RobWorkProject  24.12.4-
Classes | Typedefs
rw::graphics Namespace Reference

Generic scene graph related stuff. More...


class  DrawableGeometryNode
 A specific type of DrawableNode that is able to draw a rw::geometry::Geometry. More...
class  DrawableNode
 Abstract base class for all drawable classes. More...
class  DrawableNodeClone
 Abstract base class for all drawable classes. More...
class  GroupNode
 a SceneNode that has a transformation and 0 to many children. More...
class  Plot
 Interface for generation of plot images. More...
class  PlotGenerator
 Interface for for plot generators. More...
class  Render
 Abstract base class for all renderable classes. More...
class  SceneCamera
 Node representing a camera in the scene. A SceneCamera sets up everything from rendering buffer to perspective transform. More...
class  CameraGroup
 A group of cameras. More...
class  SceneDescriptor
 The scene descriptor describe any visualization related details of a workcell. This is typically models, visual state, highlighted state and lighting details. All information is related to frames and objects. More...
class  SceneGraph
 interface for a minimalistic scenegraph that does not depend on the frame structure. See WorkCellScene for an implementation that wraps this interface to enable a more RobWork specific use. More...
class  SceneNode
 a node that can have leafs (DrawableNode) or other nodes as children. More...
class  SceneViewer
 interface for viewing a scene graph. More...
class  TextureData
 container for storing texture data. More...
class  WorkCellScene
 class for wrapping the SceneGraph interface such that it extends the scene-graph functionality to work on frames and workcells. More...
class  Model3DS


using Model3DTextureType = TextureData
typedef rw::core::Ptr< RenderRenderPtr
 smart pointer type

Detailed Description

Generic scene graph related stuff.