to hit case 1, as this gives the solutions right away no matter what order the remaining polynomial is.


Overload 1:

Create a solver for a polynomial with real coefficients. :type polynomial: rw::math::Polynomial< double > :param polynomial: [in] the polynomial to find roots for.

Overload 2:

Create a solver for a polynomial with complex coefficients. :type polynomial: rw::math::Polynomial< std::complex< double > > :param polynomial: [in] the polynomial to find roots for.


Get all real solutions of the equation. :type epsilon: float, optional :param epsilon: [in] the root is considered a real root if \(|im(x)| \leq 2 \epsilon|real(x)|\) . :rtype: std::vector< double > :return: a list of real solutions. :raises: rw::core::Exception if the Laguerre method fails, or the maximum number of

iterations has been reached.

See also: PolynomialSolver for more details about the method used.


Get all solutions of the equation including complex solutions. :type epsilon: float, optional :param epsilon: [in] highest order coefficients will be removed if they have absolute real

and imaginary values less than \(\epsilon\) .

Return type

std::vector< std::complex< double > >


a list of complex solutions.


rw::core::Exception if the Laguerre method fails, or the maximum number of iterations has been reached.

See also: PolynomialSolver for more details about the method used.


Use a specific initial guess for a root. :type guess: std::complex< double >, optional :param guess: [in] a complex initial guess for the algorithm.


Set the number of iterations to take in the Laguerre method. :type iterations: int, optional :param iterations: [in] the maximum number of iterations (default is 10).

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.Pose2D(*args)

Bases: object

A Pose3D \(\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^6\) describes a position and orientation in 3-dimensions.

\({\mathbf{x}} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} x \\ y \\ z \\ \theta k_x \\ \theta k_y \\ \theta k_z \end{array} \right]\)

where \((x,y,z)\) is the 3d position and \((\theta k_x, \theta k_y,\theta k_z)\) describes the orientation in equal angle axis (EAA) format.

Overload 1:

Zero-initialized Pose2D.

Overload 2:

Constructor. :type pos: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :param pos: [in] the position. :type theta: float :param theta: [in] the angle.

Overload 3:

Constructor. :type x: float :param x: [in] the value of the first position dimension. :type y: float :param y: [in] the value of the second position dimension. :type theta: float :param theta: [in] the angle.

Overload 4:

Constructor. :type transform: rw::math::Transform2D< double > :param transform: [in] a 2D transform giving the pose.


return a Eigen vector of (x, y, theta). :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< double,3,1 > :return: Eigen vector.


Get the position vector. :rtype: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :return: the position.


Get the angle. :rtype: float :return: the angle.

property thisown

The membership flag

static transform(pose)

The transform corresponding to the pose. :type pose: rw::math::Pose2D< double > :param pose: [in] the pose. :rtype: rw::math::Transform2D< double > :return: equivalent 2D transform.


Get the first dimension of the position vector. :rtype: float :return: the position in the first dimension.


Get the second dimension of the position vector. :rtype: float :return: the position in the second dimension.


The transform corresponding to the pose. :type pose: rw::math::Pose2D< double > :param pose: [in] the pose. :rtype: rw::math::Transform2D< double > :return: equivalent 2D transform.

class sdurw_math.Pose2Df(*args)

Bases: object

A Pose3D \(\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^6\) describes a position and orientation in 3-dimensions.

\({\mathbf{x}} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} x \\ y \\ z \\ \theta k_x \\ \theta k_y \\ \theta k_z \end{array} \right]\)

where \((x,y,z)\) is the 3d position and \((\theta k_x, \theta k_y,\theta k_z)\) describes the orientation in equal angle axis (EAA) format.

Overload 1:

Zero-initialized Pose2D.

Overload 2:

Constructor. :type pos: rw::math::Vector2D< float > :param pos: [in] the position. :type theta: float :param theta: [in] the angle.

Overload 3:

Constructor. :type x: float :param x: [in] the value of the first position dimension. :type y: float :param y: [in] the value of the second position dimension. :type theta: float :param theta: [in] the angle.

Overload 4:

Constructor. :type transform: rw::math::Transform2D< float > :param transform: [in] a 2D transform giving the pose.


return a Eigen vector of (x, y, theta). :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< float,3,1 > :return: Eigen vector.


Get the position vector. :rtype: rw::math::Vector2D< float > :return: the position.


Get the angle. :rtype: float :return: the angle.

property thisown

The membership flag

static transform(pose)

The transform corresponding to the pose. :type pose: rw::math::Pose2D< float > :param pose: [in] the pose. :rtype: rw::math::Transform2D< float > :return: equivalent 2D transform.


Get the first dimension of the position vector. :rtype: float :return: the position in the first dimension.


Get the second dimension of the position vector. :rtype: float :return: the position in the second dimension.


The transform corresponding to the pose. :type pose: rw::math::Pose2D< float > :param pose: [in] the pose. :rtype: rw::math::Transform2D< float > :return: equivalent 2D transform.

class sdurw_math.Pose6D(*args)

Bases: object

A Pose6D \(\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^6\) describes a position and orientation in 3-dimensions.

\({\mathbf{x}} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} x \\ y \\ z \\ \theta k_x \\ \theta k_y \\ \theta k_z \end{array} \right]\)

where \((x,y,z)\) is the 3d position and \((\theta k_x, \theta k_y,\theta k_z)\) describes the orientation in equal angle axis (EAA) format.


Overload 1:

Creates an “identity” Pose6D. Position is zero vector and orientation is zero vector

Overload 2:

Creates a Pose6D from 6 parameters. 3 defining the position and 3 defining the EAA orientation. :type x: float :param x: [in] The position in the \(x\) axis :type y: float :param y: [in] The position in the \(y\) axis :type z: float :param z: [in] The position in the \(z\) axis :type kx: float :param kx: [in] \(\theta k_x\) :type ky: float :param ky: [in] \(\theta k_y\) :type kz: float :param kz: [in] \(\theta k_z\)

Overload 3:

Creates a Pose6D from a Vector3D and a EAA :type v3d: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v3d: [in] Vector3D describing the 3D position of the Pose6D :type eaa: rw::math::EAA< double > :param eaa: [in] EAA describing the rotational component of the Pose6D.

Overload 4:

Creates a Pose6D from a Transform3D


t3d (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] A Transform3D


Returns the \(i\)’th element in the pose.

\(i\in\{0,1,2\}\) corresponds to \(\{x,y,z\}\) respectively. \(i\in\{3,4,5\}\) corresponds to the equivalent angle axis.


i (int) – [in] index to return

Return type



the \(i\) in the index of the pose.





property thisown

The membership flag


Converts the Pose6D into the corresponding Transform3D :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: the corresponding Transform3D

class sdurw_math.Pose6Df(*args)

Bases: object

A Pose6D \(\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^6\) describes a position and orientation in 3-dimensions.

\({\mathbf{x}} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} x \\ y \\ z \\ \theta k_x \\ \theta k_y \\ \theta k_z \end{array} \right]\)

where \((x,y,z)\) is the 3d position and \((\theta k_x, \theta k_y,\theta k_z)\) describes the orientation in equal angle axis (EAA) format.


Overload 1:

Creates an “identity” Pose6D. Position is zero vector and orientation is zero vector

Overload 2:

Creates a Pose6D from 6 parameters. 3 defining the position and 3 defining the EAA orientation. :type x: float :param x: [in] The position in the \(x\) axis :type y: float :param y: [in] The position in the \(y\) axis :type z: float :param z: [in] The position in the \(z\) axis :type kx: float :param kx: [in] \(\theta k_x\) :type ky: float :param ky: [in] \(\theta k_y\) :type kz: float :param kz: [in] \(\theta k_z\)

Overload 3:

Creates a Pose6D from a Vector3D and a EAA :type v3d: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v3d: [in] Vector3D describing the 3D position of the Pose6D :type eaa: rw::math::EAA< float > :param eaa: [in] EAA describing the rotational component of the Pose6D.

Overload 4:

Creates a Pose6D from a Transform3D


t3d (rw::math::Transform3D< float >) – [in] A Transform3D


Returns the \(i\)’th element in the pose.

\(i\in\{0,1,2\}\) corresponds to \(\{x,y,z\}\) respectively. \(i\in\{3,4,5\}\) corresponds to the equivalent angle axis.


i (int) – [in] index to return

Return type



the \(i\) in the index of the pose.





property thisown

The membership flag


Converts the Pose6D into the corresponding Transform3D :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :return: the corresponding Transform3D

class sdurw_math.ProjectionMatrix

Bases: object

projection matrix




get the boost matrix corresponding to this projection


get near and far clipping plane :rtype: std::pair< double,double > :return:

getFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)

get the projection matrix to the viewing frustum :type left: float :param left: [out] distance in m near cutting plane from center to left edge :type right: float :param right: [out] distance in m near cutting plane from center to right edge :type bottom: float :param bottom: [out] distance in m near cutting plane from center to bottom edge :type top: float :param top: [out] distance in m near cutting plane from center to top edge :type zNear: float :param zNear: [out] distance in m along z-axis to near cutting plane :type zFar: float :param zFar: [out] distance in m along z-axis to far cutting plane

getOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)

get ortographic projection. Onli valid if isOrtographicProjection is true

getPerspective(fovy, aspectRatio, zNear, zFar)

get the projection matrix to perspective projection :type fovy: float :param fovy: [in] vertical field of view [degrees] :type aspectRatio: float :param aspectRatio: [in] aspect ratio between width and height of image :type zNear: float :param zNear: [in] distance to near cutting plane :type zFar: float :param zFar: [in] distance to far cutting plane :rtype: boolean :return: is it succesfull


test if this is a ortographic projection


test if this is a perspective projection

static makeOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)

creates a projection matrix with a orthographic projection :type left: float :param left: :type right: float :param right: :type bottom: float :param bottom: :type top: float :param top: :type zNear: float :param zNear: :type zFar: float :param zFar: :rtype: ProjectionMatrix :return: new ProjectionMatrix.

static makePerspective(*args)

Overload 1:

creates a projection matrix with a perspective projection :type fovy: float :param fovy: :type aspectRatio: float :param aspectRatio: :type zNear: float :param zNear: :type zFar: float :param zFar: :rtype: ProjectionMatrix :return: new ProjectionMatrix.

Overload 2:

creates a projection matrix with a perspective projection :type fovy: float :param fovy: [in] :type width: float :param width: [in] of image :type height: float :param height: [in] of image :type zNear: float :param zNear: [in] :type zFar: float :param zFar: [in] :rtype: ProjectionMatrix :return: new ProjectionMatrix.

setFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)

set the projection matrix to the viewing frustum :type left: float :param left: [in] distance in m near cutting plane from center to left edge :type right: float :param right: [in] distance in m near cutting plane from center to right edge :type bottom: float :param bottom: [in] distance in m near cutting plane from center to bottom edge :type top: float :param top: [in] distance in m near cutting plane from center to top edge :type zNear: float :param zNear: [in] distance in m along z-axis to near cutting plane :type zFar: float :param zFar: [in] distance in m along z-axis to far cutting plane

setOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)

set the projection matrix to an ortographic projection by defining the box with length to all sides (left, right, bottom, top, near and far) :type left: float :param left: [in] length in m to left edge of image :type right: float :param right: [in] length in m to right edge of image :type bottom: float :param bottom: [in] length in m to bottom edge of image :type top: float :param top: [in] length in m to top edge of image :type zNear: float :param zNear: [in] length in m to near clipping plane :type zFar: float :param zFar: [in] length in m to far clipping plane


Overload 1:

set the projection matrix to perspective projection :type fovy: float :param fovy: [in] vertical field of view [degrees] :type aspectRatio: float :param aspectRatio: [in] aspect ratio between width and height of image :type zNear: float :param zNear: [in] distance to near cutting plane :type zFar: float :param zFar: [in] distance to far cutting plane

Overload 2:

set the projection matrix to perspective projection :type fovy: float :param fovy: [in] vertical field of view [degrees] :type width: float :param width: [in] width of image :type height: float :param height: [in] height of image :type zNear: float :param zNear: [in] distance to near cutting plane :type zFar: float :param zFar: [in] distance to far cutting plane

property thisown

The membership flag

sdurw_math.ProjectionMatrix_makeOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)

creates a projection matrix with a orthographic projection :type left: float :param left: :type right: float :param right: :type bottom: float :param bottom: :type top: float :param top: :type zNear: float :param zNear: :type zFar: float :param zFar: :rtype: ProjectionMatrix :return: new ProjectionMatrix.


Overload 1:

creates a projection matrix with a perspective projection :type fovy: float :param fovy: :type aspectRatio: float :param aspectRatio: :type zNear: float :param zNear: :type zFar: float :param zFar: :rtype: ProjectionMatrix :return: new ProjectionMatrix.

Overload 2:

creates a projection matrix with a perspective projection :type fovy: float :param fovy: [in] :type width: float :param width: [in] of image :type height: float :param height: [in] of image :type zNear: float :param zNear: [in] :type zFar: float :param zFar: [in] :rtype: ProjectionMatrix :return: new ProjectionMatrix.

class sdurw_math.Q(*args)

Bases: object

Configuration vector


Overload 1:

A configuration of vector of length dim.

Overload 2:

Default constructor.

The vector will be of dimension zero.

Overload 3:

Construct a configuration vector from a std::vector expression.


r (std::vector< double >) – [in] An expression for a vector of doubles

Overload 4:

Construct from Eigen base. :type q: rw::math::Q::Base :param q: [in] Eigen base.


Accessor for the internal Eigen vector state.


True if the configuration is of dimension zero.

getSubPart(start, cnt)

Extracts a sub part (range) of this Q. :type start: int :param start: [in] Start index :type cnt: int :param cnt: [in] the number of elements to include :rtype: Q :return:


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the configuration :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the configuration :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the configuration :rtype: float :return: the norm

static once(n)

Returns Q of length n initialized with 1’s

setSubPart(index, part)

Set subpart of vector. :type index: int :param index: [in] the initial index. :type part: Q :param part: [in] the part to insert beginning from index.


