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JacobianUtil Class Reference

Primitive utilities for computing jacobians for joints of various types. More...

#include <JacobianUtil.hpp>

Static Public Member Functions

static void addRevoluteJacobianCol (rw::math::Jacobian &jacobian, int row, int col, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &joint, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &tcp)
 Add to column col of jacobian the Jacobian of a revolute joint with transform joint for a tool position of tcp. More...
static void addPrismaticJacobianCol (rw::math::Jacobian &jacobian, int row, int col, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &joint, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &tcp)
 Add to column col of jacobian the Jacobian of a prismatic joint with transform joint for a tool position of tcp. More...
static void addPassiveRevoluteJacobianCol (rw::math::Jacobian &jacobian, int row, int col, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &passive, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &tcp, double scale)
 Add to column col of jacobian the Jacobian for a passive revolute joint at position passive that controls the tool at position tcp. The joint scaling factor of the passive joint is scale. More...
static bool isInSubTree (const rw::kinematics::Frame &parent, const rw::kinematics::Frame &child, const rw::kinematics::State &state)
 True iff child is in the subtree of parent for a tree structure of state. More...

Detailed Description

Primitive utilities for computing jacobians for joints of various types.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addPassiveRevoluteJacobianCol()

static void addPassiveRevoluteJacobianCol ( rw::math::Jacobian jacobian,
int  row,
int  col,
const rw::math::Transform3D<> &  passive,
const rw::math::Transform3D<> &  tcp,
double  scale 

Add to column col of jacobian the Jacobian for a passive revolute joint at position passive that controls the tool at position tcp. The joint scaling factor of the passive joint is scale.

The Jacobian is given relative to the common world frame of joint and tcp.

◆ addPrismaticJacobianCol()

static void addPrismaticJacobianCol ( rw::math::Jacobian jacobian,
int  row,
int  col,
const rw::math::Transform3D<> &  joint,
const rw::math::Transform3D<> &  tcp 

Add to column col of jacobian the Jacobian of a prismatic joint with transform joint for a tool position of tcp.

The Jacobian is given relative to the common world frame of joint and tcp.

◆ addRevoluteJacobianCol()

static void addRevoluteJacobianCol ( rw::math::Jacobian jacobian,
int  row,
int  col,
const rw::math::Transform3D<> &  joint,
const rw::math::Transform3D<> &  tcp 

Add to column col of jacobian the Jacobian of a revolute joint with transform joint for a tool position of tcp.

The Jacobian is given relative to the common world frame of joint and tcp.

◆ isInSubTree()

static bool isInSubTree ( const rw::kinematics::Frame parent,
const rw::kinematics::Frame child,
const rw::kinematics::State state 

True iff child is in the subtree of parent for a tree structure of state.

isInSubTree(frame, frame, state) is true always.

This utility function is used for checking if a given joint does affect some tcp frame or if the Jacobian column for that joint should be considered zero.

isInSubTree() runs in time proportional to the size of the subtree.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: