The ReferencedTriangle contains a reference to the mesh it has been created from. Therefore any changes to the triangle wil be reflected in the original mesh.
#include <ReferencedTriangle.hpp>
The ReferencedTriangle contains a reference to the mesh it has been created from. Therefore any changes to the triangle wil be reflected in the original mesh.
◆ ReferencedTriangle()
Construct a new Referenced Triangle a mesh and the index of the triangle in the mesh.
- Parameters
ref | [in] the TriMesh the triangle is a part of |
triangle | [in] the index of the triangle in the mesh |
◆ edge()
get one of the 3 edges that makes up this triangle
- Parameters
- Returns
- ReferencedEdge
◆ has() [1/2]
check if triangle got edge
- Parameters
- Returns
- true if got edge
false if dosen't have edge or don't share mesh
◆ has() [2/2]
check if triangle got vertice
- Parameters
- Returns
- true if got vertice
false if dosen't have vertice or don't share mesh
◆ idx() [1/2]
uint32_t& idx |
( |
size_t |
i | ) |
get the indexes of the vertices that constetutes this triangle
- Parameters
i | [in] which of the 3 vertices to access |
- Returns
- reference to the trangle index. Changing this value will modefiy the mesh
◆ idx() [2/2]
uint32_t idx |
( |
size_t |
i | ) |
const |
get the mesh index of the vertexes belonging to this triangle
- Parameters
i | [in] index of the wanted mesh index |
- Returns
- uint32_t&
◆ intersects()
Check if this triangle intersects t.
- Parameters
t | [in] other triangle to check for intersections |
- Returns
- true if intersects
false if don't intersect or if they are not part of the same mesh
◆ operator int()
convert the refrenced triangle to the index of the triangle in the mesh
- Returns
- int
◆ operator rw::geometry::Triangle< double >()
conversion operator to non-referenced triangle. This creates a copy of the values in this triangle, for making the new triangle
- Returns
- rw::geometry::Triangle< double >
◆ operator rw::geometry::Triangle< float >()
conversion operator to non-referenced triangle. This creates a copy of the values in this triangle, for making the new triangle
- Returns
- rw::geometry::Triangle< double >
◆ operator=() [1/3]
assignment operator. Over writes the values of the vertices of this triangle with the values of rhs. These changes will directly propergate the the mesh of this triangle
- Parameters
rhs | [in] the new values of this triangle |
- Returns
- ReferencedTriangle&
◆ operator=() [2/3]
assignment operator. Over writes the values of the vertices of this triangle with the values of rhs. These changes will directly propergate the the mesh of this triangle
- Parameters
rhs | [in] the new values of this triangle |
- Returns
- ReferencedTriangle&
◆ operator=() [3/3]
assignment operator. Over writes the values of which verticies this triangle points at. These changes will directly propergate the the mesh of this triangle
- Parameters
rhs | [in] the new values of this triangle |
- Returns
- ReferencedTriangle&
◆ operator[]()
Acces the vertices of the triangle.
- Parameters
i | [in] which of the 3 vertices to access |
- Returns
- ReferencedVertice. Any changes to the vertice will modify the mesh
◆ opposit() [1/2]
◆ opposit() [2/2]
get the edge oposit the vertice
- Parameters
- Returns
- ReferencedEdge
- Exceptions
◆ sameMesh()
Check if the triangles are part of the same mesh.
- Parameters
- Returns
- true if part of the same mesh
false if not part of the same mesh
◆ operator<<
Serilization operator for converting to string.
- Parameters
os | [in/out] the output stream |
t | [in] the triangle |
- Returns
- std::ostream&
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