The dimension of the configuration vector.

property thisown

The membership flag


Overload 1:

Convert to a standard vector. :type v: std::vector< double > :param v: [out] the result.

Overload 2:

Convert to a standard vector. :rtype: std::vector< double > :return: the result.

static zero(n)

Returns Q of length n initialized with 0’s


Returns Q of length n initialized with 1’s


Returns Q of length n initialized with 0’s

class sdurw_math.Quaternion(*args)

Bases: sdurw_math.Rotation3DVector

A Quaternion \(\mathbf{q}\in \mathbb{R}^4\) a complex number used to describe rotations in 3-dimensional space. \(q_w+{\bf i}\ q_x+ {\bf j} q_y+ {\bf k}\ q_z\)

Quaternions can be added and multiplied in a similar way as usual algebraic numbers. Though there are differences. Quaternion multiplication is not commutative which means \(Q\cdot P \neq P\cdot Q\)


Overload 1:

constuct Quaterinion of {0,0,0,1}

Overload 2:

Creates a Quaternion :type qx: float :param qx: [in] \(q_x\) :type qy: float :param qy: [in] \(q_y\) :type qz: float :param qz: [in] \(q_z\) :type qw: float :param qw: [in] \(q_w\)

Overload 3:

Creates a Quaternion from another Quaternion :type quat: rw::math::Quaternion< double > :param quat: [in] Quaternion

Overload 4:

Creates a Quaternion from another Rotation3DVector type :type rot: rw::math::Rotation3DVector< double > :param rot: [in] The Rotation3DVector type

Overload 5:

Extracts a Quaternion from Rotation matrix using setRotation(const Rotation3D<R>& rot) :type rot: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :param rot: [in] A 3x3 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{rot}\)

Overload 6:

Creates a Quaternion from a Eigen quaternion :type r: Eigen::Quaternion< double > :param r: [in] a boost quaternion


Convert to an Eigen Quaternion. :rtype: Eigen::Quaternion< double > :return: Eigen Quaternion representation.


Overload 1:

copy a boost quaternion to this Quaternion :type r: Eigen::Quaternion< double > :param r: [in] - boost quaternion

Overload 2:

copyfrom rotaion matrix, same as setRotation. :type rhs: rw::math::Rotation3D< > :param rhs: [in] the rotation that will be copyed


element whise division :type lhs: float :param lhs: [in] the scalar to devide with :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< double > :return: the result of elementwise devision


get length of quaternion \(\sqrt{q_x^2+q_y^2+q_z^2+q_w^2}\) :rtype: float :return: the length og this quaternion


get squared length of quaternion \(q_x^2+q_y^2+q_z^2+q_w^2\) :rtype: float :return: the length og this quaternion


get method for the w component :rtype: float :return: the w component of the quaternion


get method for the x component :rtype: float :return: the x component of the quaternion


get method for the y component :rtype: float :return: the y component of the quaternion


get method for the z component :rtype: float :return: the z component of the quaternion


Calculate the inverse Quaternion :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< double > :return: the inverse quaternion


calculates the natural logerithm of this quaternion :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< double > :return: natural logetihm


normalizes this quaternion so that \(normalze(Q)=\frac{Q}{\sqrt{q_x^2+q_y^2+q_z^2+q_w^2}}\)


calculates the quaternion lifted to the power of power :type power: float :param power: [in] the power the quaternion is lifted to :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< double > :return: \(Quaternion^power\)


The dimension of the quaternion (i.e. 4). This method is provided to help support generic algorithms using size() and operator[].

slerp(v, t)

Calculates a slerp interpolation between this and v.

The slerp interpolation ensures a constant velocity across the interpolation. For \(t=0\) the result is this and for \(t=1\) it is v.

Notes: Algorithm and implementation is thanks to

property thisown

The membership flag


convert to Eigen Vector :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< double,4,1 > :return: eigen Vector of quaternion


Calculates the \(3\times 3\) Rotation matrix

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< double >


A 3x3 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{rot}\) \(\mathbf{rot} = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 1-2(q_y^2-q_z^2) & 2(q_x\ q_y+q_z\ q_w)& 2(q_x\ q_z-q_y\ q_w) \\ 2(q_x\ q_y-q_z\ q_w) & 1-2(q_x^2-q_z^2) & 2(q_y\ q_z+q_x\ q_w)\\ 2(q_x\ q_z+q_y\ q_w) & 2(q_y\ q_z-q_x\ q_z) & 1-2(q_x^2-q_y^2) \end{array} \right]\)

class sdurw_math.Quaternion_f(*args)

Bases: sdurw_math.Rotation3DVectorf

A Quaternion \(\mathbf{q}\in \mathbb{R}^4\) a complex number used to describe rotations in 3-dimensional space. \(q_w+{\bf i}\ q_x+ {\bf j} q_y+ {\bf k}\ q_z\)

Quaternions can be added and multiplied in a similar way as usual algebraic numbers. Though there are differences. Quaternion multiplication is not commutative which means \(Q\cdot P \neq P\cdot Q\)


Overload 1:

constuct Quaterinion of {0,0,0,1}

Overload 2:

Creates a Quaternion :type qx: float :param qx: [in] \(q_x\) :type qy: float :param qy: [in] \(q_y\) :type qz: float :param qz: [in] \(q_z\) :type qw: float :param qw: [in] \(q_w\)

Overload 3:

Creates a Quaternion from another Quaternion :type quat: rw::math::Quaternion< float > :param quat: [in] Quaternion

Overload 4:

Creates a Quaternion from another Rotation3DVector type :type rot: rw::math::Rotation3DVector< float > :param rot: [in] The Rotation3DVector type

Overload 5:

Extracts a Quaternion from Rotation matrix using setRotation(const Rotation3D<R>& rot) :type rot: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :param rot: [in] A 3x3 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{rot}\)

Overload 6:

Creates a Quaternion from a Eigen quaternion :type r: Eigen::Quaternion< float > :param r: [in] a boost quaternion


Convert to an Eigen Quaternion. :rtype: Eigen::Quaternion< float > :return: Eigen Quaternion representation.


Overload 1:

copy a boost quaternion to this Quaternion :type r: Eigen::Quaternion< float > :param r: [in] - boost quaternion

Overload 2:

copyfrom rotaion matrix, same as setRotation. :type rhs: rw::math::Rotation3D< > :param rhs: [in] the rotation that will be copyed


element whise division :type lhs: float :param lhs: [in] the scalar to devide with :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< float > :return: the result of elementwise devision


get length of quaternion \(\sqrt{q_x^2+q_y^2+q_z^2+q_w^2}\) :rtype: float :return: the length og this quaternion


get squared length of quaternion \(q_x^2+q_y^2+q_z^2+q_w^2\) :rtype: float :return: the length og this quaternion


get method for the w component :rtype: float :return: the w component of the quaternion


get method for the x component :rtype: float :return: the x component of the quaternion


get method for the y component :rtype: float :return: the y component of the quaternion


get method for the z component :rtype: float :return: the z component of the quaternion


Calculate the inverse Quaternion :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< float > :return: the inverse quaternion


calculates the natural logerithm of this quaternion :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< float > :return: natural logetihm


normalizes this quaternion so that \(normalze(Q)=\frac{Q}{\sqrt{q_x^2+q_y^2+q_z^2+q_w^2}}\)


calculates the quaternion lifted to the power of power :type power: float :param power: [in] the power the quaternion is lifted to :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< float > :return: \(Quaternion^power\)


The dimension of the quaternion (i.e. 4). This method is provided to help support generic algorithms using size() and operator[].

slerp(v, t)

Calculates a slerp interpolation between this and v.

The slerp interpolation ensures a constant velocity across the interpolation. For \(t=0\) the result is this and for \(t=1\) it is v.

Notes: Algorithm and implementation is thanks to

property thisown

The membership flag


convert to Eigen Vector :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< float,4,1 > :return: eigen Vector of quaternion


Calculates the \(3\times 3\) Rotation matrix

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< float >


A 3x3 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{rot}\) \(\mathbf{rot} = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 1-2(q_y^2-q_z^2) & 2(q_x\ q_y+q_z\ q_w)& 2(q_x\ q_z-q_y\ q_w) \\ 2(q_x\ q_y-q_z\ q_w) & 1-2(q_x^2-q_z^2) & 2(q_y\ q_z+q_x\ q_w)\\ 2(q_x\ q_z+q_y\ q_w) & 2(q_y\ q_z-q_x\ q_z) & 1-2(q_x^2-q_y^2) \end{array} \right]\)

class sdurw_math.RPY(*args)

Bases: sdurw_math.Rotation3DVector

A class for representing Roll-Pitch-Yaw Euler angle rotations.


Overload 1:

Constructs rotation in which all elements are initialized to 0

Overload 2:

Constructs an initialized roll-pitch-yaw euler angle vector :type roll: float :param roll: Rotation around z :type pitch: float :param pitch: Rotation around y :type yaw: float :param yaw: Rotation around x

Overload 3:

Constructs an initialized roll-pitch-yaw euler angle vector :type angles: Vector3D< double > :param angles: [in] Vector3D with roll, pitch and yaw

Overload 4:

Constructs an RPY object initialized according to the specified Rotation3D

\(\beta = arctan2(-r_{31},\sqrt{r_{11}^2+r_{21}^2})\) \(\alpha = arctan2(r_{21}/cos(\beta), r_{11}/cos(\beta))\) \(\beta = arctan2(r_{32}/cos(\beta), r_{33}/cos(\beta)))\)

  • R (rw::math::Rotation3D< double >) – [in] A 3x3 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{R}\)

  • epsilon (float, optional) – [in] Value specifying the value for which \(cos(\beta)\) is assumed 0 and the special case solution assuming \(\alpha=0, \beta=\pi/2 and \gamma = arctan2(r_{21}, r_{22})\) is to be used.

Overload 5:

Constructs an RPY object initialized according to the specified Rotation3D

\(\beta = arctan2(-r_{31},\sqrt{r_{11}^2+r_{21}^2})\) \(\alpha = arctan2(r_{21}/cos(\beta), r_{11}/cos(\beta))\) \(\beta = arctan2(r_{32}/cos(\beta), r_{33}/cos(\beta)))\)

  • R (rw::math::Rotation3D< double >) – [in] A 3x3 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{R}\)

  • epsilon – [in] Value specifying the value for which \(cos(\beta)\) is assumed 0 and the special case solution assuming \(\alpha=0, \beta=\pi/2 and \gamma = arctan2(r_{21}, r_{22})\) is to be used.


Overload 1:

get Access to the underlying data structure. :rtype: Vector3D< double > :return: reference to the underlying data structure.

Overload 2:

get Access to the underlying data structure. :rtype: Vector3D< double > :return: reference to the underlying data structure.


size of this RPY. :rtype: int :return: the value 3

property thisown

The membership flag


Returns the corresponding \(3\times 3\) Rotation matrix :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :return: The rotation matrix

class sdurw_math.RPYf(*args)

Bases: sdurw_math.Rotation3DVectorf

A class for representing Roll-Pitch-Yaw Euler angle rotations.


Overload 1:

Constructs rotation in which all elements are initialized to 0

Overload 2:

Constructs an initialized roll-pitch-yaw euler angle vector :type roll: float :param roll: Rotation around z :type pitch: float :param pitch: Rotation around y :type yaw: float :param yaw: Rotation around x

Overload 3:

Constructs an initialized roll-pitch-yaw euler angle vector :type angles: Vector3D< float > :param angles: [in] Vector3D with roll, pitch and yaw

Overload 4:

Constructs an RPY object initialized according to the specified Rotation3D

\(\beta = arctan2(-r_{31},\sqrt{r_{11}^2+r_{21}^2})\) \(\alpha = arctan2(r_{21}/cos(\beta), r_{11}/cos(\beta))\) \(\beta = arctan2(r_{32}/cos(\beta), r_{33}/cos(\beta)))\)

  • R (rw::math::Rotation3D< float >) – [in] A 3x3 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{R}\)

  • epsilon (float, optional) – [in] Value specifying the value for which \(cos(\beta)\) is assumed 0 and the special case solution assuming \(\alpha=0, \beta=\pi/2 and \gamma = arctan2(r_{21}, r_{22})\) is to be used.

Overload 5:

Constructs an RPY object initialized according to the specified Rotation3D

\(\beta = arctan2(-r_{31},\sqrt{r_{11}^2+r_{21}^2})\) \(\alpha = arctan2(r_{21}/cos(\beta), r_{11}/cos(\beta))\) \(\beta = arctan2(r_{32}/cos(\beta), r_{33}/cos(\beta)))\)

  • R (rw::math::Rotation3D< float >) – [in] A 3x3 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{R}\)

  • epsilon – [in] Value specifying the value for which \(cos(\beta)\) is assumed 0 and the special case solution assuming \(\alpha=0, \beta=\pi/2 and \gamma = arctan2(r_{21}, r_{22})\) is to be used.


Overload 1:

get Access to the underlying data structure. :rtype: Vector3D< float > :return: reference to the underlying data structure.

Overload 2:

get Access to the underlying data structure. :rtype: Vector3D< float > :return: reference to the underlying data structure.


size of this RPY. :rtype: int :return: the value 3

property thisown

The membership flag


Returns the corresponding \(3\times 3\) Rotation matrix :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :return: The rotation matrix

class sdurw_math.Random(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Generation of random numbers.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
static ran(*args)

Overload 1:

A random double in the range [0, 1[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

Overload 2:

A random double in the range [from, to[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

static ranI(_from, to)

A random integer in the range [from, to[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

static ranNormalDist(mean, sigma)

Returns a random sample around mean with standard deviation sigma using the normal distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

  • mean (float) – [in] Means value

  • sigma (float) – [in] Standard deviation

Return type



Random sample

static seed(*args)

Overload 1:

Seeds the random number generator.

