RobWorkProject  24.12.4-
Classes | Namespaces
ImplicitBREP.hpp File Reference

Type of BREP where all surfaces are of type ImplicitSurface, and edges are of type ParametricCurve. More...

#include <rw/geometry/analytic/BREP.hpp>
#include <rw/geometry/analytic/ImplicitSurface.hpp>
#include <rw/geometry/analytic/ParametricCurve.hpp>


class  ImplicitBREP
 Type of BREP where all surfaces are of type ImplicitSurface, and edges are of type ParametricCurve. More...
class  ImplicitBREP::CommonParametricCurveSet
 Convenience type for a set of curves in a BREP. More...


 Deprecated namespace since 16/4-2020 for this class.
 Loading and storing of CAD models.

Detailed Description

Type of BREP where all surfaces are of type ImplicitSurface, and edges are of type ParametricCurve.