RobWorkProject  24.8.23-
math Directory Reference


file  Constants.hpp
file  EAA.hpp
file  InertiaMatrix.hpp
file  Jacobian.hpp
file  LinearAlgebra.hpp
file  Math.hpp
file  Metric.hpp
file  MetricFactory.hpp
file  MetricUtil.hpp
file  Polynomial.hpp
 Representation of an ordinary polynomial with scalar coefficients (that can be both real and complex).
file  PolynomialND.hpp
 Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix).
file  PolynomialSolver.hpp
 Find solutions for roots of real and complex polynomial equations.
file  Pose6D.hpp
file  Q.hpp
file  Quaternion.hpp
file  Random.hpp
 Generation of random numbers.
file  Rotation2D.hpp
file  Rotation3D.hpp
file  Rotation3DVector.hpp
file  RPY.hpp
file  Transform2D.hpp
file  Transform3D.hpp
file  Transform3DVector.hpp
file  Vector.hpp
file  Vector2D.hpp
file  Vector3D.hpp
file  VectorND.hpp
file  VelocityScrew6D.hpp
file  Wrench6D.hpp