Notes: Uses boost::random

Overload 2:

Seeds the random number generator with current time of day

Notes: Uses boost::random

property thisown

The membership flag


Overload 1:

A random double in the range [0, 1[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

Overload 2:

A random double in the range [from, to[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

sdurw_math.Random_ranI(_from, to)

A random integer in the range [from, to[ using a uniform distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

sdurw_math.Random_ranNormalDist(mean, sigma)

Returns a random sample around mean with standard deviation sigma using the normal distribution.

Notes: Uses boost::random

  • mean (float) – [in] Means value

  • sigma (float) – [in] Standard deviation

Return type



Random sample


Overload 1:

Seeds the random number generator.

Notes: Uses boost::random

Overload 2:

Seeds the random number generator with current time of day

Notes: Uses boost::random

class sdurw_math.Rotation2D(*args)

Bases: object

A 2x2 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{R}\in SO(2)\)

\(\mathbf{R}= \left[ \begin{array}{cc} {}^A\hat{X}_B & {}^A\hat{Y}_B \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} r_{11} & r_{12} \\ r_{21} & r_{22} \end{array} \right]\)


Overload 1:

A rotation matrix with uninitialized storage.

Overload 2:

Constructs an initialized 2x2 rotation matrix

  • r11 (float) – \(r_{11}\)

  • r12 (float) – \(r_{12}\)

  • r21 (float) – \(r_{21}\)

  • r22 (float) – \(r_{22}\)

\(\mathbf{R} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} r_{11} & r_{12} \\ r_{21} & r_{22} \end{array} \right]\)

Overload 3:

Constructs an initialized 2x2 rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} =\left[ \begin{array}{cc} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}} \end{array}\right]\)

  • i (rw::math::Vector2D< double >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}}\)

  • j (rw::math::Vector2D< double >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}}\)

Overload 4:

Constructs an initialized 2x2 rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} =\left[ \begin{array}{cc} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}} \end{array}\right]\)


theta (float) –

Overload 5:

Construct an initialized 2x2 rotation matrix.

The second of column of the matrix is deduced from the first column.

type i

rw::math::Vector2D< double >

param i

[in] The first column of the rotation matrix.


Returns a Eigen 2x2 matrix \(\mathbf{M}\in SO(2)\) that represents this rotation

Return type

rw::math::Rotation2D< double >::EigenMatrix2x2


\(\mathbf{M}\in SO(2)\)

static identity()

Constructs a 2x2 rotation matrix set to identity :rtype: rw::math::Rotation2D< double > :return: a 2x2 identity rotation matrix

\(\mathbf{R} =\left[\begin{array}{cc}1 & 0\\0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)

property thisown

The membership flag


Constructs a 2x2 rotation matrix set to identity :rtype: rw::math::Rotation2D< double > :return: a 2x2 identity rotation matrix

\(\mathbf{R} =\left[\begin{array}{cc}1 & 0\\0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)

class sdurw_math.Rotation2Df(*args)

Bases: object

A 2x2 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{R}\in SO(2)\)

\(\mathbf{R}= \left[ \begin{array}{cc} {}^A\hat{X}_B & {}^A\hat{Y}_B \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} r_{11} & r_{12} \\ r_{21} & r_{22} \end{array} \right]\)


Overload 1:

A rotation matrix with uninitialized storage.

Overload 2:

Constructs an initialized 2x2 rotation matrix

  • r11 (float) – \(r_{11}\)

  • r12 (float) – \(r_{12}\)

  • r21 (float) – \(r_{21}\)

  • r22 (float) – \(r_{22}\)

\(\mathbf{R} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} r_{11} & r_{12} \\ r_{21} & r_{22} \end{array} \right]\)

Overload 3:

Constructs an initialized 2x2 rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} =\left[ \begin{array}{cc} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}} \end{array}\right]\)

  • i (rw::math::Vector2D< float >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}}\)

  • j (rw::math::Vector2D< float >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}}\)

Overload 4:

Constructs an initialized 2x2 rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} =\left[ \begin{array}{cc} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}} \end{array}\right]\)


theta (float) –

Overload 5:

Construct an initialized 2x2 rotation matrix.

The second of column of the matrix is deduced from the first column.

type i

rw::math::Vector2D< float >

param i

[in] The first column of the rotation matrix.


Returns a Eigen 2x2 matrix \(\mathbf{M}\in SO(2)\) that represents this rotation

Return type

rw::math::Rotation2D< float >::EigenMatrix2x2


\(\mathbf{M}\in SO(2)\)

static identity()

Constructs a 2x2 rotation matrix set to identity :rtype: rw::math::Rotation2D< float > :return: a 2x2 identity rotation matrix

\(\mathbf{R} =\left[\begin{array}{cc}1 & 0\\0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)

property thisown

The membership flag


Constructs a 2x2 rotation matrix set to identity :rtype: rw::math::Rotation2D< float > :return: a 2x2 identity rotation matrix

\(\mathbf{R} =\left[\begin{array}{cc}1 & 0\\0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)

class sdurw_math.Rotation3D(*args)

Bases: object

A 3x3 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{R}\in SO(3)\)

\(\mathbf{R}= \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} {}^A\hat{X}_B & {}^A\hat{Y}_B & {}^A\hat{Z}_B \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} \\ r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} \\ r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} \end{array} \right]\)


Overload 1:

A rotation matrix with uninitialized storage.

Overload 2:

Constructs an initialized 3x3 rotation matrix

  • r11 (float) – \(r_{11}\)

  • r12 (float) – \(r_{12}\)

  • r13 (float) – \(r_{13}\)

  • r21 (float) – \(r_{21}\)

  • r22 (float) – \(r_{22}\)

  • r23 (float) – \(r_{23}\)

  • r31 (float) – \(r_{31}\)

  • r32 (float) – \(r_{32}\)

  • r33 (float) – \(r_{33}\)

\(\mathbf{R} = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} \\ r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} \\ r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} \end{array} \right]\)

Overload 3:

Constructs an initialized 3x3 rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} =\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{k}} \end{array}\right]\)

  • i (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}}\)

  • j (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}}\)

  • k (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{k}}\)

Overload 4:

Initialize Rotation3D from other rotation types :type rotVec: rw::math::Rotation3DVector< double > :param rotVec: [in] rotation type such as EAA, RPY, or Quaternion


Returns a Eigen 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}\in SO(3)\) that represents this rotation

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< double >::EigenMatrix3x3


\(\mathbf{M}\in SO(3)\)


Compares rotations with a given precision

Performs an element wise comparison. Two elements are considered equal if the difference are less than precision.

  • rot (rw::math::Rotation3D< double >) – [in] Rotation to compare with

  • precision (float, optional) – [in] The precision to use for testing

Return type



True if all elements are less than precision apart.


Returns the i’th column of the rotation matrix :type i: int :param i: [in] Index of the column to return. Only valid indices are 0, 1 and 2.


Returns the i’th row of the rotation matrix :type i: int :param i: [in] Index of the row to return. Only valid indices are 0, 1 and 2.

static identity()

Constructs a 3x3 rotation matrix set to identity :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :return: a 3x3 identity rotation matrix

\(\mathbf{R} =\left[\begin{array}{ccc}1 & 0 & 0 \\0 & 1 & 0 \\0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)


Overload 1:

Calculate the inverse. Notes: This function changes the object that it is invoked on, but this is about x5 faster than rot = inverse( rot ) See also: rw::math::inverse(const rw::math::Rotation3D< T > &) for the (slower) version that does not change the rotation object itself. :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :return: the inverse rotation.

Overload 2:

Calculate the inverse. :type copy: boolean :param copy: [in] if coopy is false, This function changes the object that it is invoked

on, but this is about x5 faster than rot = inverse( rot ). else it changes the object, making it a bit slower.

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< double >


the inverse rotation.


Overload 1:

Verify that this rotation is a proper rotation

Return type



True if this rotation is considered a proper rotation

Overload 2:

Verify that this rotation is a proper rotation

Return type



True if this rotation is considered a proper rotation

static multiply(*args)

Overload 1:

Write to result the product a * b.

Overload 2:

Write to result the product a * b.

Overload 3:

Calculates \(\robabx{a}{c}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} \robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{R}}\)

  • aRb (rw::math::Rotation3D< double >) – [in] \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

  • bRc (rw::math::Rotation3D< double >) – [in] \(\robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{R}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< double >



Overload 4:

Calculates \(\robabx{a}{c}{\mathbf{v}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} \robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{v}}\)

  • aRb (rw::math::Rotation3D< double >) – [in] \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

  • bVc (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [in] \(\robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{v}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< double >




Normalizes the rotation matrix to satisfy SO(3).

Makes a normalization of the rotation matrix such that the columns are normalized and othogonal s.t. it belongs to SO(3).

static skew(v)

Creates a skew symmetric matrix from a Vector3D. Also known as the cross product matrix of v.


v (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [in] vector to create Skew matrix from

property thisown

The membership flag


alias of sdurw_math.Rotation3DAngleMetric_d

class sdurw_math.Rotation3DAngleMetric_d

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricRotation3D

a distance metric over rotations. The distance between two rotations is the smalles angle that rotates the one into the other.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.Rotation3DAngleMetric_f

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricRotation3D_f

a distance metric over rotations. The distance between two rotations is the smalles angle that rotates the one into the other.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.Rotation3DVector(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

An abstract base class for Rotation3D parameterisations

Classes that represents a parametrisation of a 3D rotation may inherit from this class

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
property thisown

The membership flag


Returns the corresponding \(3\times 3\) Rotation matrix :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :return: The rotation matrix

class sdurw_math.Rotation3DVectorf(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

An abstract base class for Rotation3D parameterisations

Classes that represents a parametrisation of a 3D rotation may inherit from this class

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
property thisown

The membership flag


Returns the corresponding \(3\times 3\) Rotation matrix :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :return: The rotation matrix


Constructs a 3x3 rotation matrix set to identity :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :return: a 3x3 identity rotation matrix

\(\mathbf{R} =\left[\begin{array}{ccc}1 & 0 & 0 \\0 & 1 & 0 \\0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)


Overload 1:

Write to result the product a * b.

Overload 2:

Write to result the product a * b.

Overload 3:

Calculates \(\robabx{a}{c}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} \robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{R}}\)

  • aRb (rw::math::Rotation3D< double >) – [in] \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

  • bRc (rw::math::Rotation3D< double >) – [in] \(\robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{R}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< double >



Overload 4:

Calculates \(\robabx{a}{c}{\mathbf{v}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} \robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{v}}\)

  • aRb (rw::math::Rotation3D< double >) – [in] \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

  • bVc (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [in] \(\robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{v}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< double >




Creates a skew symmetric matrix from a Vector3D. Also known as the cross product matrix of v.


v (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [in] vector to create Skew matrix from

class sdurw_math.Rotation3Df(*args)

Bases: object

A 3x3 rotation matrix \(\mathbf{R}\in SO(3)\)

\(\mathbf{R}= \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} {}^A\hat{X}_B & {}^A\hat{Y}_B & {}^A\hat{Z}_B \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} \\ r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} \\ r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} \end{array} \right]\)


Overload 1:

A rotation matrix with uninitialized storage.

Overload 2:

Constructs an initialized 3x3 rotation matrix

  • r11 (float) – \(r_{11}\)

  • r12 (float) – \(r_{12}\)

  • r13 (float) – \(r_{13}\)

  • r21 (float) – \(r_{21}\)

  • r22 (float) – \(r_{22}\)

  • r23 (float) – \(r_{23}\)

  • r31 (float) – \(r_{31}\)

  • r32 (float) – \(r_{32}\)

  • r33 (float) – \(r_{33}\)

\(\mathbf{R} = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} \\ r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} \\ r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} \end{array} \right]\)

Overload 3:

Constructs an initialized 3x3 rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} =\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}} & \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{k}} \end{array}\right]\)

  • i (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{i}}\)

  • j (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{j}}\)

  • k (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{k}}\)

Overload 4:

Initialize Rotation3D from other rotation types :type rotVec: rw::math::Rotation3DVector< float > :param rotVec: [in] rotation type such as EAA, RPY, or Quaternion


Returns a Eigen 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}\in SO(3)\) that represents this rotation

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< float >::EigenMatrix3x3


\(\mathbf{M}\in SO(3)\)


Compares rotations with a given precision

Performs an element wise comparison. Two elements are considered equal if the difference are less than precision.

  • rot (rw::math::Rotation3D< float >) – [in] Rotation to compare with

  • precision (float, optional) – [in] The precision to use for testing

Return type



True if all elements are less than precision apart.


Returns the i’th column of the rotation matrix :type i: int :param i: [in] Index of the column to return. Only valid indices are 0, 1 and 2.


Returns the i’th row of the rotation matrix :type i: int :param i: [in] Index of the row to return. Only valid indices are 0, 1 and 2.

static identity()

Constructs a 3x3 rotation matrix set to identity :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :return: a 3x3 identity rotation matrix

\(\mathbf{R} =\left[\begin{array}{ccc}1 & 0 & 0 \\0 & 1 & 0 \\0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)


Overload 1:

Calculate the inverse. Notes: This function changes the object that it is invoked on, but this is about x5 faster than rot = inverse( rot ) See also: rw::math::inverse(const rw::math::Rotation3D< T > &) for the (slower) version that does not change the rotation object itself. :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :return: the inverse rotation.

Overload 2:

Calculate the inverse. :type copy: boolean :param copy: [in] if coopy is false, This function changes the object that it is invoked

on, but this is about x5 faster than rot = inverse( rot ). else it changes the object, making it a bit slower.

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< float >


the inverse rotation.


Overload 1:

Verify that this rotation is a proper rotation

Return type



True if this rotation is considered a proper rotation

Overload 2:

Verify that this rotation is a proper rotation

Return type



True if this rotation is considered a proper rotation

static multiply(*args)

Overload 1:

Write to result the product a * b.

Overload 2:

Write to result the product a * b.

