RRT based planners.
#include <RRTPlanner.hpp>
◆ PlannerType
The type of RRT planner to construct.
Enumerator |
RRTBasic | Simple non-greedy, bidirectional RRT.
See BasicPlanner(), page 109 of James J. Kuffner, "Autonomous
Agensts for Real-Time Animation", 1999.
RRTConnect | RRT-Connect planner.
See James J. Kuffner and Steven M. LaValle, "RRT-Connect: An
Efficient Approach to Single-Query Path Planning", ICRA, 2000.
RRTBidirectional | Bidirectional RRT.
The algorithm of the planner is in the style of RDT_BALANCED_BIDIRECTIONAL(), page 195 of Steven M. Lavalle, "Planning Algorithms", 2006, except this planner is the non-balanced version.
RRTBalancedBidirectional | Balanced, bidirectional RRT.
The algorithm of the planner is in the style of RDT_BALANCED_BIDIRECTIONAL(), page 195 of Steven M. Lavalle, "Planning Algorithms", 2006.
◆ makeQToQPlanner() [1/2]
RRT based point-to-point planner.
Default configuration space sampling strategy (rw::pathplanning::QSampler) and distance metrics (rw:math::QMetric) are chosen based on device.
- Parameters
constraint | [in] Constraint for configurations and edges. |
device | [in] Device for which the path is planned. |
type | [in] The particular variation the RRT planner algorithm. |
◆ makeQToQPlanner() [2/2]
RRT based point-to-point planner.
- Parameters
constraint | [in] Constraint for configurations and edges. |
sampler | [in] Sampler of the configuration space. |
metric | [in] Metric for nearest neighbor search. |
extend | [in] Distance measured by metric by which to extend the tree towards an attractor configuration. |
type | [in] The particular variation the RRT planner algorithm. |
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