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PathPlanner< From, To, Path > Class Template Referenceabstract

Path planner interface. More...

#include <PathPlanner.hpp>

Public Types

typedef rw::core::Ptr< PathPlannerPtr
 smart pointer type to this class

Public Member Functions

virtual ~PathPlanner ()
bool query (const From &from, To &to, Path &path, const StopCriteria &stop)
 Plan a path from the configuration from to the destination to. More...
bool query (const From &from, To &to, Path &path, double time)
 Plan a path from the configuration from to the destination to. More...
bool query (const From &from, To &to, Path &path)
 Plan a path from the configuration from to the destination to. More...
core::PropertyMapgetProperties ()
 Property map for the planner.
const core::PropertyMapgetProperties () const
 Property map for the planner.

Protected Member Functions

 PathPlanner ()
 Default constructor provided for subclasses.
virtual bool doQuery (const From &from, To &to, Path &path, const StopCriteria &stop)=0
 Subclass implementation of the query() method.

Detailed Description

template<class From, class To, class Path = rw::trajectory::Path<From>>
class rw::pathplanning::PathPlanner< From, To, Path >

Path planner interface.

PathPlanner<From, To, Path> plans a path in the configuration space From from a start configuration of type From to a goal destination specified by a parameter of type To. The path is of type Path.

Member Function Documentation

◆ query() [1/3]

bool query ( const From &  from,
To &  to,
Path &  path 

Plan a path from the configuration from to the destination to.

The planner runs until it gives up (which may be never).

from[in] start configuration for path.
to[in] end destination of path.
path[out] a collision free path connecting from to to.
true if a path between from from to to was found and false otherwise.

◆ query() [2/3]

bool query ( const From &  from,
To &  to,
Path &  path,
const StopCriteria stop 

Plan a path from the configuration from to the destination to.

from[in] start configuration for path.
to[in] end destination of path.
path[out] a collision free path connecting from to to.
stop[in] Abort the planning when stop returns true.
true if a path between from from to to was found and false otherwise.

◆ query() [3/3]

bool query ( const From &  from,
To &  to,
Path &  path,
double  time 

Plan a path from the configuration from to the destination to.

from[in] start configuration for path.
to[in] end destination of path.
path[out] a collision free path connecting from to to.
time[in] Abort the planning after time seconds.
true if a path between from from to to was found and false otherwise.

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