Overload 3:

Calculates \(\robabx{a}{c}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} \robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{R}}\)

  • aRb (rw::math::Rotation3D< float >) – [in] \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

  • bRc (rw::math::Rotation3D< float >) – [in] \(\robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{R}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< float >



Overload 4:

Calculates \(\robabx{a}{c}{\mathbf{v}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} \robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{v}}\)

  • aRb (rw::math::Rotation3D< float >) – [in] \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

  • bVc (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – [in] \(\robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{v}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< float >




Normalizes the rotation matrix to satisfy SO(3).

Makes a normalization of the rotation matrix such that the columns are normalized and othogonal s.t. it belongs to SO(3).

static skew(v)

Creates a skew symmetric matrix from a Vector3D. Also known as the cross product matrix of v.


v (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – [in] vector to create Skew matrix from

property thisown

The membership flag


Constructs a 3x3 rotation matrix set to identity :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :return: a 3x3 identity rotation matrix

\(\mathbf{R} =\left[\begin{array}{ccc}1 & 0 & 0 \\0 & 1 & 0 \\0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)


Overload 1:

Write to result the product a * b.

Overload 2:

Write to result the product a * b.

Overload 3:

Calculates \(\robabx{a}{c}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} \robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{R}}\)

  • aRb (rw::math::Rotation3D< float >) – [in] \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

  • bRc (rw::math::Rotation3D< float >) – [in] \(\robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{R}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< float >



Overload 4:

Calculates \(\robabx{a}{c}{\mathbf{v}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}} \robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{v}}\)

  • aRb (rw::math::Rotation3D< float >) – [in] \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

  • bVc (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – [in] \(\robabx{b}{c}{\mathbf{v}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< float >




Creates a skew symmetric matrix from a Vector3D. Also known as the cross product matrix of v.


v (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – [in] vector to create Skew matrix from

class sdurw_math.Statistics

Bases: object

Class for collecting data and calculating simple statistics.


Add data to statistics


Returns the angular mean of the values added

The angular mean is computed as \(\tan^{-1}\frac{\Sigma_{d\indata}\sin(d)}{\Sigma_{d\in data}\cos(d)}\)


returns the angular mean and the variance of the data.

See documentation of Statistics::angularMean() and Statistics::angularVariance() for how the mean and variane are computed.


Returns the angular variance of the values added The variance is computed as \(\frac{1}{n-1} \Sigma_{d\indata}\left[\cos^{-1}(\sin(d)\sin(\mu)-\cos(d)\cos(\mu))\right]^2\) where \(\mu\) is the angular mean of the data.


Clear the recorded statistics data


Provides reference to the internal data container


Returns the maximum value of data added.

If no data is added 0 is returned.


Returns the mean of the values added

The mean is computed as \(\frac{1}{n} \Sigma_{d\in data}d\)


returns the mean and the variance of the data.

See documentation of Statistics::mean() and Statistics::variance() for how the mean and variane are computed.


Returns the median of the values added

Given an equal number of element, the mean is calculated as the average of the two center elements.


Returns pair containing the minimum and maximum value of the data added.

If no data is added 0 is returned for both values.


Returns the minimum value of data added.

If no data is added 0 is returned.

property thisown

The membership flag


Returns the variance of the values added The variance is computed as \(\frac{1}{n-1} \Sigma_{d\in data}(m-\mu)^2\) where \(\mu\) is the mean of the data.

class sdurw_math.Statistics_f

Bases: object

Class for collecting data and calculating simple statistics.


Add data to statistics


Returns the angular mean of the values added

The angular mean is computed as \(\tan^{-1}\frac{\Sigma_{d\indata}\sin(d)}{\Sigma_{d\in data}\cos(d)}\)


returns the angular mean and the variance of the data.

See documentation of Statistics::angularMean() and Statistics::angularVariance() for how the mean and variane are computed.


Returns the angular variance of the values added The variance is computed as \(\frac{1}{n-1} \Sigma_{d\indata}\left[\cos^{-1}(\sin(d)\sin(\mu)-\cos(d)\cos(\mu))\right]^2\) where \(\mu\) is the angular mean of the data.


Clear the recorded statistics data


Provides reference to the internal data container


Returns the maximum value of data added.

If no data is added 0 is returned.


Returns the mean of the values added

The mean is computed as \(\frac{1}{n} \Sigma_{d\in data}d\)


returns the mean and the variance of the data.

See documentation of Statistics::mean() and Statistics::variance() for how the mean and variane are computed.


Returns the median of the values added

Given an equal number of element, the mean is calculated as the average of the two center elements.


Returns pair containing the minimum and maximum value of the data added.

If no data is added 0 is returned for both values.


Returns the minimum value of data added.

If no data is added 0 is returned.

property thisown

The membership flag


Returns the variance of the values added The variance is computed as \(\frac{1}{n-1} \Sigma_{d\in data}(m-\mu)^2\) where \(\mu\) is the mean of the data.

class sdurw_math.Transform3D(*args)

Bases: object

A 4x4 homogeneous transform matrix \(\mathbf{T}\in SE(3)\)

\(\mathbf{T} =\left[ \begin{array}{cc} \mathbf{R} & \mathbf{d} \\ \begin{array}{ccc}0 & 0 & 0\end{array} & 1 \end{array}\right]\)

static DH(alpha, a, d, theta)

Constructs a homogeneous transform using the original Denavit-Hartenberg notation

  • alpha (float) – [in] \(\alpha_i\)

  • a (float) – [in] \(a_i\)

  • d (float) – [in] \(d_i\)

  • theta (float) – [in] \(\theta_i\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< double >



\(\robabx{i-1}{i}{\mathbf{T}}= \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} c\theta_i & -s\theta_i c\alpha_i & s\theta_i s\alpha_i & a_i c\theta_i \\ s\theta_i & c\theta_i c\alpha_i & -c\theta_i s\alpha_i & a_i s\theta_i \\ 0 & s\alpha_i & c\alpha_i & d_i \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right]\)

static DHHGP(alpha, a, beta, b)

Constructs a homogeneous transform using the Gordon (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg notation

  • alpha (float) – [in] \(\alpha_i\)

  • a (float) – [in] \(a_i\)

  • beta (float) – [in] \(\beta_i\)

  • b (float) – [in] \(b_i\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< double >



Notes: The Gordon (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg differs from the original Denavit-Hartenberg as it branches between parallel and non-parallel z-axes.

\(z_{i-1}\) is close to parallel to \(z_i\) \(\robabx{i-1}{i}{\mathbf{T}}= \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} c\beta_i & s\alpha_i s\beta_i & c\alpha_i s\beta_i & a_i c\beta_i \\ 0 & c\alpha_i & -s\alpha_i & b_i \\ -s\beta_i & s\alpha_i c\beta_i & c\alpha_i c\beta_i & -a_i s\beta \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right]\)


Gets the position part \(\mathbf{d}\) from \(\mathbf{T}\) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: \(\mathbf{d}\)


Gets the rotation part \(\mathbf{R}\) from \(\mathbf{T}\) :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :return: \(\mathbf{R}\)


Overload 1:

Default Constructor.

Initializes with 0 translation and Identity matrix as rotation

Overload 2:

Constructs a homogeneous transform :type d: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param d: [in] \(\mathbf{d}\) A 3x1 translation vector :type R: rw::math::Rotation3D< double > :param R: [in] \(\mathbf{R}\) A 3x3 rotation matrix

Overload 3:

A homogeneous transform with a rotation of R and a translation of zero.

Overload 4:

A homogeneous transform with a rotation of zero and a translation of d.

Overload 5:

Copy Constructor :type t: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :param t: [in] Values to initialize the transform

Overload 6:

Constructs a homogeneous transform

Calling this constructor is equivalent to the transform Transform3D(d, r.toRotation3D()).

  • d (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [in] \(\mathbf{d}\) A 3x1 translation vector

  • r (rw::math::Rotation3DVector< double >) – [in] \(\mathbf{r}\) A 3x1 rotation vector


Returns a Eigen 4x4 matrix \(\mathbf{M}\in SE(3)\) that represents this homogeneous transformation

Return type

Eigen::Matrix< double,4,4 >


\(\mathbf{M}\in SE(3)\)

static craigDH(alpha, a, d, theta)

Constructs a homogeneous transform using the Craig (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg notation

  • alpha (float) – [in] \(\alpha_{i-1}\)

  • a (float) – [in] \(a_{i-1}\)

  • d (float) – [in] \(d_i\)

  • theta (float) – [in] \(\theta_i\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< double >



Notes: The Craig (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg notation differs from the original Denavit-Hartenberg notation and is given as

\(\robabx{i-1}{i}{\mathbf{T}} =\left[\begin{array}{cccc}c\theta_i & -s\theta_i & 0 & a_{i-1} \\s\theta_i c\alpha_{i-1} & c\theta_i c\alpha_{i-1} & -s\alpha_{i-1} & -s\alpha_{i-1}d_i \\s\theta_i s\alpha_{i-1} & c\theta_i s\alpha_{i-1} & c\alpha_{i-1} & c\alpha_{i-1}d_i \\0 & 0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)


Compares the transformations with a given precision

Performs an element wise comparison. Two elements are considered equal if the difference are less than precision.

  • t3d (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] Transform to compare with

  • precision (float, optional) – [in] The precision to use for testing

Return type



True if all elements are less than precision apart.

static identity()

Constructs the identity transform :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: the identity transform

\(\mathbf{T} =\left[\begin{array}{cccc}1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\0 & 0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)

static invMult(*args)

Overload 1:

computes the inverse of t1 and multiplies it with t2. The result is saved in t1. t1 = inv(t1) * t2

Overload 2:

computes the inverse of t1 and multiplies it with t2. The result is saved in t1. t1 = inv(t1) * t2

static makeLookAt(eye, center, up)

creates a transformation that is positioned in eye and looking toward center along -z where up indicates the upward direction along which the y-axis is placed. Same convention as for gluLookAt and is handy for placing a cameraview. :type eye: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param eye: [in] position of view :type center: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param center: [in] point to look toward :type up: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param up: [in] the upward direction (the :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: Transformation

static multiply(a, b, result)

Write to result the product a * b.

property thisown

The membership flag


alias of sdurw_math.Transform3DAngleMetric_d

class sdurw_math.Transform3DAngleMetric_d(posWeight, angWeight)

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricTransform3D

distance metrics between points in SE3.

__init__(posWeight, angWeight)
property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.Transform3DAngleMetric_f(posWeight, angWeight)

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricTransform3D_f

distance metrics between points in SE3.

__init__(posWeight, angWeight)
property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.Transform3DVector(*args)

Bases: object

this class is a interpolatable Transform3D, consisting of a Vecor3D and a Quaternion. It is implemented to be very Interconvertable with a Transform3D, and allow operations souch as Transform * scalar and Transform + Transform.


Overload 1:

default constructor

Overload 2:

Constuct a Transformation matrix as a Vector :type vec: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param vec: [in] the vector of the transform :type rot: rw::math::Quaternion< double > :param rot: [in] the rotation of the transform

Overload 3:

Constuct a Transformation matrix as a Vector :type vec: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param vec: [in] the vector of the transform :type rot: rw::math::Rotation3DVector< double > :param rot: [in] the rotation of the transform

Overload 4:

Constuct a Transform3DVector from a Transform3D :type t3d: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :param t3d: [in] Transform3D

Overload 5:

Constuct a Transform3DVector from a EigenVector :type vec: rw::math::Transform3DVector< double >::type :param vec: [in] Transform3D


get the underling eigen type :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< double,7,1 > :return: reference to eigen vector


get the size. Index 0-2 Vector, 3-6 Quaternion :rtype: int :return: always 7

property thisown

The membership flag


convert the rotation part to EAA :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: toration in EAA form


get the Rotation of the transform :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< double > :return: a copy of the quaternion rotation


Returns the corresponding Trandforma3D matrix :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: The transformation matrix


get the position Vector of the transform :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: a copy of the position vector

class sdurw_math.Transform3DVector_f(*args)

Bases: object

this class is a interpolatable Transform3D, consisting of a Vecor3D and a Quaternion. It is implemented to be very Interconvertable with a Transform3D, and allow operations souch as Transform * scalar and Transform + Transform.


Overload 1:

default constructor

Overload 2:

Constuct a Transformation matrix as a Vector :type vec: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param vec: [in] the vector of the transform :type rot: rw::math::Quaternion< float > :param rot: [in] the rotation of the transform

Overload 3:

Constuct a Transformation matrix as a Vector :type vec: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param vec: [in] the vector of the transform :type rot: rw::math::Rotation3DVector< float > :param rot: [in] the rotation of the transform

Overload 4:

Constuct a Transform3DVector from a Transform3D :type t3d: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :param t3d: [in] Transform3D

Overload 5:

Constuct a Transform3DVector from a EigenVector :type vec: rw::math::Transform3DVector< float >::type :param vec: [in] Transform3D


get the underling eigen type :rtype: Eigen::Matrix< float,7,1 > :return: reference to eigen vector


get the size. Index 0-2 Vector, 3-6 Quaternion :rtype: int :return: always 7

property thisown

The membership flag


convert the rotation part to EAA :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: toration in EAA form


get the Rotation of the transform :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< float > :return: a copy of the quaternion rotation


Returns the corresponding Trandforma3D matrix :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :return: The transformation matrix


get the position Vector of the transform :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: a copy of the position vector

sdurw_math.Transform3D_DH(alpha, a, d, theta)

Constructs a homogeneous transform using the original Denavit-Hartenberg notation

  • alpha (float) – [in] \(\alpha_i\)

  • a (float) – [in] \(a_i\)

  • d (float) – [in] \(d_i\)

  • theta (float) – [in] \(\theta_i\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< double >



\(\robabx{i-1}{i}{\mathbf{T}}= \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} c\theta_i & -s\theta_i c\alpha_i & s\theta_i s\alpha_i & a_i c\theta_i \\ s\theta_i & c\theta_i c\alpha_i & -c\theta_i s\alpha_i & a_i s\theta_i \\ 0 & s\alpha_i & c\alpha_i & d_i \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right]\)

sdurw_math.Transform3D_DHHGP(alpha, a, beta, b)

Constructs a homogeneous transform using the Gordon (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg notation

  • alpha (float) – [in] \(\alpha_i\)

  • a (float) – [in] \(a_i\)

  • beta (float) – [in] \(\beta_i\)

  • b (float) – [in] \(b_i\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< double >



Notes: The Gordon (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg differs from the original Denavit-Hartenberg as it branches between parallel and non-parallel z-axes.

\(z_{i-1}\) is close to parallel to \(z_i\) \(\robabx{i-1}{i}{\mathbf{T}}= \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} c\beta_i & s\alpha_i s\beta_i & c\alpha_i s\beta_i & a_i c\beta_i \\ 0 & c\alpha_i & -s\alpha_i & b_i \\ -s\beta_i & s\alpha_i c\beta_i & c\alpha_i c\beta_i & -a_i s\beta \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right]\)

sdurw_math.Transform3D_craigDH(alpha, a, d, theta)

Constructs a homogeneous transform using the Craig (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg notation

  • alpha (float) – [in] \(\alpha_{i-1}\)

  • a (float) – [in] \(a_{i-1}\)

  • d (float) – [in] \(d_i\)

  • theta (float) – [in] \(\theta_i\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< double >



Notes: The Craig (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg notation differs from the original Denavit-Hartenberg notation and is given as

\(\robabx{i-1}{i}{\mathbf{T}} =\left[\begin{array}{cccc}c\theta_i & -s\theta_i & 0 & a_{i-1} \\s\theta_i c\alpha_{i-1} & c\theta_i c\alpha_{i-1} & -s\alpha_{i-1} & -s\alpha_{i-1}d_i \\s\theta_i s\alpha_{i-1} & c\theta_i s\alpha_{i-1} & c\alpha_{i-1} & c\alpha_{i-1}d_i \\0 & 0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)


Constructs the identity transform :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: the identity transform

\(\mathbf{T} =\left[\begin{array}{cccc}1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\0 & 0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)


Overload 1:

computes the inverse of t1 and multiplies it with t2. The result is saved in t1. t1 = inv(t1) * t2

Overload 2:

computes the inverse of t1 and multiplies it with t2. The result is saved in t1. t1 = inv(t1) * t2

sdurw_math.Transform3D_makeLookAt(eye, center, up)

creates a transformation that is positioned in eye and looking toward center along -z where up indicates the upward direction along which the y-axis is placed. Same convention as for gluLookAt and is handy for placing a cameraview. :type eye: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param eye: [in] position of view :type center: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param center: [in] point to look toward :type up: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param up: [in] the upward direction (the :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: Transformation

sdurw_math.Transform3D_multiply(a, b, result)

Write to result the product a * b.

class sdurw_math.Transform3Df(*args)

Bases: object

A 4x4 homogeneous transform matrix \(\mathbf{T}\in SE(3)\)

\(\mathbf{T} =\left[ \begin{array}{cc} \mathbf{R} & \mathbf{d} \\ \begin{array}{ccc}0 & 0 & 0\end{array} & 1 \end{array}\right]\)

static DH(alpha, a, d, theta)

Constructs a homogeneous transform using the original Denavit-Hartenberg notation

  • alpha (float) – [in] \(\alpha_i\)

  • a (float) – [in] \(a_i\)

  • d (float) – [in] \(d_i\)

  • theta (float) – [in] \(\theta_i\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< float >



\(\robabx{i-1}{i}{\mathbf{T}}= \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} c\theta_i & -s\theta_i c\alpha_i & s\theta_i s\alpha_i & a_i c\theta_i \\ s\theta_i & c\theta_i c\alpha_i & -c\theta_i s\alpha_i & a_i s\theta_i \\ 0 & s\alpha_i & c\alpha_i & d_i \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right]\)

static DHHGP(alpha, a, beta, b)

Constructs a homogeneous transform using the Gordon (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg notation

  • alpha (float) – [in] \(\alpha_i\)

  • a (float) – [in] \(a_i\)

  • beta (float) – [in] \(\beta_i\)

  • b (float) – [in] \(b_i\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< float >



Notes: The Gordon (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg differs from the original Denavit-Hartenberg as it branches between parallel and non-parallel z-axes.

\(z_{i-1}\) is close to parallel to \(z_i\) \(\robabx{i-1}{i}{\mathbf{T}}= \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} c\beta_i & s\alpha_i s\beta_i & c\alpha_i s\beta_i & a_i c\beta_i \\ 0 & c\alpha_i & -s\alpha_i & b_i \\ -s\beta_i & s\alpha_i c\beta_i & c\alpha_i c\beta_i & -a_i s\beta \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right]\)


Gets the position part \(\mathbf{d}\) from \(\mathbf{T}\) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: \(\mathbf{d}\)


Gets the rotation part \(\mathbf{R}\) from \(\mathbf{T}\) :rtype: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :return: \(\mathbf{R}\)


Overload 1:

Default Constructor.

Initializes with 0 translation and Identity matrix as rotation

Overload 2:

Constructs a homogeneous transform :type d: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param d: [in] \(\mathbf{d}\) A 3x1 translation vector :type R: rw::math::Rotation3D< float > :param R: [in] \(\mathbf{R}\) A 3x3 rotation matrix

Overload 3:

A homogeneous transform with a rotation of R and a translation of zero.

Overload 4:

A homogeneous transform with a rotation of zero and a translation of d.

Overload 5:

Copy Constructor :type t: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :param t: [in] Values to initialize the transform

Overload 6:

Constructs a homogeneous transform

Calling this constructor is equivalent to the transform Transform3D(d, r.toRotation3D()).

  • d (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – [in] \(\mathbf{d}\) A 3x1 translation vector

  • r (rw::math::Rotation3DVector< float >) – [in] \(\mathbf{r}\) A 3x1 rotation vector


Returns a Eigen 4x4 matrix \(\mathbf{M}\in SE(3)\) that represents this homogeneous transformation

Return type

Eigen::Matrix< float,4,4 >


\(\mathbf{M}\in SE(3)\)

static craigDH(alpha, a, d, theta)

Constructs a homogeneous transform using the Craig (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg notation

  • alpha (float) – [in] \(\alpha_{i-1}\)

  • a (float) – [in] \(a_{i-1}\)

  • d (float) – [in] \(d_i\)

  • theta (float) – [in] \(\theta_i\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< float >



Notes: The Craig (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg notation differs from the original Denavit-Hartenberg notation and is given as

\(\robabx{i-1}{i}{\mathbf{T}} =\left[\begin{array}{cccc}c\theta_i & -s\theta_i & 0 & a_{i-1} \\s\theta_i c\alpha_{i-1} & c\theta_i c\alpha_{i-1} & -s\alpha_{i-1} & -s\alpha_{i-1}d_i \\s\theta_i s\alpha_{i-1} & c\theta_i s\alpha_{i-1} & c\alpha_{i-1} & c\alpha_{i-1}d_i \\0 & 0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)


Compares the transformations with a given precision

Performs an element wise comparison. Two elements are considered equal if the difference are less than precision.

  • t3d (rw::math::Transform3D< float >) – [in] Transform to compare with

  • precision (float, optional) – [in] The precision to use for testing

Return type



True if all elements are less than precision apart.

static identity()

Constructs the identity transform :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :return: the identity transform

\(\mathbf{T} =\left[\begin{array}{cccc}1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\0 & 0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)

static invMult(*args)

Overload 1:

computes the inverse of t1 and multiplies it with t2. The result is saved in t1. t1 = inv(t1) * t2

Overload 2:

computes the inverse of t1 and multiplies it with t2. The result is saved in t1. t1 = inv(t1) * t2

static makeLookAt(eye, center, up)

creates a transformation that is positioned in eye and looking toward center along -z where up indicates the upward direction along which the y-axis is placed. Same convention as for gluLookAt and is handy for placing a cameraview. :type eye: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param eye: [in] position of view :type center: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param center: [in] point to look toward :type up: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param up: [in] the upward direction (the :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :return: Transformation

static multiply(a, b, result)

Write to result the product a * b.

property thisown

The membership flag

sdurw_math.Transform3Df_DH(alpha, a, d, theta)

Constructs a homogeneous transform using the original Denavit-Hartenberg notation

  • alpha (float) – [in] \(\alpha_i\)

  • a (float) – [in] \(a_i\)

  • d (float) – [in] \(d_i\)

  • theta (float) – [in] \(\theta_i\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< float >



\(\robabx{i-1}{i}{\mathbf{T}}= \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} c\theta_i & -s\theta_i c\alpha_i & s\theta_i s\alpha_i & a_i c\theta_i \\ s\theta_i & c\theta_i c\alpha_i & -c\theta_i s\alpha_i & a_i s\theta_i \\ 0 & s\alpha_i & c\alpha_i & d_i \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right]\)

sdurw_math.Transform3Df_DHHGP(alpha, a, beta, b)

Constructs a homogeneous transform using the Gordon (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg notation

  • alpha (float) – [in] \(\alpha_i\)

  • a (float) – [in] \(a_i\)

  • beta (float) – [in] \(\beta_i\)

  • b (float) – [in] \(b_i\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< float >



Notes: The Gordon (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg differs from the original Denavit-Hartenberg as it branches between parallel and non-parallel z-axes.

\(z_{i-1}\) is close to parallel to \(z_i\) \(\robabx{i-1}{i}{\mathbf{T}}= \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} c\beta_i & s\alpha_i s\beta_i & c\alpha_i s\beta_i & a_i c\beta_i \\ 0 & c\alpha_i & -s\alpha_i & b_i \\ -s\beta_i & s\alpha_i c\beta_i & c\alpha_i c\beta_i & -a_i s\beta \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right]\)

sdurw_math.Transform3Df_craigDH(alpha, a, d, theta)

Constructs a homogeneous transform using the Craig (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg notation

  • alpha (float) – [in] \(\alpha_{i-1}\)

  • a (float) – [in] \(a_{i-1}\)

  • d (float) – [in] \(d_i\)

  • theta (float) – [in] \(\theta_i\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< float >



Notes: The Craig (modified) Denavit-Hartenberg notation differs from the original Denavit-Hartenberg notation and is given as

\(\robabx{i-1}{i}{\mathbf{T}} =\left[\begin{array}{cccc}c\theta_i & -s\theta_i & 0 & a_{i-1} \\s\theta_i c\alpha_{i-1} & c\theta_i c\alpha_{i-1} & -s\alpha_{i-1} & -s\alpha_{i-1}d_i \\s\theta_i s\alpha_{i-1} & c\theta_i s\alpha_{i-1} & c\alpha_{i-1} & c\alpha_{i-1}d_i \\0 & 0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)


Constructs the identity transform :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :return: the identity transform

\(\mathbf{T} =\left[\begin{array}{cccc}1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\0 & 0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right]\)


Overload 1:

computes the inverse of t1 and multiplies it with t2. The result is saved in t1. t1 = inv(t1) * t2

Overload 2:

computes the inverse of t1 and multiplies it with t2. The result is saved in t1. t1 = inv(t1) * t2

sdurw_math.Transform3Df_makeLookAt(eye, center, up)

creates a transformation that is positioned in eye and looking toward center along -z where up indicates the upward direction along which the y-axis is placed. Same convention as for gluLookAt and is handy for placing a cameraview. :type eye: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param eye: [in] position of view :type center: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param center: [in] point to look toward :type up: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param up: [in] the upward direction (the :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :return: Transformation

sdurw_math.Transform3Df_multiply(a, b, result)

Write to result the product a * b.

class sdurw_math.Vector(*args)

Bases: object

Configuration vector


Overload 1:

A configuration of vector of length dim.

Overload 2:

Default constructor.

The vector will be of dimension zero.

Overload 3:

Creates a Vector of length n and initialized with values from values

The method reads n values from values and do not check whether reading out of bounds.

  • n (int) – [in] Length of q.

  • values (float) – [in] Values to initialize with

Overload 4:

Creates a Vector of length n and initialize all values in Vector to value

  • n (int) – [in] Length of q.

  • value (float) – [in] Value to initialize


Accessor for the internal Eigen vector state.


True if the configuration is of dimension zero.

getSubPart(start, cnt)

Start of sequence iterator.

End of sequence iterator.

Start of sequence iterator.

End of sequence iterator.

Extracts a sub part (range) of this Vector. :type start: int :param start: [in] Start index :type cnt: int :param cnt: [in] the number of elements to include :rtype: rw::math::Vector< double > :return:


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the configuration :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the configuration :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the configuration :rtype: float :return: the norm

setSubPart(index, part)

Set a part of the vector. :type index: int :param index: [in] first index. :type part: rw::math::Vector< double > :param part: [in] the subpart to set.


The dimension of the configuration vector.

property thisown

The membership flag

static zero(n)

Returns Vector of length n initialized with 0’s

class sdurw_math.Vector2D(*args)

Bases: object

A 2D vector \(\mathbf{v}\in \mathbb{R}^2\)

\(\robabx{i}{j}{\mathbf{v}} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} v_x \\ v_y \end{array} \right]\)

In addition, Vector2D supports the cross product operator: v3 = cross(v1, v2)

Usage example:

using namespace rw::math;

Vector2D<> v1(1.0, 2.0);
Vector2D<> v2(6.0, 7.0);
Vector2D<> v3 = cross( v1, v2 );
Vector2D<> v4 = v2 - v1;

Overload 1:

Creates a 2D vector initialized with 0’s

Overload 2:

Creates a 2D vector

  • x (float) – [in] \(x\)

  • y (float) – [in] \(y\)

Overload 3:

Copy Constructor


returns the counter clock-wise angle between this vector and the x-axis vector (1,0). The angle returned will be in the interval [-Pi,Pi]


Returns Eigen vector equivalent to *this.


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


The dimension of the vector (i.e. 2).

This method is provided to help support generic algorithms using size() and operator[].

