RobWorkProject  24.12.4-
Classes | Typedefs | Functions
rw::loaders Namespace Reference

Workcell loaders and other loaders. More...


class  CollisionSetupLoader
class  DOMBasisTypes
 Utility class to help read in the content of a XML-files parsed with Xerces. More...
class  DOMPathLoader
 Enables loading in path file specified in the RobWork Path XML format. More...
class  DOMPathSaver
 Class used for saving a Path using the RobWork XML Path Format. More...
class  DOMPropertyMapFormat
 Class storing the identifiers used for properties. More...
class  DOMPropertyMapLoader
 Class for loading rw::core::PropertyMap from XML. More...
class  DOMPropertyMapSaver
 Class for saving rw::core::PropertyMap to XML. More...
class  DOMProximitySetupLoader
 Loader for the XML PropertySetup format. More...
class  DOMProximitySetupSaver
 Class for saving rw::proximity::ProximitySetup to XML. More...
class  DOMTrajectoryLoader
 Enables loading in trajectories file specified in the RobWork Trajectory XML format. More...
class  DOMTrajectorySaver
 Class for saving trajectories to file. More...
class  DOMWorkCellSaver
 Class for saving a WorkCell to a file. More...
class  GeometryFactory
 Factory for geometric primitive. More...
class  PGMLoader
 Loads images in Portable Gray Map (PGM) format. More...
class  PPMLoader
 Loads images in Portable Pixel Map (PPM) format. More...
class  RGBLoader
 Loads images in Silicon Graphics RGB format. More...
class  ImageLoader
 Image loader interface. More...
class  Loader3DS
 This class loads 3DS geometry into a Model3D object. More...
class  LoaderAC3D
 This class loads AC3D geometry into a Model3D object. More...
class  LoaderAssimp
 Load 3D models using the Open Asset Import Library (Assimp). More...
class  LoaderOBJ
 Class for loading in IVG files. TODO: add documentation on IVG format. More...
class  LoaderPCD
 static methods for reading and writing geometry to and from STL files. More...
class  LoaderSTEP
 Class for loading in IVG files. TODO: add documentation on IVG format. More...
class  LoaderSTL
 static methods for reading and writing geometry to and from STL files. More...
class  LoaderTRI
 loader for a simple ASCI based triangle format. The format is NOT a standard. There are two elements in the format each is defined in a line More...
class  STLFile
 static methods for reading and writing geometry to and from STL files. More...
class  Model3DFactory
 Factory for construction of drawables based on their type. More...
class  Model3DLoader
 interface for classes that are able to load 3d models More...
class  PathLoader
 Load and store for various types of paths. More...
class  PathLoaderCSV
 Loader for .csv files. More...
class  DependencyGraph
 This class is used to create a dependency graph between string nodes and to check if any cycles exist in the dependency graph. More...
class  MultipleFileIterator
 This class is used to iterate over multiple files, keeping track of the current file and current line number at all times. More...
class  XML
class  XMLErrorHandler
 Error handler for XML parsing using boost spirit. More...
struct  XMLAttElemParser
 parser for xml elements with both attributes and child elements More...
struct  XMLAttParser
class  XMLRWLoader
 this class loads a workcell in xml format from a filename. More...
class  XMLRWParser
 parses a workcell from the xml fileformat into a dummmy workcell representation. More...
class  XMLRWPreParser
 Pre-parser for the XML RW format. All include, define, comments and use elements are handled. More...
class  WorkCellLoader
 Extendible interface for loading of WorkCells from files. More...
class  XercesErrorHandler
 Error handler for the Xerces parser. More...
class  XMLStr
 Utility class to help convert between Xerces unicode XMLCh* and ordinary C/C++ strings. More...
class  XercesInitializer
 Utility class which initializes Xerces upon creation. More...
class  OutStreamFormatTarget
 XMLFormatTarget for writing to a std::ostream. More...
class  XMLInputStream
 BinInputStream for wrappuing a std::istream. More...
class  InputStreamSource
 Xerces input source for using std::istream. More...
class  XercesDocumentReader
 Utility class for reading in XML to a DOMDocument. More...
class  XercesDocumentWriter
 Utility class for writing a DOMDocument to file. More...
class  XMLBasisTypes
 Utility class to help read in the content of a XML-files parsed with Xerces. More...
class  XMLPathFormat
 Class storing the identifiers used for paths in the XML Path Format. More...
class  XMLPathLoader
 Enables loading in path file specified in the RobWork Path XML format. More...
class  XMLPathSaver
 Class used for saving a Path using the RobWork XML Path Format. More...
class  XMLPropertyFormat
 Class storing the identifiers used for properties in the XML Path Format. More...
class  XMLPropertyLoader
 Class for loading rw::core::PropertyMap from XML. More...
class  XMLPropertySaver
 Class for saving rw::core::PropertyMap to XML. More...
class  XMLProximitySetupFormat
 Format specification for the XML PropertySetup format. More...
class  XMLProximitySetupLoader
 Loader for the XML PropertySetup format. More...
class  XMLTrajectoryFormat
 Class containing the definitions for the XML Trajectory Format. More...
class  XMLTrajectoryLoader
 Enables loading in trajectories file specified in the RobWork Trajectory XML format. More...
class  XMLTrajectorySaver
 Class for saving trajectories to file. More...


typedef ImageLoader::Factory ImageFactory
 Shortcut type for the ImageLoader::Factory. More...
typedef WorkCellLoader::Factory WorkCellFactory
 Shortcut type for the WorkCellLoader::Factory. More...
typedef unsigned int XERCES_XMLFILEPOS
typedef unsigned int XERCES_XMLSIZE_T


template<typename ParsableAttrT , typename ParsableElemT >
XMLAttElemParser< ParsableAttrT, ParsableElemT > XMLAttElem_p (const std::string &elemname, ParsableAttrT const &attr, ParsableElemT const &elem)
template<typename ParsableAttT >
XMLAttElemParser< ParsableAttT, ParsableAttT > XMLElem_p (const std::string &elemname, ParsableAttT const &elem)
template<typename ParsableAttT >
XMLAttParser< ParsableAttT > XMLAtt_p (const std::string &attrname, ParsableAttT const &attr)

Detailed Description

Workcell loaders and other loaders.

Typedef Documentation

◆ WorkCellFactory

Shortcut type for the WorkCellLoader::Factory.

Please use WorkCellLoader::Factory instead.