This is the complete list of members for ContactDetector, including all inherited members.
_bpFilter (defined in BaseContactDetector) | BaseContactDetector | protected |
_timer (defined in BaseContactDetector) | BaseContactDetector | protected |
_wc (defined in BaseContactDetector) | BaseContactDetector | protected |
addContactStrategy(rw::core::Ptr< ContactStrategy > strategy, std::size_t priority=0) | ContactDetector | virtual |
addContactStrategy(rw::proximity::ProximitySetupRule rule, rw::core::Ptr< ContactStrategy > strategy, std::size_t priority=0) | ContactDetector | virtual |
addContactStrategy(rw::proximity::ProximitySetup rules, rw::core::Ptr< ContactStrategy > strategy, std::size_t priority=0) | ContactDetector | virtual |
addContactStrategy(StrategyTableRow &strategy, std::size_t priority=0) | ContactDetector | virtual |
BaseContactDetector(rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::WorkCell > workcell, rw::proximity::ProximityFilterStrategy::Ptr filter=NULL) | BaseContactDetector | |
clearStrategies() | ContactDetector | virtual |
ContactDetector(rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::WorkCell > workcell, rw::proximity::ProximityFilterStrategy::Ptr filter=NULL) | ContactDetector | |
findContacts(const rw::kinematics::State &state) | ContactDetector | virtual |
findContacts(const rw::kinematics::State &state, ContactDetectorData &data) | ContactDetector | virtual |
findContacts(const rw::kinematics::State &state, ContactDetectorData &data, ContactDetectorTracking &tracking, rwsim::log::SimulatorLogScope *log=NULL) | ContactDetector | virtual |
getContactStategies() const | ContactDetector | virtual |
getContactStrategies(const std::string &frameA, const std::string &frameB) const | ContactDetector | virtual |
getContactStrategies(const std::string &frameA, rw::core::Ptr< const rw::geometry::GeometryData > geometryA, const std::string &frameB, rw::core::Ptr< const rw::geometry::GeometryData > geometryB) const | ContactDetector | virtual |
getProximityFilterStrategy() const | BaseContactDetector | virtual |
getTimer() const | BaseContactDetector | virtual |
makeDefault(rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::WorkCell > workcell) | ContactDetector | static |
makeDefault(rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::WorkCell > workcell, const rw::core::PropertyMap &map) | ContactDetector | static |
operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ContactDetector &detector) | ContactDetector | friend |
operator<<(std::ostream &out, ContactDetector::Ptr detector) | ContactDetector | friend |
printStrategyTable() const | ContactDetector | virtual |
printStrategyTable(std::ostream &out) const | ContactDetector | virtual |
Ptr typedef | ContactDetector | |
removeContactStrategy(std::size_t priority=0) | ContactDetector | virtual |
setContactStrategies(StrategyTable strategies) | ContactDetector | virtual |
setDefaultStrategies() | ContactDetector | virtual |
setDefaultStrategies(const rw::core::PropertyMap &map) | ContactDetector | virtual |
setProximityFilterStrategy(rw::proximity::ProximityFilterStrategy::Ptr filter) | BaseContactDetector | |
setTimer(double value=0) | BaseContactDetector | virtual |
StrategyTable typedef | ContactDetector | |
updateContacts(const rw::kinematics::State &state, ContactDetectorData &data, ContactDetectorTracking &tracking, rwsim::log::SimulatorLogScope *log=NULL) | ContactDetector | virtual |
~BaseContactDetector() | BaseContactDetector | virtual |
~ContactDetector() | ContactDetector | virtual |