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.Vector2Df(*args)

Bases: object

A 2D vector \(\mathbf{v}\in \mathbb{R}^2\)

\(\robabx{i}{j}{\mathbf{v}} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} v_x \\ v_y \end{array} \right]\)

In addition, Vector2D supports the cross product operator: v3 = cross(v1, v2)

Usage example:

using namespace rw::math;

Vector2D<> v1(1.0, 2.0);
Vector2D<> v2(6.0, 7.0);
Vector2D<> v3 = cross( v1, v2 );
Vector2D<> v4 = v2 - v1;

Overload 1:

Creates a 2D vector initialized with 0’s

Overload 2:

Creates a 2D vector

  • x (float) – [in] \(x\)

  • y (float) – [in] \(y\)

Overload 3:

Copy Constructor


returns the counter clock-wise angle between this vector and the x-axis vector (1,0). The angle returned will be in the interval [-Pi,Pi]


Returns Eigen vector equivalent to *this.


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


The dimension of the vector (i.e. 2).

This method is provided to help support generic algorithms using size() and operator[].

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.Vector3D(*args)

Bases: object

A 3D vector \(\mathbf{v}\in \mathbb{R}^3\)

\(\robabx{i}{j}{\mathbf{v}} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} v_x \\ v_y \\ v_z \end{array} \right]\)

Usage example:

const Vector3D<> v1(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
const Vector3D<> v2(6.0, 7.0, 8.0);
const Vector3D<> v3 = cross(v1, v2);
const double d = dot(v1, v2);
const Vector3D<> v4 = v2 - v1;

Overload 1:

Creates a 3D vector initialized with 0’s

Overload 2:

Creates a 3D vector :type x: float :param x: [in] \(x\) :type y: float :param y: [in] \(y\) :type z: float :param z: [in] \(z\)

Overload 3:

Copy constructor :type copy_vec: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param copy_vec: [in] vector to copy

Overload 4:

construct vector from std::vector :type vec: std::vector< double > :param vec: [in] the vector to construct from


Returns Reference to Eigen Vector :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double >::EigenVector3D :return: reference to underling eigen


Calculate cross product :type vec: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param vec: [in] the vector to cross with :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: the cross product


calculate the dot product :type vec: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param vec: [in] the vecor to be dotted :rtype: float :return: the dot product


Scalar addition.


element wise division. :type rhs: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param rhs: [in] the vector being devided with :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: the resulting Vector3D


Elementweise multiplication. :type rhs: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param rhs: [in] vector :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: the element wise product


Scalar subtraction.


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


normalize vector to get length 1 :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: the normalized Vector


The dimension of the vector (i.e. 3).

This method is provided to help support generic algorithms using size() and operator[]. :rtype: int :return: the size

property thisown

The membership flag

static x()

Get x vector (1,0,0) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: vector.

static y()

Get y vector (0,1,0) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: vector.

static z()

Get z vector (0,0,1) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: vector.

static zero()

Get zero vector. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: vector.


Get x vector (1,0,0) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: vector.


Get y vector (0,1,0) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: vector.


Get z vector (0,0,1) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: vector.


Get zero vector. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: vector.

class sdurw_math.Vector3Df(*args)

Bases: object

A 3D vector \(\mathbf{v}\in \mathbb{R}^3\)

\(\robabx{i}{j}{\mathbf{v}} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} v_x \\ v_y \\ v_z \end{array} \right]\)

Usage example:

const Vector3D<> v1(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
const Vector3D<> v2(6.0, 7.0, 8.0);
const Vector3D<> v3 = cross(v1, v2);
const double d = dot(v1, v2);
const Vector3D<> v4 = v2 - v1;

Overload 1:

Creates a 3D vector initialized with 0’s

Overload 2:

Creates a 3D vector :type x: float :param x: [in] \(x\) :type y: float :param y: [in] \(y\) :type z: float :param z: [in] \(z\)

Overload 3:

Copy constructor :type copy_vec: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param copy_vec: [in] vector to copy

Overload 4:

construct vector from std::vector :type vec: std::vector< float > :param vec: [in] the vector to construct from


Returns Reference to Eigen Vector :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float >::EigenVector3D :return: reference to underling eigen


Calculate cross product :type vec: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param vec: [in] the vector to cross with :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: the cross product


calculate the dot product :type vec: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param vec: [in] the vecor to be dotted :rtype: float :return: the dot product


Scalar addition.


element wise division. :type rhs: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param rhs: [in] the vector being devided with :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: the resulting Vector3D


Elementweise multiplication. :type rhs: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param rhs: [in] vector :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: the element wise product


Scalar subtraction.


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the vector :rtype: float :return: the norm


normalize vector to get length 1 :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: the normalized Vector


The dimension of the vector (i.e. 3).

This method is provided to help support generic algorithms using size() and operator[]. :rtype: int :return: the size

property thisown

The membership flag

static x()

Get x vector (1,0,0) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: vector.

static y()

Get y vector (0,1,0) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: vector.

static z()

Get z vector (0,0,1) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: vector.

static zero()

Get zero vector. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: vector.


Get x vector (1,0,0) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: vector.


Get y vector (0,1,0) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: vector.


Get z vector (0,0,1) :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: vector.


Get zero vector. :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: vector.

class sdurw_math.Vector4Dd(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_common.Serializable

A N-Dimensional Vector

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Accessor for the internal Eigen VectorND.


calculate the dot product :type vec: rw::math::VectorND< 4,double > :param vec: [in] the vecor to be dotted :rtype: float :return: the dot product


Scalar addition.


element wise division. :type rhs: rw::math::VectorND< 4,double > :param rhs: [in] the vector being devided with :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 4,double > :return: the resulting Vector3D


Elementweise multiplication. :type rhs: rw::math::VectorND< 4,double > :param rhs: [in] vector :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 4,double > :return: the element wise product


Scalar subtraction.


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


normalize vector to get length 1 :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 4,double > :return: the normalized Vector


The dimension of the VectorND (i.e. 3). This method is provided to help support generic algorithms using

size() and operator[].

property thisown

The membership flag


converts the vector to a std:vector :rtype: std::vector< double > :return: a std::vector

static zero()

Get zero-initialized vector. :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 4,double > :return: vector.


Get zero-initialized vector. :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 4,double > :return: vector.

class sdurw_math.Vector4Df(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_common.Serializable

A N-Dimensional Vector

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Accessor for the internal Eigen VectorND.


calculate the dot product :type vec: rw::math::VectorND< 4,float > :param vec: [in] the vecor to be dotted :rtype: float :return: the dot product


Scalar addition.


element wise division. :type rhs: rw::math::VectorND< 4,float > :param rhs: [in] the vector being devided with :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 4,float > :return: the resulting Vector3D


Elementweise multiplication. :type rhs: rw::math::VectorND< 4,float > :param rhs: [in] vector :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 4,float > :return: the element wise product


Scalar subtraction.


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


normalize vector to get length 1 :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 4,float > :return: the normalized Vector


The dimension of the VectorND (i.e. 3). This method is provided to help support generic algorithms using

size() and operator[].

property thisown

The membership flag


converts the vector to a std:vector :rtype: std::vector< float > :return: a std::vector

static zero()

Get zero-initialized vector. :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 4,float > :return: vector.


Get zero-initialized vector. :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 4,float > :return: vector.

class sdurw_math.Vector5Dd(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_common.Serializable

A N-Dimensional Vector

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Accessor for the internal Eigen VectorND.


calculate the dot product :type vec: rw::math::VectorND< 5,double > :param vec: [in] the vecor to be dotted :rtype: float :return: the dot product


Scalar addition.


element wise division. :type rhs: rw::math::VectorND< 5,double > :param rhs: [in] the vector being devided with :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 5,double > :return: the resulting Vector3D


Elementweise multiplication. :type rhs: rw::math::VectorND< 5,double > :param rhs: [in] vector :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 5,double > :return: the element wise product


Scalar subtraction.


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


normalize vector to get length 1 :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 5,double > :return: the normalized Vector


The dimension of the VectorND (i.e. 3). This method is provided to help support generic algorithms using

size() and operator[].

property thisown

The membership flag


converts the vector to a std:vector :rtype: std::vector< double > :return: a std::vector

static zero()

Get zero-initialized vector. :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 5,double > :return: vector.


Get zero-initialized vector. :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 5,double > :return: vector.

class sdurw_math.Vector5Df(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_common.Serializable

A N-Dimensional Vector

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Accessor for the internal Eigen VectorND.


calculate the dot product :type vec: rw::math::VectorND< 5,float > :param vec: [in] the vecor to be dotted :rtype: float :return: the dot product


Scalar addition.


element wise division. :type rhs: rw::math::VectorND< 5,float > :param rhs: [in] the vector being devided with :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 5,float > :return: the resulting Vector3D


Elementweise multiplication. :type rhs: rw::math::VectorND< 5,float > :param rhs: [in] vector :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 5,float > :return: the element wise product


Scalar subtraction.


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


normalize vector to get length 1 :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 5,float > :return: the normalized Vector


The dimension of the VectorND (i.e. 3). This method is provided to help support generic algorithms using

size() and operator[].

property thisown

The membership flag


converts the vector to a std:vector :rtype: std::vector< float > :return: a std::vector

static zero()

Get zero-initialized vector. :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 5,float > :return: vector.


Get zero-initialized vector. :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 5,float > :return: vector.

class sdurw_math.Vector6Dd(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_common.Serializable

A N-Dimensional Vector

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Accessor for the internal Eigen VectorND.


calculate the dot product :type vec: rw::math::VectorND< 6,double > :param vec: [in] the vecor to be dotted :rtype: float :return: the dot product


Scalar addition.


element wise division. :type rhs: rw::math::VectorND< 6,double > :param rhs: [in] the vector being devided with :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 6,double > :return: the resulting Vector3D


Elementweise multiplication. :type rhs: rw::math::VectorND< 6,double > :param rhs: [in] vector :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 6,double > :return: the element wise product


Scalar subtraction.


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


normalize vector to get length 1 :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 6,double > :return: the normalized Vector


The dimension of the VectorND (i.e. 3). This method is provided to help support generic algorithms using

size() and operator[].

property thisown

The membership flag


converts the vector to a std:vector :rtype: std::vector< double > :return: a std::vector

static zero()

Get zero-initialized vector. :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 6,double > :return: vector.


Get zero-initialized vector. :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 6,double > :return: vector.

class sdurw_math.Vector6Df(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sdurw_common.Serializable

A N-Dimensional Vector

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Accessor for the internal Eigen VectorND.


calculate the dot product :type vec: rw::math::VectorND< 6,float > :param vec: [in] the vecor to be dotted :rtype: float :return: the dot product


Scalar addition.


element wise division. :type rhs: rw::math::VectorND< 6,float > :param rhs: [in] the vector being devided with :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 6,float > :return: the resulting Vector3D


Elementweise multiplication. :type rhs: rw::math::VectorND< 6,float > :param rhs: [in] vector :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 6,float > :return: the element wise product


Scalar subtraction.


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the VectorND :rtype: float :return: the norm


normalize vector to get length 1 :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 6,float > :return: the normalized Vector


The dimension of the VectorND (i.e. 3). This method is provided to help support generic algorithms using

size() and operator[].

property thisown

The membership flag


converts the vector to a std:vector :rtype: std::vector< float > :return: a std::vector

static zero()

Get zero-initialized vector. :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 6,float > :return: vector.


Get zero-initialized vector. :rtype: rw::math::VectorND< 6,float > :return: vector.

class sdurw_math.VectorEigenMatrix3d(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorEigenMatrix3f(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorEigenMatrix3id(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorEigenRowVector3d(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorEigenRowVector3f(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorEigenVector3d(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorEigenVector3f(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorEigenVector3id(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorQ(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorRotation3D(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorRotation3D_f(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorTransform3D(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorTransform3D_f(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorVector2D(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorVector2D_f(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorVector3D(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.

class sdurw_math.VectorVector3D_f(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: list

This class is deprecated and is basically a wrapper around a list

__init__(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Remove all items from list.


Returns Vector of length n initialized with 0’s

class sdurw_math.Vectorf(*args)

Bases: object

Configuration vector


Overload 1:

A configuration of vector of length dim.

Overload 2:

Default constructor.

The vector will be of dimension zero.

Overload 3:

Creates a Vector of length n and initialized with values from values

The method reads n values from values and do not check whether reading out of bounds.

  • n (int) – [in] Length of q.

  • values (float) – [in] Values to initialize with

Overload 4:

Creates a Vector of length n and initialize all values in Vector to value

  • n (int) – [in] Length of q.

  • value (float) – [in] Value to initialize


Accessor for the internal Eigen vector state.


True if the configuration is of dimension zero.

getSubPart(start, cnt)

Start of sequence iterator.

End of sequence iterator.

Start of sequence iterator.

End of sequence iterator.

Extracts a sub part (range) of this Vector. :type start: int :param start: [in] Start index :type cnt: int :param cnt: [in] the number of elements to include :rtype: rw::math::Vector< float > :return:


Returns the Manhatten norm (1-norm) of the configuration :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of the configuration :rtype: float :return: the norm


Returns the infinte norm (\(\inf\)-norm) of the configuration :rtype: float :return: the norm

setSubPart(index, part)

Set a part of the vector. :type index: int :param index: [in] first index. :type part: rw::math::Vector< float > :param part: [in] the subpart to set.


The dimension of the configuration vector.

property thisown

The membership flag

static zero(n)

Returns Vector of length n initialized with 0’s


Returns Vector of length n initialized with 0’s

class sdurw_math.VelocityScrew6D(*args)

Bases: object

Class for representing 6 degrees of freedom velocity screws.

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{\nu} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} v_x\\ v_y\\ v_z\\ \omega_x\\ \omega_y\\ \omega_z \end{array} \right]\end{split}\]

A VelocityScrew is the description of a frames linear and rotational velocity with respect to some reference frame.


