RobWorkProject  24.12.4-
analytic Directory Reference



file  AnalyticUtil.hpp
 Utility functions for functions dealing with analytic geometry.
file  BREP.hpp
 Boundary representation (or B-Rep) of a geometric shape, using a collection of connected surfaces, edges and vertices.
file  Curve.hpp
 Curve is an abstract representation of a smooth curve geometry in 3D.
file  Face.hpp
 Abstract interface for geometric faces.
file  GenericFace.hpp
 The GenericFace implementation is a type of Face that consist of abstract Surfaces and Curves.
file  ImplicitBREP.hpp
 Type of BREP where all surfaces are of type ImplicitSurface, and edges are of type ParametricCurve.
file  ImplicitFace.hpp
 Type of Face, where the surface is an ImplicitSurface and the edges are of type ParametricCurve.
file  ImplicitShell.hpp
 Type of Shell where all surfaces are of type ImplicitSurface and all curves are of type ParametricCurve.
file  ImplicitSurface.hpp
 Interface for implicit surfaces. An implicit surface is given by an expression of the form \( F(\mathbf{x})=0, \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^3\).
file  ImplicitTorus.hpp
 Torus defined as an implicit surface.
file  IndexedFaceArray.hpp
 An indexed face array is a proxy to a Shell, that makes it possible to easily sort faces and take subsets without modifying the underlying Shell.
file  ParametricCurve.hpp
 Interface for parametric curves. A parametric curve, \( \mathbf{p}(t) \in \mathbb{R}^3 \), has its points given as a function of a single parameter, \( t \in \mathbb{R}\).
file  Shell.hpp
 A shell represents the geometry of an object as a collection of non-connected faces.
file  Surface.hpp
 Surface is an abstract representation of a smooth surface geometry.