Overload 1:

Constructs a 6 degrees of freedom velocity screw

  • vx (float) – [in] \(v_x\)

  • vy (float) – [in] \(v_y\)

  • vz (float) – [in] \(v_z\)

  • wx (float) – [in] \(\omega_x\)

  • wy (float) – [in] \(\omega_y\)

  • wz (float) – [in] \(\omega_z\)

Overload 2:

Default Constructor. Initialized the velocity to 0

Overload 3:

Copy Constructor :type vs: rw::math::VelocityScrew6D< double > :param vs: [in] the velocityscrew6D to copy

Overload 4:

Constructs a velocity screw in frame \(a\) from a transform \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{T}}\).


transform (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] the corresponding transform.

Overload 5:

Constructs a velocity screw from a linear and angular velocity

  • linear (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [in] linear velocity

  • angular (rw::math::EAA< double >) – [in] angular velocity


Extracts the angular velocity and represents it using an equivalent-angle-axis as \(\dot{\Theta}\mathbf{k}\)

Return type

rw::math::EAA< double >


the angular velocity


Converter to Eigen vector


Extracts the linear velocity

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< double >


the linear velocity


Takes the 1-norm of the velocity screw. All elements both angular and linear are given the same weight.

Return type



the 1-norm


Takes the 2-norm of the velocity screw. All elements both angular and linear are given the same weight

Return type



the 2-norm


Takes the infinite norm of the velocity screw. All elements both angular and linear are given the same weight.

Return type



the infinite norm


get the size of the underlying vector

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.VelocityScrew6Df(*args)

Bases: object

Class for representing 6 degrees of freedom velocity screws.

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{\nu} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} v_x\\ v_y\\ v_z\\ \omega_x\\ \omega_y\\ \omega_z \end{array} \right]\end{split}\]

A VelocityScrew is the description of a frames linear and rotational velocity with respect to some reference frame.


Overload 1:

Constructs a 6 degrees of freedom velocity screw

  • vx (float) – [in] \(v_x\)

  • vy (float) – [in] \(v_y\)

  • vz (float) – [in] \(v_z\)

  • wx (float) – [in] \(\omega_x\)

  • wy (float) – [in] \(\omega_y\)

  • wz (float) – [in] \(\omega_z\)

Overload 2:

Default Constructor. Initialized the velocity to 0

Overload 3:

Copy Constructor :type vs: rw::math::VelocityScrew6D< float > :param vs: [in] the velocityscrew6D to copy

Overload 4:

Constructs a velocity screw in frame \(a\) from a transform \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{T}}\).


transform (rw::math::Transform3D< float >) – [in] the corresponding transform.

Overload 5:

Constructs a velocity screw from a linear and angular velocity

  • linear (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – [in] linear velocity

  • angular (rw::math::EAA< float >) – [in] angular velocity


Extracts the angular velocity and represents it using an equivalent-angle-axis as \(\dot{\Theta}\mathbf{k}\)

Return type

rw::math::EAA< float >


the angular velocity


Converter to Eigen vector


Extracts the linear velocity

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< float >


the linear velocity


Takes the 1-norm of the velocity screw. All elements both angular and linear are given the same weight.

Return type



the 1-norm


Takes the 2-norm of the velocity screw. All elements both angular and linear are given the same weight

Return type



the 2-norm


Takes the infinite norm of the velocity screw. All elements both angular and linear are given the same weight.

Return type



the infinite norm


get the size of the underlying vector

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.WeightedEuclideanMetricQ(weights)

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricQ

Weighted Euclidean metric for vector types.

Given a vector of weights \(\mathbf{\omega}\in\mathbb{R}^n\), the distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(\omega_i * (p_i - q_i))^2}\).


Weighted metric. :type weights: rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Q >::value_type :param weights: [in] Weights for the metric.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.WeightedEuclideanMetricVector2D(weights)

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricVector2D

Weighted Euclidean metric for vector types.

Given a vector of weights \(\mathbf{\omega}\in\mathbb{R}^n\), the distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(\omega_i * (p_i - q_i))^2}\).


Weighted metric. :type weights: rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector2D< double > >::value_type :param weights: [in] Weights for the metric.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.WeightedEuclideanMetricVector3D(weights)

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricVector3D

Weighted Euclidean metric for vector types.

Given a vector of weights \(\mathbf{\omega}\in\mathbb{R}^n\), the distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(\omega_i * (p_i - q_i))^2}\).


Weighted metric. :type weights: rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector3D< double > >::value_type :param weights: [in] Weights for the metric.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.WeightedInfinityMetricQ(weights)

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricQ

Weighted infinity norm metric for vector types.

Given a vector of weights \(\mathbf{\omega}\in\mathbb{R}^n\), the distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(max_i |\omega_i * (p_i - q_i)|\)


Weighted metric. :type weights: rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Q >::value_type :param weights: [in] Weights for the metric.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.WeightedInfinityMetricVector2D(weights)

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricVector2D

Weighted infinity norm metric for vector types.

Given a vector of weights \(\mathbf{\omega}\in\mathbb{R}^n\), the distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(max_i |\omega_i * (p_i - q_i)|\)


Weighted metric. :type weights: rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector2D< double > >::value_type :param weights: [in] Weights for the metric.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.WeightedInfinityMetricVector3D(weights)

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricVector3D

Weighted infinity norm metric for vector types.

Given a vector of weights \(\mathbf{\omega}\in\mathbb{R}^n\), the distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(max_i |\omega_i * (p_i - q_i)|\)


Weighted metric. :type weights: rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector3D< double > >::value_type :param weights: [in] Weights for the metric.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.WeightedManhattenMetricQ(weights)

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricQ

Weighted Manhattan distance metric for vector types.

Given a vector of weights \(\mathbf{\omega}\in\mathbb{R}^n\), the distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} |\omega_i * (p_i - q_i)|\).


Weighted metric. :type weights: rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Q >::value_type :param weights: [in] Weights for the metric.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.WeightedManhattenMetricVector2D(weights)

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricVector2D

Weighted Manhattan distance metric for vector types.

Given a vector of weights \(\mathbf{\omega}\in\mathbb{R}^n\), the distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} |\omega_i * (p_i - q_i)|\).


Weighted metric. :type weights: rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector2D< double > >::value_type :param weights: [in] Weights for the metric.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.WeightedManhattenMetricVector3D(weights)

Bases: sdurw_math.MetricVector3D

Weighted Manhattan distance metric for vector types.

Given a vector of weights \(\mathbf{\omega}\in\mathbb{R}^n\), the distance between two points \(P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n)\) and \(Q = (q_1, q_2, ..., q_n)\) is defined as \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} |\omega_i * (p_i - q_i)|\).


Weighted metric. :type weights: rw::math::Metric< rw::math::Vector3D< double > >::value_type :param weights: [in] Weights for the metric.

property thisown

The membership flag

class sdurw_math.Wrench6D(*args)

Bases: object

Class for representing 6 degrees of freedom wrenches.

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{\nu} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} f_x\\ f_y\\ f_z\\ \tau_x\\ \tau_y\\ \tau_z \end{array} \right]\end{split}\]

A Wrench is the description of a frames linear force and rotational torque with respect to some reference frame.


Overload 1:

Constructs a 6 degrees of freedom velocity screw

  • fx (float) – [in] \(f_x\)

  • fy (float) – [in] \(f_y\)

  • fz (float) – [in] \(f_z\)

  • tx (float) – [in] \(\tau_x\)

  • ty (float) – [in] \(\tau_y\)

  • tz (float) – [in] \(\tau_z\)

Overload 2:

Default Constructor. Initialized the wrench to 0

Overload 3:

Constructs a wrench from a force and torque

  • force (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [in] linear force

  • torque (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [in] angular torque


Converter to Eigen data type


Extracts the force

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< double >


the force


Takes the 1-norm of the wrench. All elements both force and torque are given the same weight. :rtype: float :return: the 1-norm


Takes the 2-norm of the wrench. All elements both force and torque are given the same weight :rtype: float :return: the 2-norm


Takes the infinite norm of the wrench. All elements both force and torque are given the same weight.

Return type



the infinite norm


Sets the force component


force (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [in] linear force


Sets the torque component


torque (rw::math::Vector3D< double >) – [in] angular torque

property thisown

The membership flag


Extracts the torque and represents it using an Vector3D<T>

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< double >


the torque

class sdurw_math.Wrench6Df(*args)

Bases: object

Class for representing 6 degrees of freedom wrenches.

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{\nu} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} f_x\\ f_y\\ f_z\\ \tau_x\\ \tau_y\\ \tau_z \end{array} \right]\end{split}\]

A Wrench is the description of a frames linear force and rotational torque with respect to some reference frame.


Overload 1:

Constructs a 6 degrees of freedom velocity screw

  • fx (float) – [in] \(f_x\)

  • fy (float) – [in] \(f_y\)

  • fz (float) – [in] \(f_z\)

  • tx (float) – [in] \(\tau_x\)

  • ty (float) – [in] \(\tau_y\)

  • tz (float) – [in] \(\tau_z\)

Overload 2:

Default Constructor. Initialized the wrench to 0

Overload 3:

Constructs a wrench from a force and torque

  • force (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – [in] linear force

  • torque (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – [in] angular torque


Converter to Eigen data type


Extracts the force

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< float >


the force


Takes the 1-norm of the wrench. All elements both force and torque are given the same weight. :rtype: float :return: the 1-norm


Takes the 2-norm of the wrench. All elements both force and torque are given the same weight :rtype: float :return: the 2-norm


Takes the infinite norm of the wrench. All elements both force and torque are given the same weight.

Return type



the infinite norm


Sets the force component


force (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – [in] linear force


Sets the torque component


torque (rw::math::Vector3D< float >) – [in] angular torque

property thisown

The membership flag


Extracts the torque and represents it using an Vector3D<T>

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< float >


the torque


Overload 1:

calculates the counter clock-wise angle from v1 to v2. the value returned will be in the interval [-2Pi,2Pi]

Overload 2:

Calculates the angle from \(\mathbf{v1}\) to \(\mathbf{v2}\) around the axis defined by \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\) with n determining the sign. :type v1: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v1: [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\) :type v2: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v2: [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\) :type n: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param n: [in] \(\mathbf{n}\)

Return type



the angle

Overload 3:

Calculates the angle from \(\mathbf{v1}\) to \(\mathbf{v2}\) around the axis defined by \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\) :type v1: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v1: [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\) :type v2: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v2: [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\)

Return type



the angle

Overload 4:

calculates the counter clock-wise angle from v1 to v2. the value returned will be in the interval [-2Pi,2Pi]

Overload 5:

Calculates the angle from \(\mathbf{v1}\) to \(\mathbf{v2}\) around the axis defined by \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\) with n determining the sign. :type v1: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v1: [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\) :type v2: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v2: [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\) :type n: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param n: [in] \(\mathbf{n}\)

Return type



the angle

Overload 6:

Calculates the angle from \(\mathbf{v1}\) to \(\mathbf{v2}\) around the axis defined by \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\) :type v1: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v1: [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\) :type v2: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v2: [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\)

Return type



the angle


Overload 1:

Casts EAA<T> to EAA<Q> :type eaa: rw::math::EAA< float > :param eaa: [in] EAA with type T :rtype: rw::math::EAA< double > :return: EAA with type Q

Overload 2:

Casts InertiaMatrix<T> to InertiaMatrix<Q> :type rot: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< float > :param rot: [in] InertiaMatrix with type T :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< double > :return: InertiaMatrix with type Q

Overload 3:

Casts Pose6D<T> to Pose6D<Q> :type pose: rw::math::Pose6D< float > :param pose: [in] Pose6D with type T :rtype: rw::math::Pose6D< double > :return: Pose6D with type Q

Overload 4:

Casts Quaternion<T> to Quaternion<Q> :type quaternion: rw::math::Quaternion< float > :param quaternion: [in] Quarternion with type T :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< double > :return: Quaternion with type Q

Overload 5:

Casts Rotation2D<T> to Rotation2D<Q> :type rot: rw::math::Rotation2D< float > :param rot: [in] Rotation2D with type T :rtype: rw::math::Rotation2D< double > :return: Rotation2D with type R

Overload 6:

Casts Wrench6D<T> to Wrench6D<Q>


vs (rw::math::Wrench6D< float >) – [in] Wrench6D with type T

Return type

rw::math::Wrench6D< double >


Wrench6D with type Q

Overload 7:

Casts Rotation3D<T> to Rotation3D<S>


rot (rw::math::Rotation3D< float >) – [in] Rotation3D with type T

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< double >


Rotation3D with type S

Overload 8:

Casts RPY<T> to RPY<Q>


rpy (rw::math::RPY< float >) – [in] RPY with type T

Return type

rw::math::RPY< double >


RPY with type Q

Overload 9:

Cast Transform3D<T> to Transform3D<Q> :type trans: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :param trans: [in] Transform3D with type T :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :return: Transform3D with type Q

Overload 10:

Casts Vector2D<T> to Vector2D<Q>


v (rw::math::Vector2D< float >) – [in] Vector2D with type T

Return type

rw::math::Vector2D< double >


Vector2D with type Q

Overload 11:

Casts Vector3D<T> to Vector3D<Q> :type v: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v: [in] Vector3D with type T :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: Vector3D with type Q

Overload 12:

Casts VelocityScrew6D<T> to VelocityScrew6D<Q>


vs (rw::math::VelocityScrew6D< float >) – [in] VelocityScrew6D with type T

Return type

rw::math::VelocityScrew6D< double >


VelocityScrew6D with type Q


Overload 1:

Casts EAA<T> to EAA<Q> :type eaa: rw::math::EAA< double > :param eaa: [in] EAA with type T :rtype: rw::math::EAA< float > :return: EAA with type Q

Overload 2:

Casts InertiaMatrix<T> to InertiaMatrix<Q> :type rot: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< double > :param rot: [in] InertiaMatrix with type T :rtype: rw::math::InertiaMatrix< float > :return: InertiaMatrix with type Q

Overload 3:

Casts Pose6D<T> to Pose6D<Q> :type pose: rw::math::Pose6D< double > :param pose: [in] Pose6D with type T :rtype: rw::math::Pose6D< float > :return: Pose6D with type Q

Overload 4:

Casts Quaternion<T> to Quaternion<Q> :type quaternion: rw::math::Quaternion< double > :param quaternion: [in] Quarternion with type T :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< float > :return: Quaternion with type Q

Overload 5:

Casts Rotation2D<T> to Rotation2D<Q> :type rot: rw::math::Rotation2D< double > :param rot: [in] Rotation2D with type T :rtype: rw::math::Rotation2D< float > :return: Rotation2D with type R

Overload 6:

Casts Wrench6D<T> to Wrench6D<Q>


vs (rw::math::Wrench6D< double >) – [in] Wrench6D with type T

Return type

rw::math::Wrench6D< float >


Wrench6D with type Q

Overload 7:

Casts Rotation3D<T> to Rotation3D<S>


rot (rw::math::Rotation3D< double >) – [in] Rotation3D with type T

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< float >


Rotation3D with type S

Overload 8:

Casts RPY<T> to RPY<Q>


rpy (rw::math::RPY< double >) – [in] RPY with type T

Return type

rw::math::RPY< float >


RPY with type Q

Overload 9:

Cast Transform3D<T> to Transform3D<Q> :type trans: rw::math::Transform3D< double > :param trans: [in] Transform3D with type T :rtype: rw::math::Transform3D< float > :return: Transform3D with type Q

Overload 10:

Casts Vector2D<T> to Vector2D<Q>


v (rw::math::Vector2D< double >) – [in] Vector2D with type T

Return type

rw::math::Vector2D< float >


Vector2D with type Q

Overload 11:

Casts Vector3D<T> to Vector3D<Q> :type v: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v: [in] Vector3D with type T :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: Vector3D with type Q

Overload 12:

Casts VelocityScrew6D<T> to VelocityScrew6D<Q>


vs (rw::math::VelocityScrew6D< double >) – [in] VelocityScrew6D with type T

Return type

rw::math::VelocityScrew6D< float >


VelocityScrew6D with type Q

sdurw_math.concat(q1, q2)

concatenates q1 onto q2 such that the returned q has the configurations of q1 in [0;q1.size()[ and has q2 in [q1.size();q1.size()+q2.size()[ :type q1: Q :param q1: [in] the first Q :type q2: Q :param q2: [in] the second Q :rtype: Q :return: the concatenation of q1 and q2


Overload 1:

Calculates the 2D vector cross product \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\)

  • v1 (rw::math::Vector2D< double >) – [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\)

  • v2 (rw::math::Vector2D< double >) – [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\)

Return type



the cross product \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\)

The 2D vector cross product is defined as:

\(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2} = v1_x * v2_y - v1_y * v2_x\)

Overload 2:

Calculates the 3D vector cross product \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\) :type v1: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v1: [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\) :type v2: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v2: [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\)

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< double >


the 3D vector cross product \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\)

The 3D vector cross product is defined as: \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2} = \left[\begin{array}{c} v1_y * v2_z - v1_z * v2_y \\ v1_z * v2_x - v1_x * v2_z \\ v1_x * v2_y - v1_y * v2_x\end{array}\right]\)

Overload 3:

Calculates the 3D vector cross product \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\) :type v1: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v1: [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\) :type v2: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v2: [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\) :type dst: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param dst: [out] the 3D vector cross product \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\)

The 3D vector cross product is defined as: \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2} = \left[\begin{array}{c} v1_y * v2_z - v1_z * v2_y \\ v1_z * v2_x - v1_x * v2_z \\ v1_x * v2_y - v1_y * v2_x\end{array}\right]\)

Overload 4:

Calculates the 2D vector cross product \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\)

  • v1 (rw::math::Vector2D< float >) – [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\)

  • v2 (rw::math::Vector2D< float >) – [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\)

Return type



the cross product \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\)

The 2D vector cross product is defined as:

\(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2} = v1_x * v2_y - v1_y * v2_x\)

Overload 5:

Calculates the 3D vector cross product \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\) :type v1: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v1: [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\) :type v2: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v2: [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\)

Return type

rw::math::Vector3D< float >


the 3D vector cross product \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\)

The 3D vector cross product is defined as: \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2} = \left[\begin{array}{c} v1_y * v2_z - v1_z * v2_y \\ v1_z * v2_x - v1_x * v2_z \\ v1_x * v2_y - v1_y * v2_x\end{array}\right]\)

Overload 6:

Calculates the 3D vector cross product \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\) :type v1: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v1: [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\) :type v2: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v2: [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\) :type dst: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param dst: [out] the 3D vector cross product \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2}\)

The 3D vector cross product is defined as: \(\mathbf{v1} \times \mathbf{v2} = \left[\begin{array}{c} v1_y * v2_z - v1_z * v2_y \\ v1_z * v2_x - v1_x * v2_z \\ v1_x * v2_y - v1_y * v2_x\end{array}\right]\)*args)

Overload 1:

The dot product (inner product) of a and b.

Overload 2:

The dot product (inner product) of a and b.

Overload 3:

Calculates the dot product \(\mathbf{v1} . \mathbf{v2}\) :type v1: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :param v1: [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\) :type v2: rw::math::Vector2D< double > :param v2: [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\)

Return type



the dot product \(\mathbf{v1} . \mathbf{v2}\)

Overload 4:

Calculates the dot product \(\mathbf{v1} . \mathbf{v2}\) :type v1: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v1: [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\) :type v2: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v2: [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\)

Return type



the dot product \(\mathbf{v1} . \mathbf{v2}\)

Overload 5:

The dot product (inner product) of a and b.

Overload 6:

Calculates the dot product \(\mathbf{v1} . \mathbf{v2}\) :type v1: rw::math::Vector2D< float > :param v1: [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\) :type v2: rw::math::Vector2D< float > :param v2: [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\)

Return type



the dot product \(\mathbf{v1} . \mathbf{v2}\)

Overload 7:

Calculates the dot product \(\mathbf{v1} . \mathbf{v2}\) :type v1: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v1: [in] \(\mathbf{v1}\) :type v2: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v2: [in] \(\mathbf{v2}\)

Return type



the dot product \(\mathbf{v1} . \mathbf{v2}\)


Overload 1:

Calculates the inverse \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1}\) of a rotation matrix


aRb (rw::math::InertiaMatrix< double >) – [in] the rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

Return type

rw::math::InertiaMatrix< double >


the matrix inverse \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1}\)

\(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} = \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^T\)

Overload 2:

Take the inverse of a PerspectiveTransform2D. :type aRb: rw::math::PerspectiveTransform2D< double > :param aRb: [in] a PerspectiveTransform2D. :rtype: rw::math::PerspectiveTransform2D< double > :return: the inverse of aRb .

Overload 3:

Calculate the inverse Quaternion :type q: rw::math::Quaternion< double > :param q: [in] the quaternion being operated on :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< double > :return: the inverse quaternion

Overload 4:

The inverse \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1}\) of a rotation matrix


aRb (rw::math::Rotation2D< double >) – [in] the rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Rotation2D< double >


the matrix inverse \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1}\)

\(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} = \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^T\)

Overload 5:

Calculates the inverse \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1}\) of a rotation matrix

See also: Rotation3D::inverse() for a faster version that modifies the existing rotation object instead of allocating a new one.


aRb (rw::math::Rotation3D< double >) – [in] the rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< double >


the matrix inverse \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1}\)

\(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} = \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^T\)

Overload 6:

Calculates \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{T}} = \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{T}}^{-1}\)


aTb (rw::math::Transform3D< double >) – [in] the transform matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{T}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< double >


\(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{T}} = \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{T}}^{-1}\)

\(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{T}}^{-1} =\left[ \begin{array}{cc} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{T} & - \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{T} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{d}} \\ \begin{array}{ccc}0 & 0 & 0\end{array} & 1 \end{array}\right]\)

Overload 7:

Calculates the inverse \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1}\) of a rotation matrix


aRb (rw::math::InertiaMatrix< float >) – [in] the rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

Return type

rw::math::InertiaMatrix< float >


the matrix inverse \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1}\)

\(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} = \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^T\)

Overload 8:

Take the inverse of a PerspectiveTransform2D. :type aRb: rw::math::PerspectiveTransform2D< float > :param aRb: [in] a PerspectiveTransform2D. :rtype: rw::math::PerspectiveTransform2D< float > :return: the inverse of aRb .

Overload 9:

Calculate the inverse Quaternion :type q: rw::math::Quaternion< float > :param q: [in] the quaternion being operated on :rtype: rw::math::Quaternion< float > :return: the inverse quaternion

Overload 10:

The inverse \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1}\) of a rotation matrix


aRb (rw::math::Rotation2D< float >) – [in] the rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Rotation2D< float >


the matrix inverse \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1}\)

\(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} = \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^T\)

Overload 11:

Calculates the inverse \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1}\) of a rotation matrix

See also: Rotation3D::inverse() for a faster version that modifies the existing rotation object instead of allocating a new one.


aRb (rw::math::Rotation3D< float >) – [in] the rotation matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Rotation3D< float >


the matrix inverse \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1}\)

\(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{R}} = \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{-1} =\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^T\)

Overload 12:

Calculates \(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{T}} = \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{T}}^{-1}\)


aTb (rw::math::Transform3D< float >) – [in] the transform matrix \(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{T}}\)

Return type

rw::math::Transform3D< float >


\(\robabx{b}{a}{\mathbf{T}} = \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{T}}^{-1}\)

\(\robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{T}}^{-1} =\left[ \begin{array}{cc} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{T} & - \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{R}}^{T} \robabx{a}{b}{\mathbf{d}} \\ \begin{array}{ccc}0 & 0 & 0\end{array} & 1 \end{array}\right]\)


Overload 1:

Takes the 1-norm of the wrench. All elements both force and torque are given the same weight.


wrench (rw::math::Wrench6D< float >) – [in] the wrench

Return type



the 1-norm

Overload 2:

Takes the 1-norm of the velocity screw. All elements both angular and linear are given the same weight.


screw (rw::math::VelocityScrew6D< float >) – [in] the velocity screw

Return type



the 1-norm

Overload 3:

Takes the 1-norm of the wrench. All elements both force and torque are given the same weight.


wrench (rw::math::Wrench6D< double >) – [in] the wrench

Return type



the 1-norm

Overload 4:

Takes the 1-norm of the velocity screw. All elements both angular and linear are given the same weight.


screw (rw::math::VelocityScrew6D< double >) – [in] the velocity screw

Return type



the 1-norm


Overload 1:

Takes the 2-norm of the wrench. All elements both force and tporque are given the same weight


wrench (rw::math::Wrench6D< float >) – [in] the wrench

Return type



the 2-norm

Overload 2:

Takes the 2-norm of the velocity screw. All elements both angular and linear are given the same weight


screw (rw::math::VelocityScrew6D< float >) – [in] the velocity screw

Return type



the 2-norm

Overload 3:

Takes the 2-norm of the wrench. All elements both force and tporque are given the same weight


wrench (rw::math::Wrench6D< double >) – [in] the wrench

Return type



the 2-norm

Overload 4:

Takes the 2-norm of the velocity screw. All elements both angular and linear are given the same weight


screw (rw::math::VelocityScrew6D< double >) – [in] the velocity screw

Return type



the 2-norm


Overload 1:

Takes the infinite norm of the wrench. All elements both force and torque are given the same weight.


wrench (rw::math::Wrench6D< float >) – [in] the wrench

Return type



the infinite norm

Overload 2:

Takes the infinite norm of the velocity screw. All elements both angular and linear are given the same weight.


screw (rw::math::VelocityScrew6D< float >) – [in] the velocity screw

Return type



the infinite norm

Overload 3:

Takes the infinite norm of the wrench. All elements both force and torque are given the same weight.


wrench (rw::math::Wrench6D< double >) – [in] the wrench

Return type



the infinite norm

Overload 4:

Takes the infinite norm of the velocity screw. All elements both angular and linear are given the same weight.


screw (rw::math::VelocityScrew6D< double >) – [in] the velocity screw

Return type



the infinite norm


Overload 1:

Returns the normalized vector \(\mathbf{n}=\frac{\mathbf{v}}{\|\mathbf{v}\|}\).

If \(\| \mathbf{v} \| = 0\) then the zero vector is returned.


v (rw::math::Vector2D< double >) – [in] \(\mathbf{v}\) which should be normalized

Return type

rw::math::Vector2D< double >


the normalized vector \(\mathbf{n}\)

Overload 2:

Returns the normalized vector \(\mathbf{n}=\frac{\mathbf{v}}{\|\mathbf{v}\|}\). In case \(\|mathbf{v}\| = 0\) the zero vector is returned. :type v: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :param v: [in] \(\mathbf{v}\) which should be normalized :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< double > :return: the normalized vector \(\mathbf{n}\)

Overload 3:

Returns the normalized vector \(\mathbf{n}=\frac{\mathbf{v}}{\|\mathbf{v}\|}\).

If \(\| \mathbf{v} \| = 0\) then the zero vector is returned.


v (rw::math::Vector2D< float >) – [in] \(\mathbf{v}\) which should be normalized

Return type

rw::math::Vector2D< float >


the normalized vector \(\mathbf{n}\)

Overload 4:

Returns the normalized vector \(\mathbf{n}=\frac{\mathbf{v}}{\|\mathbf{v}\|}\). In case \(\|mathbf{v}\| = 0\) the zero vector is returned. :type v: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :param v: [in] \(\mathbf{v}\) which should be normalized :rtype: rw::math::Vector3D< float > :return: the normalized vector \(\mathbf{n}\)


Overload 1:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 2:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 3:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 4:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 5:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 6:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 7:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 8:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 9:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 10:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 11:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 12:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 13:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 14:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 15:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

Overload 16:

A Ptr that takes ownership over a raw pointer ptr.

class sdurw_math.pairEigenMatrixXComplex_d_EigenVectorXComplex_d(*args)

Bases: object

property first
property second